Xiaomi Unveils New Logo of Redmi in China
Since Xiaomi cannot copy Apple's logo unlike their UI and their creativity resides inside the dustbin, thus they ended up making all the letters in uppercase now while making a new logo. Money spent by Xiaomi in developing this new logo is unknown.
Also, this new logo was announced on 15th November which is 5 days before Jaguar annouced their new logo. Thus, it's possible that Jaguar got inspired by or copied the Redmi's new logo made by Xiaomi.
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Since Xiaomi cannot copy Apple's logo unlike their UI and their creativity resides inside the dustbin, thus they ended up making all the letters in uppercase now while making a new logo. Money spent by Xiaomi in developing this new logo is unknown.
Also, this new logo was announced on 15th November which is 5 days before Jaguar annouced their new logo. Thus, it's possible that Jaguar got inspired by or copied the Redmi's new logo made by Xiaomi.
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