Due to @telegram's new privacy policy, I would like to emphasize that either this channel or my account has not been linked to Kim Jennie or YG Ent. Also this channel was created for roleplaying purposes only. I took all the media from sosmed & Jennie's insta. I hope those sentences can explain and describe all that may be needed. I genuinely beg your understanding, thank you.
This channel will be using Indonesia and English as the main languages. Don't ever hesitate to admonish me if there is a mistake in saying. Suggestions and criticisms will immensely be needed for the continuity of this channel that will be held.
Stop plagiarism ⚠️ Please don't duplicate✌🏼or copy everything abt me and whatever is on this channel, i know whoever plagiarized me was inspired. may be inspired but not exactly, dude. If u find someone similar to me, contact me.
Due to @telegram's new privacy policy, I would like to emphasize that either this channel or my account has not been linked to Kim Jennie or YG Ent. Also this channel was created for roleplaying purposes only. I took all the media from sosmed & Jennie's insta. I hope those sentences can explain and describe all that may be needed. I genuinely beg your understanding, thank you.
This channel will be using Indonesia and English as the main languages. Don't ever hesitate to admonish me if there is a mistake in saying. Suggestions and criticisms will immensely be needed for the continuity of this channel that will be held.
Stop plagiarism ⚠️ Please don't duplicate✌🏼or copy everything abt me and whatever is on this channel, i know whoever plagiarized me was inspired. may be inspired but not exactly, dude. If u find someone similar to me, contact me.