The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit 2

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Репост из: Sergeant News Network 🇺🇸
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🇷🇸Thousands of people came tonight to greet one of the greatest Serbian athletes of all time, and a national hero who would rather risk his career than submit to the NWO.
Welcome home Novak
🇺🇸Join Us👉 @SGTnewsNetwork

433 0 11 10 23

Репост из: Techno_Fog
From the latest Hunter Biden release -

A very important post concerning Joe Biden’s 2018 involvement in Hunter Biden’s finances. The company is Owasco LLC - which served as an influence operation by the Bidens on behalf of the Chinese.

Репост из: Save Australia
Sri Lankan state TV Broadcaster Rupavahini TV has been taken off air as protestors stormed the channel accursing it of spreading regime propaganda.

MSM fake news media liars all need to be be taken down!


Репост из: Benjamin Fulford
According to NSA sources, "White Hats" are currently attacking the Fort McPherson base complex in Atlanta, Georgia. It is here that the Rockefeller citadel of AT&T and CNN conducts fake psychological operations of the Joe Biden administration.

To see how bad things are with psychologists, watch how stupid Biden reads quotes from his teleprompter. "End quote. Repeat the line".

According to Canadian intelligence sources, Biden's fall will be followed by a similar move in Canada. "Justin Castro will be removed from office and humiliated in front of the world community. The Canadians, supported by the military alliance, are waiting for a signal to act," they promise.

For their part, Dutch farmers warn Prime Minister Mark Rutte:

"The protests will continue. We have the support of millions of people. There will be actions that Holland has never seen.

It looks like it started in China too. People are rebelling against the CCP machine. Banks collapsed there, and the police were unable to stop the protesters by fraudulently manipulating their mobile devices to make them look like they had "Covid."

The Chinese people should understand that George Soros boasted that his people took over China in 1987. We had a video of him saying that, but it seems to have been deleted from our computers and from the internet. However, the fact that the regime there agrees with the fake pandemic and the accompanying excessive social control is a clear sign that they are not working for the Chinese people.

An MI6 source says: "The days of the G7, G20 and the like are over. Their failure will be reflected in an economic crisis leading to global unrest, similar to what we are seeing in Sri Lanka."

"All these archaic prime ministers should be captured and shot along with all these old habits… Clear the deck," the source continued.

When the regime finally falls, people will hear a lot of shocking things. Here are some clues as to the nature of the horrifying truths that will come to light during the public trials and hearings that will follow the worldwide defeat of HMM.

Mel Gibson told the Truth about Pedophiles and child Sacrifice… It cost him his acting career. He said he had enough money and had nothing to worry about.


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SHARE! Book tickets here:

It's the 17th of July this weekend. Jussayin'

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Репост из: Неизвестно
Amanda!!! I live in Arizona and we took the kids to California on a vacation last weekend and drove through Quartzite 30 miles from Kofa National park and check what’s on the side of the mountain!!! I took the photo myself!! 😮

1.6k 0 11 14 129

Репост из: The Yorkshire Lass
Some amazing intel and information coming soon fam on Stonehenge Tunnels/DUMB take down will post as soon as I’ve put everything together and done a write up.
Shits going down there a 117%
Buckle up!🔥

1.8k 0 19 32 88

4.3k 0 41 39 92

This is the NEW official Telegram channel for The Mark Attwood Show. Thanks for being here...the old channel will disappear soon so we'll be posting here soon...

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