
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

꒰ 🏩..♡︩- uh! turns out o'cherub softlyshyly scattered around this 🥣🤍
neko's on work | -
🐈 ┈ acentre @KITH_JOSEE
📁 ┈ archive @theaarsipp
🤍 ┈ testi @cutiekithe
catalogue @talog_theaswer

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций


1 bulan : 12.000
2 bulan : 20.000
3 bulan : 29.000
4 bulan : 38.000

• ppj indp fee 1,5k famp 1k
• sistem renewal semua
• reg indo, full gar sesuai durasi


— ♡ Nama + username :
— ♡ Tanggal order :
— ♡ Nama aplikasi : SPOTIFY
— ♡ Durasi :
— ♡ Keterangan : inp
— ♡ ppj / aktivasi (untuk spo) :
— ♡ Merk & lokasi device :
— ♡ Email & Kata sandi : (isi bila perlu)
— ♡ Payment : dana/spay/qriss

kirim ke @kith_josee

𔔀 ִֶָָ࣪ woUf..wOuf~
hayy hayy! @theaswer udahh open yaa, yukk jajan! kirim format kalian ke @theaswerbot 💬
sebelum send format pastikan kalian sudah membaca TnC dan juga meneliti format kalian sebelum dikirim ke bot yeaa ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ♡ ALL AVAIL IN RUSH

bbe-bbep! an adorable fresh baked bite #scribble ♡.. cooked by CUTIE - SCRIBBLE of nyiaw essential 🏩🩹 *krunk..krunk* delightlys spelling an enchanted stuff that makes from endearing wee contains hundred spouse of cuteness inside. uh oh! comes lovely kittie in the box of adorableness, o'hail into a chamber full of 🍒 sweetness adorn measly a lace ribbons of flee-wyth dda..dara..da! within a glees beamingly founding in a delicate source of the most flitter flutter ꒰ giving heart attack ꒱ *oops daintys being in the realm of o'heavenly witty ☁️ wigs-wiggle

bbe-bbep! an adorable fresh baked bite #apkpremium ♡.. cooked by CUTIE - APLIKASI PREMIUM of nyiaw essential 🏩🩹 *krunk..krunk* delightlys spelling an enchanted stuff that makes from endearing wee contains hundred spouse of cuteness inside. uh oh! comes lovely kittie in the box of adorableness, o'hail into a chamber full of 🍒 sweetness adorn measly a lace ribbons of flee-wyth dda..dara..da! within a glees beamingly founding in a delicate source of the most flitter flutter ꒰ giving heart attack ꒱ *oops daintys being in the realm of o'heavenly witty ☁️ wigs-wiggle

bbe-bbep! an adorable fresh baked bite #watermark ♡.. cooked by CUTIE - WATERMARK of nyiaw essential 🏩🩹 *krunk..krunk* delightlys spelling an enchanted stuff that makes from endearing wee contains hundred spouse of cuteness inside. uh oh! comes lovely kittie in the box of adorableness, o'hail into a chamber full of 🍒 sweetness adorn measly a lace ribbons of flee-wyth dda..dara..da! within a glees beamingly founding in a delicate source of the most flitter flutter ꒰ giving heart attack ꒱ *oops daintys being in the realm of o'heavenly witty ☁️ wigs-wiggle

⠀ ⠀ ♡! 👩🏻‍🍳. ꒰ ต//ต ꒱ shortcut kittie-comers⠀ ⠀

i. note a fresh baked #watermark 🛏 aim miaw *watermark*
ii. note a fresh baked #apkpremium 🎀 aim miaw *aplikasi premium*
iii. note a fresh baked #scribble 🛏 aim miaw *scribble*

and with delightsome fame ⊹ combined with humility. giving the sweetest access to new visitors to facilitate all available acceleration. meows with 90% tenacity reaches a fulfillment capacity as a serotonin booster for the collected baby 🍼 in entire realm *yap* squeals sweetly in a dotted pinkish fabric ֶָ֢

𔔀 ִֶָָ࣪ Master 💭🖇

It is strictly forbidden to plagiarize, reproduce and/or steal my designs. If I find any obvious resemblance-with my catalog- then I reserve the right to sanction as follows :

♡. Pay a fine of 10 times the design you plagiarized and delete your design.
♡. Don't take our icons to any base, let alone ask for the fonts and materials.and we don't want our edits to be cropped and crossed out without our permission, okay?
♡. cross out/crop/even plagiarize our catalog, all will be subject to a fine of IDR 100,000,-


sebelum Anda memesan, Anda harus membaca REGULATIONS yang telah kami tulis dengan rapi dan teliti. .

O1. Diperlukan untuk subs @theaswer
O2.Pembayaran akan dilakukan di muka untuk menghindari tabrak lari.
O3.Mohon isi format dengan benar dan lengkap agar tidak terjadi revisi yang berlebihan. revisi minor hanya dapat dilakukan sebanyak 1 x 24 jam. lebih dari itu akan dikenakan biaya tambahan. serta revisi besar dan revisi yang mengubah hasil keseluruhan pesanan.
O4.proses paling lama 7 hari. tergantung list order, kesibukan admin, dan tingkat kesulitan order. pembeli dimohon untuk mengerti dan bersabar terlebih dahulu.
O5.Kirim format secara detail dan mudah dipahami.
Jika Anda sudah mengirimkan formatnya, dilarang keras untuk membatalkannya.
O6.Saat memesan, harap gunakan bahasa yang sopan.
Senin - jumat chat kamu akan dibalas pukul 15.30 PM
O7.Jangan lupa screen shoot buktinya kalau sudah melakukan pembayaran!

note : untuk in rush (+1k)

the most beautiful place I've ever met, like a beautiful fantasy world! the cat meows cheerfully and cutely.. so soft~ ᕱ ⑅ ᕱ ♡︎

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim semoga rame

Показано 18 последних публикаций.


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