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Репост из: AF private
Our X formerly Twitter just hit 200 followers! Be sure to check us out: https://x.com/TOTALLYNOTTAF


Репост из: AF private
TAF is officially abandoned now. Please subscribe to this other channel.


Репост из: AF private
The great American Futurist scavenger hunt will start Saturday.

Details will be a mural for The American Futurist will be placed at a location with a plastic bag of stuff. That location will be given out Saturday. First one to it gets the stuff!


Репост из: AF private
When neocons are more willing to be racial than movementarians who are too scared to even say White out loud. That's how big of an issue we have.

Charlie Kirk is now more radical than most movementarian groups.


Репост из: Niggers
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Репост из: AF private
A big issue with the American movement is that the average person in the movement still has a lemming understanding of how the US government works.

That being the lemming idea that somehow the President makes all the decisions, that anyone can just run for office and get elected based on merit and good ideas, and that the people make the decisions ultimately.

This is 1st grader civics tier understanding of American government.

Disregarding what we previously spoke on regarding the realities of actually being elected in a position that actually matters. The deep state actually exists. Not in the retarded Qanon version of it though.

Democracies just don't exist. All governments are inherently authoritarian by nature. In the US, the US is ruled over by unelected bureaucrats who keep their jobs in the respective agencies no matter who gets elected.

As we saw with George Santos. You could end up getting elected but if you end up pissing off the wrong people (he pissed off kikes by lying about being jewish to get elected). The DOJ will just make up charges to arrest you. Those who arrested him are the deep state. They are unelected powers that you can't change without radical actions.

That's why it's absurd and childish to us to suggest you can just elect some Nazis to Congress and all will be alright. Wrong. The DOJ will just arrest you on bullshit charges to qualify you for expulsion from your seat you fought so hard for.

Peaceful mass movementism just isn't an option if you truly understand how the US government actually works and the many safety checks the system has to keep us out.

We need to accept the fact that we live under an occupational enemy government. Stop treating the American Government as our own and believing its claims on how it in theory works.


Репост из: North American News
Germany lowers penalty for consuming child porn to only 3 months in prison. Reminder that simply denying the Holocaust or being openly NS in Germany is a minimum 6 month sentence.


Репост из: AF Publishing
The PO Box will be shut down for further orders by this weekend but orders will continue to be fulfilled regardless. We just don't want to risk orders being lost when we finally shut the box in Ohio down on an unnamed date in June.

The new PO Box will be opened on the 17th of June. The new location will be announced then as well.

Репост из: AF private
Damn we sure do love that the most anti-radical movementarian people in the movement love wearing skull masks and using aesthetics we came up with now when back in 2016 they hated it. But now it's popularized so they steal it as their own while dragging us through the dirt still.

They always do this too. The same people who simp for Rockwell that are movementarian would have been John Birchers calling him a communist agent back in the 1960s. They also would have been the German Monarchists sperging about Hitler and the NSDAP being too radical and basically communists (we get called Anarchists now by them so history repeats).

We've even had these same types who decry our radicalism shill Dr. William Luther Pierce then get mad at us pointing out he wrote books and did speeches about blowing up federal buildings and killing politicians and race mixers. Coping that he didn't mean it for some reason.

It's very tiresome and insulting seeing these people around. Since they take your aesthetics and rhetoric then water it down to all hell then lie and drag you through the mud as a villain.

It just shows how original they are at ideas. Pro tip they aren't. This is why they have no actual ideas besides "Save White People" and no actual plan besides maybe some PR stunts.


Репост из: AF private
FtM trannies

"oh boy you know what I want to transition to? I want to look like a depressed alcoholic divorced dad. That's my dream I'm willing to drop $50k in surgeries and doctors for"


Репост из: North American News
Catholic Monk reveals they were an FtM tranny the whole time.

What is it with FtM trannies transitioning from decent looking girls into balding fat guys? What's the logic there?


Репост из: AF private
Oulu aircraft hijacking happened at Oulu airport May 21 1986 when the flight scheduled for Helsinki was taken over by gunmen who demanded 60,000 marks for a National Socialist party they were associated with.

Among them 20-year olds Kai Mikael Aalto and Markku Järvenpää. The newspapers reported Aalto admired Adolf Hitler openly and had read Mein Kampf. Both Aalto and Järvenpää had been imprisoned immediately prior to the plot, but they managed to escape when the cell door had not been properly locked by the night guard. While on the run they decided to make the best of their precarious situation.

The airliner had 100 passangers and staff when it was taken over. By chance the Finnish SWAT had been doing field exercises in a nearby forest and were at the scene in minutes. Armed standoff lasted for three hours, when the SWAT entered the plane disguised as reporters and stormed the plane and took the militants by surprise.


Репост из: AF private
An issue with movementarians just like most right wing reactionaries including the bulk of conservatives is their brain stopped working past 2015.

It's entirely reactionary to have this retarded focus on minorities and only speak about them.

One must talk about the entire system itself only as the issue. Not some random muslim arab or nigger on the street.

Even early Fascist writers spoke on this issue and what separated a Fascist from a reactionary right winger was the fact that Fascists focus on the source and not just the symptoms. The US could be 100% White tomorrow and it'd still be a rotten nation with a rotten system needing to be overthrown. Instead of getting mad that there are niggers in the Walmart, get mad there is a Walmart there to begin with that's the real issue.

Reactionary 2015 brain is a cancerous thing. In the case of Patriot Front, Thomas has stated that PF's current goal is being the Bernie Bros of the Republican Party. Which homosexual Nick Fuentes already blows them out of the water with that right now but disregarding that, it ignores just how politics actually are in the United States.

Watch Joe Biden in 1972 explain fully why this is just retarded himself. There is no mass movement solution for us.



Репост из: AF private
The American Futurist are proud supporters of Hamas and their armed struggle against the jews. While we also support Total Non-White death, its pointless to argue against a group in active combat against the jews.

To be against Hamas and their struggle is to be gay.


Репост из: AF private
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea lmao. Now they just look like Israel supporters.


Репост из: TRA-PF

Репост из: Police frequency
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NEW: A “Patriot Front” banner has been placed on the water tower in Detroit, with “America First” now written and partially covering the “Free Free Palestine” writing.

Brendan Gutenschwager

Репост из: AF private

Репост из: AF private
Growing up in majority non-White areas despite conventional shitlib wisdom actually makes you more racist.


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