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- It doesn’t feel right, as head of state, to do nothing.
- It is exactly right.
- Is it? But surely doing nothing is no job at all.
- To do nothing is the hardest job of all, and it will take every ounce of energy that you have. To be impartial is not natural, not human. People will always want you to smile, or agree, or frown, and the minute you do, you will have declared a position, a point of view and that is the one thing as sovereign that you are not entitled to do. The less you do, the less you say, or agree, or smile…
- …or think, or feel, or breathe or exist…
- …the better!

Репост из: Ko’rinmas Qo’l
Nisbiy ustunlik va iqtidor chegarasi haqida

Amazon kompaniyasining asoschisi va davrimizning eng badavlat insonlaridan bo’lmish Jeff Bezosning bir intervyusidan parcha ko’rib qoldim. Unda, Bezos nima sabab tufayli Prinston universitetidagi yo’nalishini nazariy fizikadan axborot texnologiyalarga o’zgartirgani haqida gapirgan. Aytishicha, bir uy ishiga berilgan differensial tenglamani yotoqxonadagi xonadoshi bilan uch soat davomida ishlay olishmagan ekan. Shunda ular “Prinstondagi eng aqlli talaba” Shri Lankalik Yasanta ismli kursdoshlariga murojaat qilishgan. Yasanta bir qarashda shunga o’xshash tenglamani uch yil oldin yechganini eslagan va aniq javobni aytgan. Shu ongdayoq, Bezos hech qachon muvaffaqiyatli fizik bo’la olmasligini tushunib yetgan ekan. Bu hikoyani eshitib menga ikkita qiziq fikr keldi:

1. Nisbiy ustunlik.

Xalqaro savdo nazariyasida nisbiy ustunlik (comparative advantage) eng fundamental tushunchalardan. Boy mamlakatlar rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlardan deyarli hamma tovar va hizmatlarni ko’proq va tezroq ishlab chiqara olishadi. Ya’ni, ular mutlaq ustunlikka ega (absolute advantage). Unda nimaga ular baribir kambag’al davlatlar bilan savdo qilishadi?

Osonroq tushuntirish uchun, faraz qilaylik, butun dunyoda ikki dona mahsulot mavjud: non va telefon. Va, deylik, ikkita mamlakat bor: biri katta va boy, ikkinchisi esa kichik va kambag’al. Boy mamlakat hamma resurslarini ishlatsa 1 millionta non yoki 1,000ta telefon ishlab chiqara oladi. Kambag’ali esa hamma resurslarini ishga solib bor yo’g’i 10,000ta non yoki 1ta telefon ishlab chiqarishga qodir. Ko’rishimiz mumkunki, boy mamlakat nonni ham telefonlarni ham ko’proq ishlab chiqarishi mumkin. Lekin boy mamlakatda bitta telefonning “narxi” 1,000ta nonga teng bo’lsa, kambag’al mamlakatda ushbu “narx” 10,000ta nonga teng. Ya’ni, telefonning nisbiy narxi boy mamlakatta pastroq bo’lgani uchun, u faqat telefon ishlab chiqaradi. Nonning nisbiy narxi kambag’al mamlakatda pastroq bo’lgani uchun, u faqat non ishlab chiqaradi. Shunda ular bir biri bilan savdo qilishsa, savdosiz ssenariyga solishtirganda ikkisi ham yutadi.

Huddi shu mantiq mikro-darajada, ya’ni insonlararo ham ishlaydi. Amazon eng innovasion kompaniyalardan hisoblanadi. So’zsizki, Bezos biznes olamidagi daholardan. Uning kursdoshi Yasanta esa bugunga kelib 58ta ixtirosini patentlashtiribti. Ya’ni, Yasanta, katta ehtimollik bilan, biznesda ham o’zining aqli va innovasiyaga bo’lgan qobiliyati tufayli baland yutuqlarga erishishi mumkin edi. Lekin Bezos yaxshi olim bo’la olmasligi aniq edi. Farazan, deylik, Bezos olim bo’lganida 5ta ixtiro qilar edi. Va, aytaylik, Yasanta tadbirkorlikni tanlaganida huddi Amazondaka muvaffaqiyatli kompaniyaga asos solgan bo’lardi. Ya’ni, Yasanta Bezosdan hech qaysi jabhada qolishmagan deb faraz qilsak bo’ladi. Ammo Amazonga asos solishning “narxi” Bezos uchun 5ta ixtiroga va Yasanta uchun 58ta ixtiroga teng bo’lganligi sababli, Yasanta ixtirochi, Bezos esa tadbirkor bo’lgan. Ikkalasi ham jamiyatga foyda keltiradi va bir birining hizmatlaridan manfaat topadi.

Bir sohani tanlash uchun unda hammadan zo’rroq bo’lishingiz shart emas. O’sha sohani tanlash “narxi” sizda boshqalarga qaraganda pastroq bo’lishi kifoya.

2. Iqtidor chegarasi.

Yasantaning LinkedIn sahifasidagi ma’lumotga ko’ra, u fizika bo’yicha PhD dasturni Caltechda tugatib, professor sifatida Toledo universitetida faoliyatini boshlagan. Toledo universitetning fizika dasturi AQShda 152-o’rinni egallaydi. Yasanta u yerda 5 yil ishlab, boshqa kompaniyaga o’tib ketgan va akademiya olamiga keyin qaytmagan.

Ya’ni, Bezosni o’z iqtidori bilan qo’rqitgan va fizik bo’lish niyatidan qaytargan Yasanta o’zi ham nazariy fizik bo’la olmagan. Boshqa intervyuda Bezos Yasantani “men tanigan eng aqlli inson” deb e’tirof etgan edi. Bu degani esa, Bezos ko’rgan “iqtidor chegarasi” nazariy fizik sifatida muvaffaqiyat uchun yetarli emas.

Dunyoning eng aqlli insonlari biz faraz qila olmaydigan darajada aqlli.

Репост из: transparent thoughts
Why people chase their careers? Why do they study things they have no interest about? Why do people try to land internships? Why people want to work for famous companies? Why people lie to themselves?

If money is removed from the equation, what would you do? Would you play videogames all day long? Is the life spent playing videogames all day long worth living? Is the life spent traveling around the world worth living for? Why to engineer things that only push humanity to insanity? Why to cure all these diseases if death is inevitable?

If a person knew exact date of one's death, how would one live one's life? Would they be more energetic? Would they read books? Would they be more communicative and proactive?

What would happen if people were equal? What would happen if there were no poor and rich? Would people still have materialistic relationships? Or would they discriminate based on race and gender? If everyone were of the same race would there still be a discrimination?

What is wrong with being a kind person? Why not to respect people? If everyone has the same destination why try to be jealous of somebody's achievements? Why not to embody your own ideal? Why not to be proud of yourself? What if anything worth living for? And if it is materialistic thing, what makes it so worthy?

Is coming up with better technology THE way of betterment of our lives? Is betterment of morality, character, nurturing not the more significant way of betterment of our lives if we all are going to leave whatever we have bought and owned in this world?

And if we already know or have an access to the resource that has answers to all existential questions why not to follow its guidelines?


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