Michael Sisco

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Orthodox Christian. Political Operative. Writer. https://www.saintsedwardmedia.com/
Twitter: @MichaelSiscoSE

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Репост из: Eugen 🇬🇧
@MichaelSisco will be on Church of the Eternal Logos today at 5:30PM EST 😎👉🏻

This article isn’t quite as in depth as “New Media Epidemic” by Jean-Carde Larchet, but it is very practical. Far too often people will spend time with the friends and family with divided attention. Half on social media, half on whatever is on the smartphone. Many have complained about the dehumanizing effect of the masks covering our faces, but let’s get real. We weren’t really paying attention to each other's faces anyways. 

Perhaps now we can grow a deeper appreciation for person to person contact. Put the phone down and look people in the eyes. The article also suggests 5 to 30 minutes of “me” time. For those of us Christians it is obvious what this routine should be…Prayer!

Репост из: Orthodox Directory
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How should a Traditionalist approach the competing systems of government from the 20th century? Brother Augustine brings his perspective on each of these systems. We will both be evaluating Liberal Democracy, Communism, and Fascism. 

This will be very educational. A lot of times people jump into these discussions without actually defining the terms. Never again will you use the line, “BUT THEY’RE THE REAL FASCIST.” 

This article is particularly interesting as it relates to Traditionalism. There is certainly no time for a long game at this stage with new Bolsheviks banging on our door. Therefore the “institution building” thing can only do so much. What is more important is cooperative coalitions. 

It is time for guerilla insurgent tactics. Target and ambush our enemies with hit pieces, embarrass them, cancel them, humiliate them. We must attack with more fervor and relentlessness than the left. With many small to medium coalitions as mentioned in the article (PT Boats), we will be an overwhelming force. 

We must find talented people, and run them for office at every level of government. We should reevaluate the usefulness of the Republican Party. It seems the allegiance to bad ideas is institutionalized at this point. Third parties don’t seem to do well in the United States, but that is because most third parties in the US offer mere platitudes and vague principles. A successful alternative must have clearly articulated goals, which as Traditionalists grounded in truth we could do! And if the Republicans get in our way, take them out too. When it comes down to it, they are liberals too. 

This might sound harsh to some, but it is our only option. The stakes are too high. Our way of life is threatened, and our right to live out our faith is quickly fading away. 

Репост из: The Holy League ☦🇻🇦
Englishman Drives Off Satanists and Rescues a 1000-Year-Old Church

When Bob Davey stumbled across the ancient church of St Mary’s, Houghton-on-the-Hill, in Norfolk, it was in a terribly sad state.

Inside, the church had been desecrated by satanists. They had painted the walls in blood with symbols of the Anti-Christ, scored an upside-down cross into the ancient masonry and lit fires in front of a pagan altar.

They had even torn open the grave of an 18th century rector, flinging the smashed tombstone across the graveyard and stealing his skull to use for satanic rituals.

In addition to these horrors, American GIs had ripped out a charming Gothic window to take home as a souvenir of their time at the nearby airbase during World War II.

On the spur of the moment, the recently retired Bob made a decision that would dominate his life for the next 22 years. He would save St Mary’s. ‘I felt the ruined church was a corruption of Christianity,’ says Bob, 85, a retired water board superintendent and practising Christian.

He set to work immediately. He was so determined in his mission that he didn’t even seek the Church of England’s permission to save the church. He just walked inside — the door was long gone — and that afternoon started clearing out 60 years’ worth of rubbish.

He has been to the site nearly every day since, ‘except on days of family christenings and weddings,’ says Bob, who has four children, six grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

‘I haven’t had a holiday in 22 years, but I haven’t wanted one. Who wants to retire? My advice to others: don’t play golf or buy a Spanish villa when you retire. Find yourself a ruined church to save!’

Yet at every turn in his restoration work, Bob has met resistance.

The satanists weren’t too happy with the church returning to Christianity and they tried to stop him. But he kept a lone vigil at night to stop them returning.

‘They would come back on their celebration nights — the longest day and the shortest day,’ says Bob, ‘I turned them away and one of them — a tall, thin, young man dressed in black — tried to run me down in his car.

‘He said: “If you continue to come here, I’ll kill you.” But he didn’t frighten me at all.’

When soldiers in the Territorial Army learned about Bob’s battle with the satanists, they volunteered to guard the church on nights they might be expected to turn up to hold their rituals. Not surprisingly, the satanists disappeared.

Read the full article here...

Hopefully this incredible story of Bob Davey inspires you and gives you some much-needed hope in these dark times. Be like Bob, if your faith means a lot to you then try making that show in the real world. Maybe save a church if you can 😉🙏🏻
How I saw off satanists and rescued one of England's finest churches... by the inspiring 85-year-old who did it to liven up his retirement
Bob Davey stumbled across the ancient church of St Mary’s, Houghton-on-the-Hill, in Norfolk, in 1992. Satanists had painted the walls in blood with symbols of the Anti-Christ.

Репост из: Saints Edward Media
Weak men are ruled by their passions.

Feminism is essentially a subversion of both masculine and feminine instincts, with women as the arbiter of change. 

"Pride and conceit give rise to another evil doing us serious harm; this is making harsh judgment on our neighbor and condemning him; this makes us disregard, despise, and humiliate him when the occasion arises. Esteeming ourselves highly and imagining that we are better than we really are, we clearly look down upon our neighbors, judge and despise them, as we believe ourselves free of their shortcomings and think we are different. But you have no authority to do this; by claiming this authority you immediately think yourself good enough to make judgments—not before weak people, but before God, the omnipotent Judge of all." St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain

Now that Trump seems to be finally making good on his America First Immigration promises, perhaps it is time that we push the window further. Now that Americans may end up having first dibs at jobs again, I’d like to see a politician or two defend American’s from getting fired for wrongthink. 

I’m sure this will anger the libertarians, but who cares. Political correctness is being tyrannically enforced by corporations and even small time employers. Expressing traditional Christian views, especially as it conflicts with the LGBTQ agenda, is a fireable offense. 

Religious and political expression in the public sphere, should not have consequences in the workplace. Let’s codify these protections into law.

Sometimes it feels like we are saying the same thing over and over again and that they just don’t get it. Then awesome polls like this come out! It appears that the general populace is starting to wake up to the reality of what Black Lives Matter is. 

Of course Nick Leonard’s article on Saints Edward was the main cause in changing people’s minds. Months of rioting in our cities may have helped a little bit as well. Hopefully this sentiment reflects in the polls on November 3rd. 

As discussed earlier, ultimately we probably can’t vote our way out of this revolution. However, a victory for Donald Trump would certainly buy us much valuable time to organize. We must preserve our way of life. As demonstrated by Merritt Corrigan’s recent stint at USAID, you can’t even hold a government job if you publicly express traditional Christian beliefs.


Last week I published an Essay on Saints Edward Media entitled ‘Christians Are No Longer Welcome.’ With this piece it was my intent to build a sense of urgency for Christians to prepare for what seems to be on the horizon. 

Just a few days later, Antifa validated everything that I wrote by burning a stack of Bibles in Portland. They have shown their hand and it is only a matter of time before things escalate further. 

The America First movement for what it is, has been warning that with demographic change our traditions and culture will be lost forever with no hope of return. I’m beginning to wonder if moratoriums on immigration and such is too little too late. Our country failed to heed the warnings from the likes of Pat Buchanon.

Traditionalist Christians must begin exploring ways to preserve our way of life and prepare for the possibility that utilizing the electoral system may become ineffective and useless.

One of the most troubling things going on is the cancel culture movement. And the most troubling thing about the cancel culture movement is the number of otherwise faithful Christians who have fallen for it. It masquerades as Christian virtue to call out and purge the immoral and impure when in fact the ideology behind this movement is ugly, violent, Pharisaical, stone hearted, and will end up canceling any concept of redemption, mercy, and the reality that we are all a mixed bag- it will self-destruct as all nihilism does eventually. But what is so desperately troubling is the number of good Christian folk who have mistook this movement as a Christian ideal. Might as well purge Hebrews chapter 11, our great heroes of faith would not stand the test by today’s standards.

Attached is a very honest thought provoking article dealing with this theme in the light of a recent decision by a Catholic College to remove the name of Flannery O’ Connor from a building.

Welcome to my channel! I am a former Campaign Manager, writer, and Co-Owner of Saints Edward Media. I am also an Orthodox Christian. The primary purpose of this channel is to spread truth. It is my belief that the fullness of truth is found within the Orthodox Church. However, I am also interested in building coalitions with other Traditionalist Christians as we navigate these uncertain times. What is certain, is that our society is moving in a direction that is quickly becoming hostile to Christians, especially those who hold fast to traditional values. We are blessed with an opportunity to learn from history in the 20th century, and can thus use such lessons to attempt to preserve our way of life for ourselves and future generations.  Don’t worry, I’ll try not to keep everything too serious. There will be memes and mindless entertainment. 

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