✅Join the conversation here: "CDS Testimony 11 YO child persistent nasal congestion and coughing solved with nebulizing
The past five years I have dragged my son back-and-forth to the pediatrician for sinus issues.
We moved into a new home in 2020. It has a lot of wooden beams and is an older home.
He started having problems with his sinuses, being stuffy as soon as he would go to sleep, he would wake up stuffed. And many times he had a lightweight cough.
We have tried so many different interventions. Nasal sprays. Nasal salve. Specialized pillow so he’s more of an angle at night. Allergy testing negative.
I also had the house completely tested for organic volatile compounds (COV), very expensive and it came back negative. In fact, it said that the air quality in his room was A+ plus!
I have the wooden beams cleaned by professional cleaner once a year. His room is dusted, mopped, vacuumed and cleaned twice a week top to bottom. Sheets and stuffed animals washed every week.
It made a slight improvement, but not significant.
I then had a MEMON specialist come into the home, to analyze for EMFs. While it wasn’t too high, I still invested nearly 3K in amazing technology to harmonize harmful EMF in the house. I swear by this just to let you know because we can feel a difference.
However, he was still sniffly. It was much less yet still present.
(as a sidenote, I went to the doctor many times as I started having breathing problems about 3 1/2 years ago, and they told me we had a toxic home. Hence, all the testing that came up with negative negative negative negative for everything. As we can’t move. I too have a success story with CDS and I can leave that separately.)
So I started my son nebulizing with CDS about three weeks ago. He does anywhere between 15 to 20/25 minutes a day.
I started him on 10 mL of saline 0.9% along with 4 to 5 drops of CDS. Every 2 to 3 minutes I added an additional drop of CDS. As he gets closer to the end of the saline, I have him pull the mask away for about 5 to 10 seconds and put it back on.
The difference is absolutely night and day. Pretty much the coughing disappeared and he stopped getting stuffy at night and in the morning.
Obviously, sometimes with 11-year-old it’s hard to have them adhere to therapy :-) so if he misses a day or two, he gets stuffy again, and he starts to cough.
We tried doing 4 mL of saline solution with three drops and no more additional drops. He woke up the next day quite stuffy. So we found that the 10 mL starting with 4 to 5 drops, adding an additional drop every 2 to 3 minutes works best.
When I have a chance to get an oral dose in when he’s at home, we take it. He also uses a nasal spray with CDS in the morning. I also put CDS 60 mL in his bath every night.
I wanted to say a big thank you to TouTubeTerminated, Jasey and Tara for all of your patience and answer my questions so I could get an airtight protocol that works well for my son.
Jen in Switzerland
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