Репост из: 𝔏ucelence of 𝔉lōricomus
📝 In seventh heaven of the moonlight, snow poured down on the mortals. I'm @younjiungo spreading a bidding ticket to do a correlation between channels. Leave your best treace by writing your delight username on below, wait for the Polar Express come you.
Note: make sure you use your main account. if your channel subscribes more than 1k, admin upsub, rarely give feedback, plagiarism, cheaters, spread hate, rprl area, sorry I don't wanna do interaction with you.
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Note: make sure you use your main account. if your channel subscribes more than 1k, admin upsub, rarely give feedback, plagiarism, cheaters, spread hate, rprl area, sorry I don't wanna do interaction with you.
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