Репост из: 𝓢ᥕᥱᥱtīᥱ'᥉ ρlᥲᥴᥱ ‹𝟹
ᖯᥙtᥙh stiᥴkᥱr pᥲᥴk ᥴhr ? ᥴᥲri ᥴh ᥡᥲᥒ sᥱring σprᥱq ᥱditᥲᥒ ? mᥱᥒᥴᥲri ᥴhᥲᥒᥱᥣ ᖯᥱrisi kᥱᖯᥙtᥙhᥲᥒ rp ? ᥣᥱggoo kᥱsiᥒi sᥲjᥲ !🛵💨
- - - - - - - - 𝓢ᥕᥱᥱtīᥱ'᥉ ρlᥲᥴᥱ ‹𝟹 - - - - - - - -
★☆ use ( ⌗ ) for search ☆★
#symbol #mojicombo
:: for symbol and emojicombo
#icon #setup #coratcoret
#wugem #shape #remini
:: macam macam editan
:: theme atau feed senada
#sweesname #sweesbio
:: name, bio and user rp ideas
:: manips idol atau chara rp
:: hal yang berhubungan galau
: polarr code by sweetie's place
#materialedit #mentahan
:: file dan bahan bahan edit
:: colour pallete for editing
:: sticker pack idol atau chara rp
ᥴoᥒtoh : #stickerpackchuu
🖇 t.me/danrembulan
🖇 t.me/placesweetie_bot
jᥲᥒgᥲᥒ liᥲt doᥲᥒg ᥡᥲᥲ ,sᥙbs jᥙgᥲ biᥲr sᥱmᥙᥲᥒᥡᥲ sᥲmᥲ sᥲmᥲ tᥱrbᥲᥒtᥙ !ddᥲᥒkiᥱs 💘
- - - - - - - - 𝓢ᥕᥱᥱtīᥱ'᥉ ρlᥲᥴᥱ ‹𝟹 - - - - - - - -
★☆ use ( ⌗ ) for search ☆★
#symbol #mojicombo
:: for symbol and emojicombo
#icon #setup #coratcoret
#wugem #shape #remini
:: macam macam editan
:: theme atau feed senada
#sweesname #sweesbio
:: name, bio and user rp ideas
:: manips idol atau chara rp
:: hal yang berhubungan galau
: polarr code by sweetie's place
#materialedit #mentahan
:: file dan bahan bahan edit
:: colour pallete for editing
:: sticker pack idol atau chara rp
ᥴoᥒtoh : #stickerpackchuu
🖇 t.me/danrembulan
🖇 t.me/placesweetie_bot
jᥲᥒgᥲᥒ liᥲt doᥲᥒg ᥡᥲᥲ ,sᥙbs jᥙgᥲ biᥲr sᥱmᥙᥲᥒᥡᥲ sᥲmᥲ sᥲmᥲ tᥱrbᥲᥒtᥙ !ddᥲᥒkiᥱs 💘