Vocabulary words from the News article
1. Summit – A meeting or conference of leaders or experts to discuss important issues.
2. Convene – To bring people together for a meeting or gathering.
3. Escalating – Increasing in intensity or seriousness.
4. Tensions – Strained relations or conflicts between parties.
5. Compensation – Something given as a form of restitution or repayment for loss or injury.
6. Reparations – Compensation or restitution for wrongs or damages, often related to historical injustices.
7. Impasse – A situation in which no progress can be made due to conflicting positions.
8. Intervention – The act of becoming involved in a situation to affect its outcome.
9. Controversial – Likely to cause disagreement or public debate.
10. Alleviate – To reduce or ease something, such as a burden or problem.
11. Burden – A heavy load or responsibility.
12. Steer – To guide or direct something, such as policies or decisions.
13. Debt Refinancing – The process of restructuring a debt to obtain more favorable terms or reduce the burden.
14. Diplomatic Impasse – A situation where negotiations or discussions reach a standstill due to opposing views or positions.
15. Long-term Aspirations – Future goals or ambitions that require time to achieve.
16. Decisive – Having the power or quality to make important decisions or outcomes.
17. Resolutions – Formal decisions or conclusions reached after discussion or deliberation.