TON Cats

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What is TON Cats?🐟
TON Cats is Telegram's social meme token. TON Cats aims to allow more people to enjoy Telegram and the TON ecosystem. Experience the TON ecosystem on Telegram!
TG Group:
Collabs: @TONCats_BOSS

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🤑 $10,000 Liquidity Contest Concluded!

Thanks everyone who participated and supported our TON/CATS liquidity pool on Stonfi.

🔥 Congratulations to the Winners!
Every participant will get 500,000 $CATS, valued at $254. Prices are expected to rise following our $CATS repurchase!

Connect your wallet to our Community Bot to receive your $CATS. If you've already connected, check your balance—prizes are credited!

Weekly snapshots ensured only wallets that consistently held or increased liquidity for 30 days qualified for prizes.

Meow! 😊

🐈‍⬛ Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

🔥 2.88 million dollars 🔥

TVL TON Cats on STONfi reached $2 800 000 🤑

🐈Supply liquidity and stake the TON/CATS pool! 😍

Meow 🤩

$TON = $8 😍

Meowgrats and meowing to the moon!

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Meow Morning 😊
Happy good news are coming up

art by @cannbgsp

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mmunity Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

Meowday TON Cats! 🐈

$DEGEN x $CATS collab, meow 😎

It's time to start a meowaway with our friends from TON DEGEN 😊

Top 3 players will receive:

🥇 x5 to balance in DEGEN bot + Common Passport NFT
🥈 x4 to balance in DEGEN bot + Common Passport NFT
🥉 x3 to balance in DEGEN bot + Common Passport NFT

Among all participants, we will randomly select 10 lucky winners who will receive x2 to their balance in DEGEN bot + 30,000 $CATS 🤑

To participate you need:

✅ Have at least 15000 $CATS on your wallet
✅ Score as many points as you can in DEGEN bot
✅ Leave your wallet in the comments in TON DEGENs group
✅ Be subscribed to the Ton Cats community and group

Winners will be selected in 72 hours!

Meow meow meow, Cats! Hurry up! 🔥

🐈‍⬛ Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

And the winners are...

CatAO picked the top 3 fan arts for our contest👇

🥇1st place is Stephen - 12 $TON

🥈2nd place is Hamzah - 5 $TON

🥉3rd place is @Twentytoone - 3 $TON

Congratulations and thanks everyone for your activity!

Meow! 😊

🐈‍⬛ Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

Репост из: Fanzee Labs | $FNZ & Battles
🏆 Battles Open League - Results

The Battles Open League has come to an exciting conclusion, and we are proud to share the results! With 21 incredible project participants and the support of 8 amazing media partners, this league has been a great success.

💎 Participating Projects:

@meridian_wtf, @wonnieton, @OpenCoinCommunity, @cofeofficial, @burncoin_ton, @ScrooGgame_bot, @toncats_tg, Tonkeeper, @FanTonGameBot, @catizenbot, @bemo_finance_bot, JetTon, @RoyalFortressBot, @TonanoBot, @toftechbot, @StormTradeBot, @xrare, @Gleam_AquaProtocol_Bot, @playwalletbot, @TonUP_io, @quackquack_game_bot.

🙌 Media Partners:

@ecash24, @bazaarclubs, @tondyor, @WutmuTon, @toncryptans, @tonsvet, @primateimpact, @weton.

Throughout 20 intense battles, these projects and each of you, battlers, showcased a huge strenght, conviction, and competitive spirit.

🏅 Prizes and Highlights:

🔹 A total of 8,375,181 $NOT (~$160,000) was won by the all winners across all 20 Battles.
🔹 The grand prize of 440,799 $NOT (~$8,200) was awarded to Tonkeeper, who has generously decided to share 10% of their winnings with @toncats_tg as a gesture of respect for their strong competition.
🔹 On Monday, we will finalize the awards and distribute the winnings to all participants who voted for Tonkeeper. The rewards will be sent directly to your wallets.
🔹 Also, we’ll send all the rewards from our Battle For Raffle contest for 1M $FNZ on the same day.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants, media partners, and voters. Your support and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind the success of this league.

🔥 Stay tuned for more exciting events and competitions in the near future!


🏆 We decided to let $CATS holders choose the winners.

Our team chose top 7 fan arts, but you have to help us determine 3 winners by on-chain voting.

Vote here

48 hours to vote and award creators with 20 $TON!🚀

Landing Party Mission ZERO ending

🐈 Everyone who voted for us in Battle Open League Grand Final vs Tonkeeper, please register in our Cats Landing Party bot and follow the instructions.
Accepting applications until June 7, 15:00 CET. Processing and compensation next week.

😊 No one will be forgotten! Thank you for trusting us with your votes.

😍 Meow!

🤑 1000$ Giveaway update!

To celebrate 10,000+ members of our meowing Community who've signed up with our Community Bot, we've credited $25,000 $CATS to the balances of the 100 lucky winners! 🎉

❤️ To see if you've won:
— Check your Community bot balance

25,000 $CATS is $12.82 at the current exchange rate, so no need to worry about the withdrawal fee — it's included in your reward! 🥳

Meowing to the moon!

🐈‍⬛ Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

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❤️ Tough Battle, But We're Grateful!

Our Grand Final battle against Tonkeeper in Fanzee's Battles Open League was fierce, but unfortunately, we didn't take the win. We deeply appreciate all the support and effort from our amazing community!

🤑 Everyone who voted today, please register in our Cats Landing bot and follow the instructions inside. We’ll make sure your $NOT is compensated. This is how we complete our mission ZERO.

🙏 Thank you all so much for participating in all the rounds. When cats are together, it's a super power.

Also, Thanks to all of our competitors. It's an honor to compete against you.

Meow! 😊

Get your $NOT back in our Cats Landing Party!

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Well, our battle with Tonkeeper is in full swing!

❤️Yesterday we promised to prepare something interesting for you! And now we are ready to gather the most active participants of today's battle!
Join our bot Cats Landing Party and follow its instructions.

🤑Let us remind you that the Main Prize in Battles Open League is 100% $NOT of commissions from ALL fights that will be held during the tournament. If we win, we will give all the notcoins to the Cats community members who participated in the battles.

If we lose, we will reward those who participated in the grand finals. This is why you gotta join our Cats Landing Party.

Join our Cats Landing Party now!🐈‍⬛

TON Cats wallet winners.csv
😍10,000 Registrations Contest Results!

A huge thank you to all our meowing community for participating in our $1000 giveaway!

🤑 The winners are in! We've randomly selected 100 lucky users to receive $10 each. Check this table to see if you're one of them!

Stay tuned for more exciting events and giveaways!

Meow! 😊

🐈‍⬛ Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

🪙 TON Cats in Fanzee's Battles Open League Grand Final!

Our final opponent in the Grand Final - Tonkeeper.
The battle will not be easy, but we strongly believe in your support, as it is YOU who can influence the outcome

🏆 You can read the rules and mechanics of the tournament here.

The main prize in Battles Open League - 100% $NOT from commissions from ALL battles that will be held for the tournament. If we win, we will give all the Notcoins to the Cats community members who played in the battles.

⚠️ In case of a loss, we'll reward those who participated in the Grand Final.
Stay tuned, something interesting is coming 🤫

🔥 TON Cats vs Tonkeeper voting will last 24 hours and will end tomorrow at 14:00 CET, so hurry up!

🪙 TON Cats fighting in Fanzee's Battles Open League Final Round!

Battles Open League is 21 incredible projects battling it out in an exciting $NOT tournament in the votes for people's love and the title of Champion!

We have defeated many projects and now, our new opponent in the last, final round before the Grand Final - Meridian.
The battle will not be easy, but we strongly believe in your support, as it is YOU who can influence the outcome!

🏆 You can read the rules and mechanics of the tournament here.

⚽️The main prize in Battles Open League - 100% $NOT from commissions from ALL battles that will be held for the tournament. If we win, we will give all the Notcoins to the Cats community members who played in the battles.

🔥 TON Cats vs Meridian voting will last 24 hours and will end tomorrow at 12:00 CET, so hurry up!

First Major $CATS burn!

🔥1,030,394.8 $CATS have been burned, reducing the total supply and increasing the value of your holdings.

We're burning 10% of $CATS credited to the Community bot every month!
Invite your friends, upgrade NFTs, and boost your referral system to maximize your earnings!

🤑 Meow!

🐈‍⬛ Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

Репост из: Fanzee Labs | $FNZ & Battles
🏆 Battles Open League Semifinals Complete – Finals Await!

The Battles Open League semifinals have concluded, and we have our finalists! Congratulations to the winners who fought hard and secured their spots in the Finals.

🏅 Apps Division Finalists:

Tonkeeper (89%) VS JetTon (11%)

@StormTradeBot (80%) VS @TonUP_io (20%)

🏅Tokens Division Finalists:

@meridian_wtf (72%) VS @OpenCoinCommunity (28%)

@toncats_tg (74%) VS @burncoin_ton (26%)

🗓️ Mark your calendars for the final battles that will determine the champions:

> Apps and Tokens Finals: 03.06
> Grand Finals: 04.06

🔥 Get ready for an epic showdown as the best of the best compete for the ultimate title. Your vote will be crucial in deciding the champion, so stay tuned and prepare to cast your final votes!

😍 FAN ART Contest for 20 $TON!

🖼Here’s how you can participate and win generous prizes:

1) Create an original Cat-themed artwork that includes TON Cats logo
2) Tweet your masterpiece and tag us @toncats_tg
3) Post your art in our Art contest chat
4) Have fun and let your imagination run wild!

Our team will pick the most creative artworks on 05.06.2024!


🥇1ST PLACE - 12 $TON

Show off everything your inner artist can do!

🐈‍⬛ Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

We have restored the Community Bot and also added Simplified Chinese to the language pack. Meowjoy! 👍

Meow. 😊

Community Bot | Buy NFT | Buy $CATS | Twitter | TG community

Показано 20 последних публикаций.