Mainnet Validators and Liteserver Owners
Please update your node software (see "Target versions"):
upgrade master
Target versions:
— mytonctrl: e0ead70
— node eed3153
If you are not using mytonctrl, check this instruction.
This update is mandatory for validators and liteservers. Node changelog. Mytonctrl changelog.
If you have several validator nodes, please update them one by one (update, wait for synchronization, move to the next one).
Please update your node software (see "Target versions"):
upgrade master
Target versions:
— mytonctrl: e0ead70
— node eed3153
If you are not using mytonctrl, check this instruction.
This update is mandatory for validators and liteservers. Node changelog. Mytonctrl changelog.
If you have several validator nodes, please update them one by one (update, wait for synchronization, move to the next one).