Репост из: AustraliaOneParty_Official
'Red over black': the communist control over the Australian Aboriginal 'black' movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9kfRd3kbxg
EVERYONE has been played by these scum for decades but it IS your responsibility to get out of their manipulation web (no matter how painful this may be)... We The People CAN do this together (and make sure we set the foundation so that this NEVER happens again).
45 Goals of Communism from 'The Naked Communist': https://thestraightshot.com/45-goals-communism/
'The Naked Capitalist' details how the banking elite were taking control of all of society - another great read.
EVERYONE has been played by these scum for decades but it IS your responsibility to get out of their manipulation web (no matter how painful this may be)... We The People CAN do this together (and make sure we set the foundation so that this NEVER happens again).
45 Goals of Communism from 'The Naked Communist': https://thestraightshot.com/45-goals-communism/
'The Naked Capitalist' details how the banking elite were taking control of all of society - another great read.