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🏴‍☠️💥🇻🇪🇻🇪 — Erik Prince, the creator of the private army Blackwater, appears in a video requesting donations through the platform 'Ya Casi Venezuela' to finance a paramilitary operation aimed at overthrowing the leader of the Venezuelan regime, Nicolás Maduro.

@yacasivenezuela 🖇

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Репост из: Venezuela News Network | Intel, Urgently News and Archives
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Colombian House of Representatives approved a resolution urging Gustavo Petro to recognize Edmundo González as the president-elect of Venezuela.

🇧🇷🤡🇧🇷⁉️🛩 — A Provisional Measure published by the Brazilian government, which sparked controversy today, authorizes foreign pilots to operate in Brazil during environmental emergencies. However, the measure, created in July, lacks official records of which pilots or aircraft have entered Brazilian airspace, raising suspicions of potential use for drug trafficking routes.

Medida Provisória nº 1.240 🖇

🇪🇨⁉️🌍 — President Daniel Noboa is seeking to amend the Constitution to allow foreign military bases in Ecuador.

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🇧🇷🤡❌🇺🇦 — Lula on the Ukraine conflict: "Those who want to talk now could have talked to us before the war started."

💥 This statement comes four days after Volodymyr Zelensky told the Brazilian newspaper Metrópoles that he would speak with the Brazilian president again, as Lula “is not his enemy.”

⁉️ The war in Ukraine began in 2022, when then-candidate Lula had recently been released from prison by Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF). The charges involved corruption, money laundering, and criminal association.

🇷🇺 The Brazilian president is scheduled to meet with Putin in October.

@Metropoles 🖇

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🇧🇷🤡💬 — "A white supremacy," says Lula about the swearing-in of a minister in court. Lula did not clarify which event he was referring to.

“I said that I didn’t see any ProUni students at that swearing-in. I didn’t see any FIES students. In other words, it seemed like it was another world!”

🇳🇮⛓🪖 — The Nicaraguan Army has arrested Stedman Fagot Müller, an advisor to the government of Daniel Ortega, on charges of conspiring to steal military weapons with the support of Honduran drug traffickers

💥 Fagot, an indigenous leader and former guerrilla fighter, was detained in Waspán, on the Northern Caribbean Coast, where he allegedly planned to steal arms from military outposts along the Coco River.

⁉️ While the Army links him to criminal activities, opposition media report that Fagot had recently been reaffirmed as the "Advisor for Policies toward Indigenous Peoples" and had voiced strong criticism of local authorities over land trafficking, though he exempted Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, from any responsibility. This arrest follows the recent dismissal of the head of the presidential guard, signaling rising tensions within the regime.

Репост из: Venezuela News Network | Intel, Urgently News and Archives
Chavista propaganda about "Milicia Bolivariana". youngest "soldier" is about 56 y/o

🇸🇻🪖🎖🏴 — President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador declared that the eight victims of the fatal UH-1H helicopter accident in the country's Armed Forces will be honored as martyrs of the nation: "The legacy of these heroes will always be in El Salvador"

"The tragedy we have just suffered is a painful reminder of the constant risk faced by those who choose to serve their country. Their commitment compels us to continue working harder for a safer and more united country.

Despite the sorrows we may feel along the way, our commitment to progress remains steadfast. It is a duty. It is the least we can do for all those who sacrificed their lives to give us what we have today. We cannot fail them, nor the Salvadoran people."

Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) on 𝕏 🖇

🇸🇻⚡️ — President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador paid tribute to his Armed Forces and stated that the country must never retreat to maintain the pillars of Salvadoran patriotism: "God, Union, Freedom!"

"The rebirth that our country has experienced, and the freedom we celebrate today, is the result of the constant dedication of our heroes. It is proof that the unthinkable becomes possible when we work together under God's guidance. Together with you, all Salvadorans are finally achieving our happy future. Because the rebirth of our country is based on the security and peace we have today. Because without security, we have nothing."

❗️ Bukele also emphasized that progress depends on how crime is managed in the country.

"Just as we have advanced, we also know that there is still a long way to go. Thank God, the gangs are operationally dismantled, but that does not mean there are no more enemies to defeat. The war against gangs has shown us what we are made of and that we can achieve what we set out to do. But we still have many things to overcome, so that the cancer of gangs never returns, and our country can develop its full potential."

🎖 President and General Commander Nayib Bukele also awarded the Grand Cross of Francisco Morazán to the national Armed Forces flag. This honor is one of the highest distinctions granted by the Presidency of the Republic of El Salvador and is given to those who have shown a notable commitment to defending democratic values.

🇸🇻⚡️ — In his speech, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele stated that the fight for the country's prosperity is not over and that there are still more enemies to combat:

"Just as we have made progress, we also know that there is still a long way to go. Thank God, the gangs are operationally dismantled, but that does not mean there are n“Así como hemos avanzado, también sabemos que nos falta mucho camino por recorrer. Gracias a Dios, las pandillas están operativamente desarticuladas, pero eso no quiere decir que no haya todavía enemigos a vencer”o more enemies to defeat!"

Casa Presidencial 🇸🇻 (@PresidenciaSV) on 𝕏 🖇

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🇸🇻⚡️ — President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, announced that the country will have a fully self-financed national budget

❗️ According to the president, the general budget will not require debt issuance to cover the state's current expenses for the first time in many decades.

"El Salvador will no longer spend more than it produces annually. The benefits will not only be immediate but will grow each year. Each year we will see more in a robust economy, in a financially independent country. Future generations will inherit a prosperous economy!"

Casa Presidencial 🇸🇻 (@PresidenciaSV) on 𝕏 🖇

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🇧🇴🌹💥🛠 — The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, has accused Evo Morales of attempting a coup d'état in the country: "You want to impose your candidacy by any means, whether good or bad."

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🇨🇴⚽️ — Francia Márquez, the vice president who has become the face of Petro's failed government, had to endure today in Cali the massive chant of "¡Fuera Petro!" from an enraged crowd during a soccer match.

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🇧🇷🏳💥🚑 — The candidate for mayor of the Brazilian state of São Paulo, Pablo Marçal (PRTB), is on his way to the hospital in an ambulance due to a possible fracture in his right rib; his condition is stable.

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🇧🇷🏳📺💥 — 🗳 More behind-the-scenes images of the debate on the government-owned TV Cultura channel where mayoral candidate José Luiz Datena (PSDB) threw a chair at fellow candidate Pablo Marçal (PRTB).

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🇧🇷🏳📺💥 — 🗳 José Luiz Datena (PSDB), candidate for mayor of São Paulo (SP), physically assaulted fellow candidate Pablo Marçal (PRTB) with a chair during a televised debate on TV Cultura, a government-owned broadcaster in Brazil

32.3k 5 395 72 123

Репост из: Venezuela News Network | Intel, Urgently News and Archives
The weapons presented by Diosdado were manufactured in Serbia under license from the USSR; these weapons cannot be obtained in the United States.

The world knows that it is all a show, except for the mentally retarded Chavistas.

🇸🇻💥🇪🇨🌹 — Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, did not miss the opportunity to respond with his characteristic ironic style to a comment made by Ecuador's former socialist president, Rafael Correa

🇵🇪⁉️ Correa had compared Bukele to former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, saying that "Fujimori was the Bukele of the 90s." Bukele reacted bluntly and directly with a simple question: "Who is this?"

Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) on 𝕏 🖇

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