
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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The fact of the matter is that all apparent forms of matter and body are momentary clusters of energy. We are little more than flickers on a multidimensional television screen. This realization directly experienced can be delightful. You suddenly wake up from the delusion of separate form and hook up to the cosmic dance.⠀
-- Timothy Leary⠀

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My mind at normal state.

Moksha is true Independence. When you free from every bondage. You attain mukti. When Atman become one with swatantrashakti itself. It become mukta. That is moksha. When yogi free from every bondage of his body, life and nature. He attain the moksha. The true Independent.

Fixated beliefs of peoples

It's because when people make up their minds, all learning stops. No more logic or reasoning involved because they've already made up their minds how it is. If you say anything contrary or question what they've decided, you're a threat and you're wrong. Dangerous even, and need to be silenced for being dangerous. This applies to everything, especially politics, covid, and even cryptocurrency - my project is the best and if you disagree you're wrong and stupid.

Unfortunately, it's like 95% of the population thinks this way. It's always a small minority who choose not to pick sides and to simply observe. The moment you think you "know" something, all learning stops.

Source: A Reddit User Comment

Pending articles to write on.

1. Interest doesnt matter. It comes from ego.

2. Love is not what you think it is.

3. Soul is not what they told you.

About masturbation and sexual compulsive subconscious habbits!

Sex is not issue here.
Real issue is guilt.
Guilt work as blockages which stops the flow of sexual energy and excessive cummulitive sexual energy and guilt trying to fight it becomes mess and create mental situation of compulsion and many other sexual diseases.

So the remedy is to let go of your guilt whatever guilt feeling you holding in your sacral chakra.
Once you free the flow of sexual energy by letting go of guilt you will feel healthy and natural.
And once again all the benefits of sexual energy/ creative energy start to come.

After this sex and sexual feelings feels normal and become no big dealy to you.
You can once again lives your normal life.

The thing about society is that it makes sexualty look like a big deal thing. But its not it just a normal thing. Dont think it extra ordinary you will be good.

Everything you feel or sense is information. We all living in the neural networks of information.
Even if its feeling of pleasure or being hurt it is nothing but information. Its like we interact with information various colorful and sensible ways.

But what after this information.
Is there any possible world beyond informational realm too?

our body has a configuration files. by birth genetitically these config files have default values. these default values are alterable. with a will and proper effort.
take an example of sexual attraction toward opposite sex. when you saw attractive opposite sex figure your default configuration triggers certain response suitable for matting conditions but if you trained your mind and consciously told yourself and believe that that person is something other than mating partner to whom you do not wish to mate with then your brain train itself not to feel those default responses when you saw that person. This is the way how yogis and brahmacharis train their bodies not to feel inappropriate emotions with opposite sex actually it was used to teach in indian educational culture when they were childrens but due to western medias influences and advertising industries sexual representations most childrens behaviour affected and most of them are addicted to porno and sexual materials.

Three things you must and mustnt have for mastering something.

- Must have
1. Right Material
2. Better judgement
3. True Master

- Mustnt have
1. Wrong Material
2. Bad judgement
3. Deceiving Master

But what are the things student should must have before seeking any mastery.

- Clear Consciousness
- No fanatism or blind following
- Balanced attitude of perception toward any idea.
- Love toward knowledge.

Who I am to judge that unknown power of mana which if turn inward can become stone and if turn outward become water and even air.
- The ShapeShifting warrior.

Q. Why are you against sex?
Because sex is similar to drugs, both in physical and social effects. It places primitive instincts higher than intellect, a human being - a sentient being - turns into a primitive animal. The system of priorities suffers deformation. This leads to many nasty perversions of all kinds, including socially dangerous ones.
It's not a mere coincidence that the most dirty words in any language are connected to sex, and that innocence and purity have always been synonyms for virginity.
Even without perversions, the urge to obtain a new dose of the "drug" forces people to all kinds of stupid mistakes, deception and crime. Sex often ruins friendship, stimulates lie and unfair play.
If the energy that the humanity wastes on the satisfaction of lust would be used in more valuable areas, the civilization would achieve much more success, and there would fewer destructive conflicts between individuals or social groups.
Besides that, sex is not as harmless for one's health as it is commonly believed, and can stimulate some disease, not all of which are infectious; there are even reports that sex can have a negative impact on lifespan. This is the practical side of the problem.
As far as higher matters are concerned, it can be added that sex (indulgence in primitive instincts) and improvement of one's personality are incompatible. Religion can provide even more reasons. Finally, copulation is aesthetically disgusting.

The feeling of accomplish something is like earning a reward.
Thats the reason of humans existence from many reasons obviously.
Human desires something and then he want to achieve it.
he works and take efforts to achieve it and once he finished his goal,
he feel accomplishness. He lives for earning. Earning of satisfaction, accomplishness.
Without any accomplishness the day seems to be wasted.
And that fire is passion which makes human feel alive.
absence of this fire makes him feel like a dead and depressed.

~ Firefly who just learned to fly thanks to fire.

What's this strange silence at night I am sensing. Everyone's state of relaxed and calming mind break the wave of empty Relief into street's air. Seems like perfect place to meditate for a while. I should Let my chaotic mind taste this relieving bliss for once before everywhere scattered unchained thoughts starts crowding my mind streets again.

~ unSleepy Hallow

ये मनुष्य शरीर शक्तियोंका घर है। यहा के हम अतिथि है। इन शक्तियों की सेवा कर उनसे ज्ञान कि दीक्षा ले हम अपने गंतव्य को प्राप्त करने आये है।

This body is home of many powers. We are the guest of here. We came here to learn from them and move on to our ultimate destination.

- A bhagat of Ma kali

Join from matrix

"अद्वैत" एक ऐसा शब्द जिसका अर्थ होता है "इसके जैसा अन्य कोई नही"। कई कालो तक मनुष्य प्राणी इस शब्द का प्रयोग ज्ञात और अज्ञात रूप से श्रेष्ट पुरुषो का विस्तार रोकने के लिए करते आ रहे है।
जब भी कोई अच्छा विद्वान, पराक्रमी और श्रेष्ठ उत्तम, व्यक्ति इस संसार में आया है तब तक उनको इस शब्द की रचना में बांध लिया जाता है। बिना सोचे समझे हम उत्तम को अद्वितीय और नीच को "कई होते है" ऐसे अनुचित संज्ञा ब्रम्हांड के ऊर्जाकोष में भेजते जाते है।

जो स्तुति कर रहे होते है उनको यह ज्ञान नही होता कि जिसकी वह स्तुति जिस शब्द से कर रहे है उसका जीवन अर्थहीन होने के प्रार्थना भी वे उसी वक्त कर रहे होते है। लाल - उनके जैसा अन्य कोई न हो यह कहकर। अब टिका करने वाले ये कहेंगे कि शब्द कहने से ज्यादा उसका क्या अर्थ सोचकर कहा है ईसका ज्यादा महत्व है। अब इन्हें कोन समझाये की subconscious चेतना जैसी वस्तु आपका बना बनाया अर्थ नही परंतु जो जो जैसा है वो ऐसा ही ज्ञान में लेती है ।
फिर हो वो हमको परोसती है। फिर वह उस मनुष्य पर निर्भर होता है किया वो उसका क्या अर्थ धारण करे। अब कोई पिछले जन्म में गड़ा हुआ किसी शब्द का अर्थ अगले जन्म में कैसे ज्ञात रखे।

इसलिए मैं संसार के विद्वानों से और लेखकों कवियों से और जन सामान्य से विनती करूँगा की किसी उत्तम स्तुति में अद्वैत ना ही जोड़े। बल्कि ये प्राथना करे कि उनको जैसे बनने की बुद्धि भगवान सबको दे। और अद्वैत जैसे शब्दों की बेड़िया दुराचारी व्यक्ति योके लिए छोड़े। ताकि उनको जैसे फिर कोई नही हो।

words are spells use them wisely because that's why they have spellings.

being conscious while using the appropriate words while praising someone (who deserve to be praise) is so necessary to not give probability that you done wrong very wrong there.
so while praising someone very good person one should make sure that they are not praying with their words that no one should ever become like them after them. These words should be thrown at worst kind of peoples so we see less of them and more of good people.

More on this later.

- A restless soul

The first battle start in mind.
- Guru Shifu

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