GET IT LET IT ROLL !!! (★o☆) 🎸 the moment we all have been waiting for is finally happened, a masterpiece has launched with a burning melody and makes everyone's who hears it immersed in the chant. Here i am present you the new released queen single of BTS called Butter that was released perfectly at 11 AM WIB. Gotta check the full video
here. 😉
And happy comeback to our dearest boys, BTS and everyone out there who are using BTS as their muse, especially to my beloved Reynald! Deon, Jevino, Kenavie, Mave, Jeorge, Reki, Moe, Jexard, Jankarogas, Geoffroi, Mora, Cayden, Bryan, Leonce, Nakao, Likoo, Cole, Baskara, Jilian, Shasi, Fletcher, Vandrick, Roderick, Michi, Nael, Keith, Edgar, Abirupa, Alkhaf, Filemon, Genta, Revano, Adean, Bibble, Jonathan, Zarchie, Arash, Yosh, Estevan, Ceyubbie, Vector, Eleora, Athaya, Dontolan, Artha, Januar, Ayyuma, Jaden, Daru, Mayo, Brooklyn, Jakolan, Jack, Lean, Karel, Jafarga, William, Keijiro, Joraci, Jeviko, Hudson, Zeorich, Neit, Judias, Adalard, Gareth, Jovardan, Nicholas, Nala, Farel, Jett, Javial, Viscounte, Vangev, Edgara, Vestigo, Gemma, Antares, Arion, Juen, Althaf, Ryden, Afrozak, Baston, Dragas, Aldrich, Jorka, Zergav, Vantheo.♡
So how do you think about our new queen? Aren't u addicted? now Let's rollin' up to party got the right vibe.🤘🏻