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بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم
💎Benefits from the Book💎
الفواكة الجنية من الآثار السلفية
Fresh Picked Fruits from the Narrations of the Salaf 🍇
✒ Shaykh Muhammad bin Maan'a al-Aanasi (حفظه الله)
🕯️The Virtues of Knowledge🕯️
💠۱- قال شيخ الإسلام (رحمه الله) عند حديث: "من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه في الدين":-
"و لازم ذلك أن من لم يفقهه الله في الدين لم يرد به خيرا فيكون التفقه في الدين فرضا. والفقه في الدين: معرفة الأحكام الشرعية بأدلتها السمعية. فمن لم يعرف ذلك لم يكن متفقها."
💠1. Shaikh al-Islaam (رحمه الله) said concerning the hadith:
'Whoever Allâh wants good for, He gives him understanding of the religion.'
"It necessitates that he who Allâh does not give understanding to, Allaah does not want good for him, which makes the attainment of understanding of the religion mandatory. And understanding of the religion is: knowing the legislative rulings with its textual proofs. So the one that doesn't know that is not a person of understanding."
💠٢- قال ابن مسعود (رضي الله عنه): "عليكم بالعلم قبل أن يقبض, و قبضه أن يذهب بأصحابه".
💠2. Ibn Masud (رضي الله عنه) said: "Upon all of you is to acquire knowledge before it's taken away. And the taken away of it is the loss of its people.
💠٣- قال سفيان بن عيينة (رحمه الله): "إن ترك الناس العلم صار الناس جهالا".
💠3. Sufyan bin Uyainah said: "If the people leave off knowledge they will become ignorant."
💠٤- وقال ابن الجوزي (رحمه الله): "وكما هو معلوم أن العلم نور وأن إبليس يحسن للإنسان إطفاء النور ليتمكن منه في الظلمة ولا ظلمة كظلمة الجهل."
💠4. Ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله said: "And it is known that knowledge is light, and that Iblees beautifies to the people the putting out of this light so that he may reach them in the darkness, and there is no darkness like the darkness of ignorance"
💠٥- قال ابن قيم الجوزية (رحمه الله): "فمن طلب العلم ليحيى به الإسلام فهو من الصديقين و درجته بعد درجة النبوة".
💠5. Ibnul-Qayyim رحمه الله said: "So the one that seeks knowledge in order to revive Islam, then he is from amongst the truthful ones, his level is the level after that of the Prophets."
🍇 Knowledge is that which Corrects the Worship 🍇
💠 ۱- قال: القرطبي (رحمه الله) عند قول الله عز وجل: {فَخَلَفَ مِن بَعْدِهِمْ خَلْفٌ أَضَاعُوا الصلاة}[مريم:٥٩]: "ولعمر الله لقد يشاهد في الوجود من يشار إليه ويظن به العلم تنفله كذلك بل فرضه إذا ينقرة نقر الديك لعدم معرفته بالحديث فكيف بالجهال الذين لا يعلمون."
💠1. Qurtubi (رحمه الله) said about the statement of Allâh (عز وجل):
{فَخَلَفَ مِن بَعْدِهِمْ خَلْفٌ أَضَاعُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَاتَّبَعُوا الشَّهَوَاتِ فَسَوْفَ يَلْقَوْنَ غَيّاً}
{Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) and pursued desires; so they are going to meet evil.}
"By Allâh, verily its presence has been witnessed in regards to those that are thought and considered to have knowledge, in their voluntary prayers rather in the obligatory, you will find them pecking like a crow, due to his lack of knowledge of prophetic narrations. Then what would be the affair of the ignorant, those that don't have any knowledge?"
💠 ٢- قال عياض في شرح حديث المسيء صلاته: "فيه أن أفعال الجاهل في العبادة على غير علم لا تجزئ."
💠2. Iyaad said in the explanation of the hadeeth in regards to the companion who didn't perfect the prayer:
"In it is that the actions of he who is ignorant in regards to worship due to lack of knowledge, do not not suffice."
💠 ٣- وعلق الخطيب البغدادي (رحمه الله) على قول الربيع بن خثيم: "تفقه ثم اعتزل" قال: لأن العبادة لا تصح إلا بعد النفقة."
💠3. Al Khateeb al-Baghdadi (رحمه الله) commented on the statement of Rabee ibn Katheem: 'Gain understanding (of the religion) then seclude yourself.' He said: "For verily the worship is not correct except after understanding."
✍🏽 Translated by:
Abu Yusuf Bílal ibn Howard Robinson
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