Re. Dislocarea anilor 2020
2023.06.26 Comentariu la Robert D. Malone, Ontological and Existential Shock
Ontological Shocks, Total Pyrrhonean Semioclasis and a Soul Set for Liberty
I had undergone a similar 'ontological shock' as Mr. Malone describes the phenomenon for himself and Mr. Marik: thank you for the candor and for the concept. Mine, took place in two bangs, the second followed by several smaller after-bangs.
My field was political science (go figure...) and, although not mainstream, my work fully respected the epistemological and methodological standards of argumentation officially established since the Enlightenment... I believed deeply in the Western civilization built around the core value of liberty, and I aimed my lifelong work to be a contribution to it, and to engage in dialogue with the epitomes of the reflection on political matters since Plato onward...
The first ontological shock came in 2020/2021. I was in an utter state of disbelief when I saw the unfolding of the 2020 US election and what followed. Corroborating countless accounts from all around the country and analyses which I could validate by my judgement, I soon came to the realization that without the collusion of large swathes of of the media apparatus and, worse, of the judicial apparatus, this electoral stunt could not have been pulled... After this first domino had fallen, the path of inference lead to the fall of the next, and the next, and the next. The judicial power is the third power in the state, while the press (the media) is often considered as the forth power. Once the judicial power goes corrupt, the entire theory of the separation of powers in the state, of the mechanism of checks and balances between them, that is to say, _the foundations of the modern state_, go bad - _from within_. Once the press power goes corrupt, there is no force to keep government good _from without_. The road to tyranny is wide open. I thought then, 'the entire political science, down to the first premises and foundations, ought to be re-made'.
But then, there came in quick succession the second, third and forth ontological shocks: covid, decarbonization/demethanization, zelenkysm and the accompanying fomentation of propaganda, censorship and criminalization of dissent and political opposition. I don't even mention elgebetism, transhumanism, migrationism, reversed racism and the like. They were around for a while, and I consider them either epiphenomena or diversions (elgebetism = oversexualization of politics). The 'road to tyranny' was not only just 'open', we were moving at full trotting speed along it.
All of these take place under the guise of 'science', in ways which had made of science a mockery and a shame. So, I asked myself, what else is false? By the summer of 2022, I was fully engaged in what I called Total Pyrrhonean Semioclasis, the total demolition of previously held opinions (thank you Descartes, for laying your soul open for us; 'Meditations on First Philosophy'): history (lifelong pleasure), evolution theory (the framework for my interdisciplinary work in political theory), cosmology (curious dilettante). And, further down the rabbit hole, to the ultimate recesses, materialism, finiteness and telonomy. All these are _discourses_, which is to say, complex linguistic constructions (hence semio-clasis, the opposite of semiotic construction) _with a performative intent_ (John L. Austin, how to do things with words). After a life long love-affair with philo-sophy, excuse the pun, to my utter embarrassment, only now did I discover Pyrrhonism, which should be the basic mental frame of every civilized person (pyrrhonism is not your off-the-shelf skepticism, not another 'doctrine', but an art, an attitude, a _discipline of the soul_ towards truth and the profession of opinions; if need be, I invite the reader to get acquainted, [continues next]
2023.06.26 Comentariu la Robert D. Malone, Ontological and Existential Shock
Ontological Shocks, Total Pyrrhonean Semioclasis and a Soul Set for Liberty
I had undergone a similar 'ontological shock' as Mr. Malone describes the phenomenon for himself and Mr. Marik: thank you for the candor and for the concept. Mine, took place in two bangs, the second followed by several smaller after-bangs.
My field was political science (go figure...) and, although not mainstream, my work fully respected the epistemological and methodological standards of argumentation officially established since the Enlightenment... I believed deeply in the Western civilization built around the core value of liberty, and I aimed my lifelong work to be a contribution to it, and to engage in dialogue with the epitomes of the reflection on political matters since Plato onward...
The first ontological shock came in 2020/2021. I was in an utter state of disbelief when I saw the unfolding of the 2020 US election and what followed. Corroborating countless accounts from all around the country and analyses which I could validate by my judgement, I soon came to the realization that without the collusion of large swathes of of the media apparatus and, worse, of the judicial apparatus, this electoral stunt could not have been pulled... After this first domino had fallen, the path of inference lead to the fall of the next, and the next, and the next. The judicial power is the third power in the state, while the press (the media) is often considered as the forth power. Once the judicial power goes corrupt, the entire theory of the separation of powers in the state, of the mechanism of checks and balances between them, that is to say, _the foundations of the modern state_, go bad - _from within_. Once the press power goes corrupt, there is no force to keep government good _from without_. The road to tyranny is wide open. I thought then, 'the entire political science, down to the first premises and foundations, ought to be re-made'.
But then, there came in quick succession the second, third and forth ontological shocks: covid, decarbonization/demethanization, zelenkysm and the accompanying fomentation of propaganda, censorship and criminalization of dissent and political opposition. I don't even mention elgebetism, transhumanism, migrationism, reversed racism and the like. They were around for a while, and I consider them either epiphenomena or diversions (elgebetism = oversexualization of politics). The 'road to tyranny' was not only just 'open', we were moving at full trotting speed along it.
All of these take place under the guise of 'science', in ways which had made of science a mockery and a shame. So, I asked myself, what else is false? By the summer of 2022, I was fully engaged in what I called Total Pyrrhonean Semioclasis, the total demolition of previously held opinions (thank you Descartes, for laying your soul open for us; 'Meditations on First Philosophy'): history (lifelong pleasure), evolution theory (the framework for my interdisciplinary work in political theory), cosmology (curious dilettante). And, further down the rabbit hole, to the ultimate recesses, materialism, finiteness and telonomy. All these are _discourses_, which is to say, complex linguistic constructions (hence semio-clasis, the opposite of semiotic construction) _with a performative intent_ (John L. Austin, how to do things with words). After a life long love-affair with philo-sophy, excuse the pun, to my utter embarrassment, only now did I discover Pyrrhonism, which should be the basic mental frame of every civilized person (pyrrhonism is not your off-the-shelf skepticism, not another 'doctrine', but an art, an attitude, a _discipline of the soul_ towards truth and the profession of opinions; if need be, I invite the reader to get acquainted, [continues next]