The purpose of the vaccines is to sell the health passports, ostensibly to control the spread of the virus, but in fact to capture our data, monitor our behaviour and reward us or punish us accordingly.
Now for the crucially important part. The purpose of the ‘vaccine passports’ is not to imprison all of humanity in a digital Panopticon for the sheer sadistic pleasure of it. We are dealing with psychopaths, not sadists. The need for digital wallets is purely utilitarian. It opens the door to a world of new investment opportunities – essentially turning us into human poker chips for hedge funds to gamble with. With essential services delivered under performance based contracts, they will be betting on outcomes or ‘futures’ - literally ours. For example, what is the chance that person A will end up with diabetes if they eat a doughnut for breakfast every day? What is the chance person B ends up in prison because of a bad report card they got in the fifth grade?
The most cynical aspect of all of this is that the permanent enslavement of humanity is really just a bi-product; a means to an end.
Psychopaths aren’t intrinsically evil you see. The truth is they lack any sense of morality at all. This is not some diabolical conspiracy cooked up by satanists and peadophiles, at least not specifically. The digital Panopticon serves a very specific and important purpose - the continued extraction of surplus value from a largely unproductive labour force.
It’s also the endgame of the neoliberal project. The final privatisation. The final enclosure.
Now for the crucially important part. The purpose of the ‘vaccine passports’ is not to imprison all of humanity in a digital Panopticon for the sheer sadistic pleasure of it. We are dealing with psychopaths, not sadists. The need for digital wallets is purely utilitarian. It opens the door to a world of new investment opportunities – essentially turning us into human poker chips for hedge funds to gamble with. With essential services delivered under performance based contracts, they will be betting on outcomes or ‘futures’ - literally ours. For example, what is the chance that person A will end up with diabetes if they eat a doughnut for breakfast every day? What is the chance person B ends up in prison because of a bad report card they got in the fifth grade?
The most cynical aspect of all of this is that the permanent enslavement of humanity is really just a bi-product; a means to an end.
Psychopaths aren’t intrinsically evil you see. The truth is they lack any sense of morality at all. This is not some diabolical conspiracy cooked up by satanists and peadophiles, at least not specifically. The digital Panopticon serves a very specific and important purpose - the continued extraction of surplus value from a largely unproductive labour force.
It’s also the endgame of the neoliberal project. The final privatisation. The final enclosure.