Uncompromising Men [Join Here]

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Having a long term plan and not compromising on it is what masculinity boils down to

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The start of advent on the new calendar tomorrow, no meat and cheese, only fish. Pray more, aim for 2x a day, give alms. This is the gym, until Christmas.

By watching porn you support feminism. Because porn leads to contraception, promiscuity and indecent dressing, all main features of feminism. It also weakens you, which takes away from your natural leadership position and makes you follow women while chasing sex and approval rather than getting closer to God and leading others towards God, this forces women in leadership, feminism again. You wouldn't want your daughter in porn, so why do you watch other people's daughters in porn? Porn portrays women as physical objects for profit, rather than loving mothers and wives, is this different from female careerism? Don't be weak and effeminate, have integrity, if you don't want to follow women, and be a covert feminist, get rid of porn and promiscuity.

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Don't give in to degeneracy and women who are undressed and attention seeking. Seek good feminine women for marriage, degeneracy has to be fought, it doesn't produce children, and it is not pleasing to God. Be brave and boldly witness through being happily married and monogamous in this disordered world.

Daily reminder that masturbation, contraception, promiscuity and sex outside of marriage is compromise. Find a good woman and marry her, have many kids, lead them well, be a man, not a boy, take ownership of your responsibility.

What it means to be male is to be a father, spiritually and literally. What it means to be a father is to be a priest. Masculinity is priesthood. To be male is to protect what is sacred and maintain it in purity, to intercede for himself, and for those under his authority before God, to teach, preach, correct, and reconcile them to and for God. It is for this reason that St. Paul so easily describes the type of man who should be set aside to exercise a fatherly and therefore priestly role within the community of the church (1 Tim 3:1-2, Tit 1:5-6). The idea of a female priest is, biblically speaking, like the idea of a married bachelor. It is impossible. Every male human person is called by Christ to serve as a priest in his family, his workplace, his community, and his church community. He is called to this, and called away from those traits commonly associated with masculinity in our culture, such as dominance, aggression, and competitiveness which are results of the fall into sin (Gen 3:16). When, as in the case of Zipporah, women feel the need to step into these roles, it is generally because men have failed to fulfill this most important calling.

Fr. Stephen De Young, Pastor of Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Church in Lafayette, Louisiana

All these are things a man compromises when he decides to masturbate and watch porn, how can you reach your goals if you do these things? This is nothing more than a distraction from what you need to be doing, engaging in short term pleasure rather than the long term satisfaction of fulfilling your goals.

There is nothing wrong with wanting sex, sex is good, reproduction happens because of sex. But promiscuous sex is bad, just as is masturbation, because not only you miss out on all those benefits of semen retention, but you also damage your soul by trying to be appealing to "most" women, rather than family oriented feminine women, who would not be attracted to effeminate features in a man. Also promiscuity undermines the divinely ordained bond between husband and wife, in which they become one, and following from which intercourse paves the way for childbearing if done properly.

[More Reading in post below]

Social Media, News, Doomers, only distract you from your goals and try and black pill you. Focus on your goals, when challenges arise overcome them, defeat your fears, be proactive, and stay focused on what matters.

Now time for fire starter 2 🔥

1) Fill this strategy canvas, and share it in the group

2) Clean your room again

3) Tell 3 more people your goals irl, defend yourself against their unhappy reaction, not in a reactive but calm and rational way

4) Start implementing a time off dopamine-rich activities such as social media, select a time window eg. 8am-8pm where you constantly work on something or study, and make sure you do not reach for distractions in this time.

Deadline: 11th November

Next week will be harder

Now I want feedback on who did it and how did it go. 🔥

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Remember: if the situation was hopeless, they wouldn't burn so much money trying to make you give up.

No nut November
Now is your time to quit porn for real

More focus
More drive
Less distractions
A better life
A better outlook on women and a desire to talk to them irl
Plus you don't offend

Matthew 5:27-28 NKJV
“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.


Genesis 1:28

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