
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Due to @telegram's new policy, i declared this channel or contact not connected to real Mark Lee. This channel just for roleplayer, all media used in this channel are take from Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and etc.
🥷 : @smahesbot

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jangan flop atau lea blender ini dunia


iewh njs

pacar gue lah dongo

emang pacar siapa?

kok pacar mark😕

📝 drop wtm buat gue dan pacar mark ( @listwtm )

👤 wtm suka nangis

👤 Wtm rese

👤 Wtm bandar bkp

👤 Wtm jamet

👤 wtm alay

👤 wtm kangenan

👥 6 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board


HAHAH gue aja yang buat hes

bentar salah gue


g gt

don't flop, thanks yang ngisi

done diving, kalau ada bbc yang mau di fw kirim link bbc nya ke bot ye, bot nya ada di desk


Репост из: mersen avero
Tolong pahami.

kalau semisal kalian nemu ch rasis/pelecehan nama entah idol atau jelek jelekin agama. please ya skip aja, gausa di "tolong fw dan report" justru kalau begitu oknum yang menciptakan itu ch malah seneng karena matanya menambah dan pastinya dia ngelakuin itu hanya untuk havin' fun dan nyari viewers. jadi tolong jangan suruh bantu report, kalo tau gitu chnya gak ke report malah dianya yang kesenengan. apa lagi kalau chnya uda kereport dia bisa buat ch lagi. please ya CUEKIN AJA. semakin disebar dia semakin senang.

Репост из: un autre endroit

⠀⠀ ㅤ ㅤ ⠀
what does forward messages mean?

"forward" sends the message to another person or group, and will include any attachments included in the original email. this means that the person/group to whom the mail has been forwarded can see all details about the original sending.

it's not a problem if u don't wanna ur channel looks messy. but if they say help fw, do it in the right way.

forward (forwarding of messages sent from one place to another different place) because copying the link with help forward has a different effect. then the format that we want to spread is useless because the information is not presented correctly.

i hope that after reading this bubble there will be progress and improvement with the mutual benefit of both parties in promoting.

sorry if i offended or anything, i just want to straighten something out. thanks for ur attention, feel free correct me if i'm wrong.
⠀⠀ ㅤ ㅤ ⠀ ⠀

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