Good afternoon, Mirzo!
About the terms of reference. Unfortunately, the head made a decision in favor of another candidate, he had a stronger task.
Thank you for your time!
If there are any more vacancies, I will definitely write to you.
Yilni 2-omadsiz xati bilan boshladim. Lekin orasida bank sohasida internship bor. Davlat ishxonalariga o'xshab ketganligi uchun o'ylanib turibman.
About the terms of reference. Unfortunately, the head made a decision in favor of another candidate, he had a stronger task.
Thank you for your time!
If there are any more vacancies, I will definitely write to you.
Yilni 2-omadsiz xati bilan boshladim. Lekin orasida bank sohasida internship bor. Davlat ishxonalariga o'xshab ketganligi uchun o'ylanib turibman.