Репост из: ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ ͛𝘿̸̫𝗘꯭𝐋𝗨̸̶͟𝙎͎ׄ͠𝐈ׂ𝗘̸𝐓͠ 𝐃𝘼̸︦࣪𝐈͠𝐋𝐘𝐋 ¡!븨✇
━━━━ ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ ͛𝘿̸̫𝗘꯭𝐋𝗨̸̶͟𝙎͎ׄ͠𝐈ׂ𝗘̸𝐓͠ 𝐃𝘼̸︦࣪𝐈͠𝐋𝐘𝐋 ¡!븨✇ ━━━━
𐑦 only update 𐑦f 𐑦 want to there
may be some days that 𐑦 don˟t
update ៰ please keep that 𐑦n m𐑦nd ៰
and not 100% here 𐑦s m𐑦ne ៰ 𐑦 get 𐑦t
from other sources ៰ lastly 𐑦 only do
𐑦cons and themes and some other
th𐑦ngs and only for rpk ៰
븨 🃌 ̶⫘⫘ ، 𝗔̸𝐓𝐓𝕰໋𝐍𝐓𝕴̸𝐎𝐍 ، ⫘⫘🃌 ̶ 븨
𝐒ome ed𐑦t𐑦ng needs are taken from 𐑦nstagram ، P𐑦nterest ، Dev𐑦antart ، etc ៰ 𝐒o don˟t cla𐑦m all of the ed𐑦ts here as yours
ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ t.me//delusietdaily ¡!븨
ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ t.me//delusietdaily ¡!븨
ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ t.me//delusietdaily ¡!븨
━━━━ ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ ͛𝘿̸̫𝗘꯭𝐋𝗨̸̶͟𝙎͎ׄ͠𝐈ׂ𝗘̸𝐓͠ 𝐃𝘼̸︦࣪𝐈͠𝐋𝐘𝐋 ¡!븨✇ ━━━━
𐑦 only update 𐑦f 𐑦 want to there
may be some days that 𐑦 don˟t
update ៰ please keep that 𐑦n m𐑦nd ៰
and not 100% here 𐑦s m𐑦ne ៰ 𐑦 get 𐑦t
from other sources ៰ lastly 𐑦 only do
𐑦cons and themes and some other
th𐑦ngs and only for rpk ៰
븨 🃌 ̶⫘⫘ ، 𝗔̸𝐓𝐓𝕰໋𝐍𝐓𝕴̸𝐎𝐍 ، ⫘⫘🃌 ̶ 븨
𝐒ome ed𐑦t𐑦ng needs are taken from 𐑦nstagram ، P𐑦nterest ، Dev𐑦antart ، etc ៰ 𝐒o don˟t cla𐑦m all of the ed𐑦ts here as yours
ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ t.me//delusietdaily ¡!븨
ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ t.me//delusietdaily ¡!븨
ʬʬ̸🃌 ̶ t.me//delusietdaily ¡!븨