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Write the vision and make it plain upon tables that He may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it because it will surely come and not tarry.(Habakkuk 2:3)

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let us live Holy and righteous lives in the sight of Jesus so that when He is being glorified we can also be glorified with Him in Heaven
and by Holy and righteous I dont mean by only going to Church and stuff like that
I mean you doing the will of God
like giving to those who do not have
visiting the sick and those in prison
stuff like that


God is coming soon guys. Several signs show it.

_The qualifications that gave you a job is the same qualifications someone has, but doesn't have a job.......
*Be grateful GCl.*

_The man who officiated your wedding, blessed your marriage and today you have children, is the same man who officiated and blessed others' marriages but they are still crying for children and some eventually ended up with a divorce......_
*Be grateful.*

_The prayer God answered for you, is the same prayer others have been saying without success yet......._
*Be grateful.*

_The road you use safely on a daily basis is the same road many others died on......._
*Be grateful.*

_The place which you worship and God blessed you, is the same place other people worship in but their lives are still in discord & shambles......._
*Be grateful.*

_The bed you used in the hospital, got healed and discharged, is the same bed many other people died on...._
*Be grateful.*

The conditions you went through and came out alive, hundreds have gone through it this year alone and they are dead and forgotten.......
*Be grateful.*

_The same rain that made your field produce good crops, is the same rain that destroyed someone's field...._
*Be grateful.*

_Be grateful because whatever you have is not by your power, your might, or your qualifications, but rather by the Grace and Will of Almighty God
*Always Be grateful.*

Remember! He is the *Giver of everything* you have.

Are you *Grateful*to God for all He hath done and for those yet undone?


I'm always Grateful to God Almighty.* that's why am sharing this with you.

If u can,pm me

Can anyone describe a Satanic Church to me


I think the Holy life was talking about Jesus in your life

rmness And Spiritual Coldness.*_

_*You Can Be Among The Salvation Army And Still Suffer Defeat; Not Knowing What It Means To Be Saved From Sin*_.

_*You Can Be In Christ Embassy And Still Be Working Directly As Satan's Immoral Ambassador In His Evil Embassy.*_

_*You Can Be In Dunamis And Yet You Remain Powerless Spiritually, Lacking Basic Grace!*_

_*You Can Attend The Lord's Chosen Church And Yet Be Among The Rejected Many.*_

_*You Can Speak In Tongues And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can "Win Souls" And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can See Vision And Miss Heaven*_.

_*You Can Cast Out Devil And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Perform Miracles And Still Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Read The Whole Bible And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Attend All Fellowship Activities And Camp meetings And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Have Anointing And Miss Heaven*_.

_*You Can Have All Spiritual Gifts And Miss Heaven*_.

_You Can Wield Power And Unction And Still Miss Heaven._



_Thanks For Your Attention._
_Forwarding This Post Is Evangelism_.
_Please Take A Part In It And Forward To Contacts Or Groups


I slept around 10:20pm, not quite long after laying on the bed, I heard God calling Me Audibly So I Woke Up. When I Checked My Time, It Was 11:30P.M. Suddenly, I Felt The Urge To Pray So I Left The Bedroom To The sitting room & started Praying._
_All Of A Sudden, My Eyes Opened And I Was In Another Realm. I Saw An Array Of Ladies Both Young And Old, Very Beautiful, Coming From The Sea Side. And I Asked God; Who Are These?_ And He Said, _*"These Are Marine Spirits That Have Been Commissioned By The Devil To Drag Many To The Kingdom Of Darkness. His Time Is Almost Up And He Has Vowed To Cause Many To Fall"*_. I Asked, Why Women? He Responded, _*"They Are Not Really Women But Are Evil Spirits That Have Taken A Feminine Form."*_

_So I Asked; What Is Their Mission And He Said, See! All Of A Sudden I Saw, People Having Sex. What Amazed Me Was That Some Were Having Sex By The Wayside, Some In Bushes, Some On Beaches, Some In Offices And In Open Places. So, I Asked Why?_ And He Said _*"These Are Sent To Spread Lust And Cause Many To Fall Into The Sin Of Fornication."*_ He Said, *"Very Soon, Fornication Will Be Legalized."*

*"The Spirits Are Meant To Befriend Many Young Ladies, Show Them Care And Eventually Initiate Them To Be Used By The Enemy."* _I Saw Many Young Ladies. Unsuspecting Ladies Being Initiated And As Soon As They Were Initiated, They Had An Insatiable Desire For Sex._

_I Also Saw Sugar Mummies Luring Young Men With Money And Cars. Right After Sleeping With Them, They Are Gone._

_I Saw New Dresses Being Introduced. Dresses That Expose All Parts Of The Body. In Fact, I Saw A Very Fair Lady That Was Almost Naked. About 3 Quarter Of Her Breast Was Exposed And The Dress She Wore Was Very Transparent That One Could Virtually See Her Nakedness. Then I Saw Many People Buying These Dresses; Skimpy Short Skirts And Transparent Leggings And Blouses That Expose The Cleavage. Bleaching Of The Skin Was On The Rise. I Saw Them Pouring Potions On The Eye To Lure Men With Their Eyes_.

*"Tell The Church To Watch"*, He Said. *"They Will Try To Enter The Church, Target Pastors And Members, Especially From Choirs."* _I Saw Members Of The Church Being Possessed And Sleeping With Each Other_.

_*Amazingly,*_ _I Saw Two Ladies In A Particular Choir That Were Lesbians. Then I Saw Men Of God Sleeping With Members. Some Slept With Members Before They Mounted Pulpits._

_I Saw That Pastors Are Battling Within Because There Is Not Just A Crack But An Opening On The Wall. Satan Has Entered Their Lives. Some Were Caught In The Web Of Pornography And Masturbation._

_In Fact, I Saw A Particular Pastor Watching Pornography And Masturbating In His Room. To Him The Room Was Locked And He Thought No One Was Seeing Him But I Saw That The Wall To His Room Facing The Public Was Broken And People Were Watching Him Without His Knowledge. And God Said To Me_ *"Whatever Is Being Done In Secret Is Already Open."*

_I Also Saw Women Becoming Unsubmissive And Disrespectful To Their Husbands And This Act Frustrated Husbands To Fall Prey To These Spirits When They Left Home._

_I Saw Many Being Manipulated Through Food And Clothes. And I Saw Many Chains As Well. And He Said To Me,_ *"These Are Chains Of Addiction That Has Kept Many People In Sexual Bondage."*

_Some Women Were Showering Enchanted Gifts To Pastors And Were Gradually Changing Their Status._

*"Tell My People To Stay Within The Boundaries Of My Word. Let Them Not Depart From Them. Tell Them To Watch And Pray. Let Them Be Focused On Me And This Will Help Them Avoid Every Distraction Of The Enemy."*

Believed It Or Not, Accept It Or Not.
You Can Be In Deeper Life Bible Church And Your Life Can Still Be Shallow And Deep In Sin.*_

_*You Can Attend The Redeemed Christian Church Of God And Yet Your Life Remains Unredeemed.*_

_*You Can Be A Member Of Winner's Chapel And Still Be A Slave Of Sin, Fulfilling All It's Lusts Till You Die.*_

_*You Can Be In Mountain Of Fire Ministries And Your Life Is Still In The Valley Of Lukewa

I just wanted to ask you guys to remember her in your prayers

I have a friend who is going to evangelise to a Muslim friend

Hi guys

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