Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Политика

Nonprofit Organisation.
A community raising awareness about informed consent & medical freedom.
Our mission is to empower individuals to ask questions and exercise their rights 💛

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

A heartfelt message from our team at Freedom Keepers Australia.

Please take the time to read through the tiles. Thank you to our community for taking the time to read and consider.

We will continue to update you all soon.


Репост из: Vaccination Decisions Dr Judy Wilyman
Please support Dr. William Bay and the AMPS doctors tomorrow (16 August) in their fight to maintain their medical ethics and principles. Here is the document for all Health professionals to be informed of the breach of ethics they are complicit in by promoting the experimental COVID injections to their patients

Репост из: Vaccine Choice Australia
This is an important message from the president of the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS), Dr Chris Neil, that every Australian should read.

Freedom Keepers Australia are proud to announce our third community call for 2022.

This year our intention is to bring our focus back to our family's and our homes first.

Join us as we connect and speak with our very special guest Cyndi O'Meara about regenerative farming and self sustainable solutions to empower you and your family.

WHEN: Thursday 18th August
TIME: 7.00pm AEST

Link below to register for our free call is in the bio.

*please note once you have secured your spot, you will recieve an email receipt with the ticket download and zoom link details attached to join the call*

We look forward to seeing you on the call with us!


Репост из: #OperationPlayground #BeADefender
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jul 28, 2022 12:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Hi all,

Please consider donating to FK AUSTRALIA

Here’s our intention :

Freedom Keepers Australia's intention for this fundraising goal is to create a grant system for our community to apply for support in setting up Home Ed co-ops and for individual family needs (such as cirriculum, activities etc.)

Some of the donations will also be able to purchase food boxes, meals or clothes for the families impacted by work mandates and floods.

In 2022 Freedom Keepers Australia's vision is to be the go-to solutions based community to enable individuals to come together to thrive.

We are dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of informed consent and medical freedom.

Read more and donate here :

Today, we’ve launched our first ever major online fundraiser with Freedom Keepers United!

Over the next few weeks, we’ll get to hear from our team, chapter leaders, ambassadors, our families of injury, our mothers, and more to learn more about Medical Freedom and why preserving it for all people is important.
We will be spending 8 weeks raising awareness about injury and medical freedom.

We would love for you to join us!

Here's how you can help:

1. Head to and donate here!

2. Raise awareness about medical freedom or injury by sending us your stories which we can share on our social media pages.


Our goal for this fundraiser is to raise $50k to help us support FKU, create grants for Home Education Families and provide support to those who have been impacted by mandates.

Head to for more details.


Staying Informed: The FWO’s update on COVID-19 and workplace obligations
On 07 July 2022 The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) published an update to assist Australian businesses in determining whether the implementation of an individual workplace vaccine mandate was ‘lawful and reasonable.’
The guidelines are applicable on a national level and some key takeaways are listed in these slides.
When can an employer require an employee to be vaccinated?
When a specific law (e.g. a health order) requires it;
The requirement is permitted by an enterprise agreement, other registered agreement or detailed within an employment contract, or
An employer give their employees a lawful and reasonable direction to be vaccinated.
What is considered a ‘lawful and reasonable’ direction?
For a direction to be ‘lawful’ it will need to comply with a health order, an employment contract, an enterprise agreement, state/modern award and any other state or federal law that applies.
This also includes the employer’s requirement to adhere to consultation processes, anti-discrimination laws and general protections under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
For a direction to be considered ‘reasonable’ a number of factors must be taken into account including;
the nature of the workplace (e.g. is it predominantly customer-facing?)
the risk to the community (e.g. working with vulnerable people)
the employee’s specific duties and how they are performed
the employee’s reason for refusing the vaccine
The FWO has also loosely divided workplaces into four tiers to help employers determine if a direction is reasonable based on the type of work. These tiers are;
Tier 1: covers employees are at an ‘increased risk’ of being infected with COVID-19 (e.g. employees working in quarantine facilities).
Tier 2: covers employees who work with vulnerable people (e.g. health care or aged care).
Tier 3: covers employees who have face-to-face interaction with the public as part of their daily duties.
Tier 4: covers employees who have minimal face-to-face interaction as part of their daily duties.
Tiers 1 and 2 may hold stronger evidence for a reasonable direction to be vaccinated in comparison to Tiers 3 and 4.
Does an employer need to consult when implementing a workplace policy about COVID-19 vaccinations?

Yes employers may have a requirement to consult with employees when introducing a COVID-19 workplace policy. This is to ensure employee’s views are taken into account before any policy is implemented. These requirements may be covered by WHS laws, an applicable state/modern award or enterprise agreement which have specific consultation clauses. Failure to meet these consultation requirements can mean a breach of Fair Work legislation and render the policy invalid.

Can an employee refuse to attend the workplace because a co-worker isn’t vaccinated against COVID-19?
Generally, an employee cannot refuse to attend the workplace because their co-worker isn’t vaccinated. This may be because there is no public health order or the employee has provided a reason not to be vaccinated. Instead the employee should raise any concerns with their employer.
Can an employer require evidence of an employee’s vaccination status?
An employer can request an employee to provide;
Evidence of their vaccination status or;
Evidence as to their reason not to be vaccinated.
However, this evidence is considered sensitive information and therefore there are privacy laws that apply. An employer cannot retain this evidence without the employee’s express consent and on the basis that it is reasonably necessary for the employer’s business functions and activities.
Final comments
We understand this update may raise more questions than answers. The FWO’s guidelines will be implemented on a case-by-case basis and will hopefully become clearer as precedents are established. Freedom Keepers will continue to keep our community informed.
All information provided in these slides was obtained from the FWO website.

Репост из: The Peter Fam Telegram
Australian Human Rights Commission failed to perform their statutory function during Covid-19

From 2020 until today, State and Federal Governments as well as many private companies have habitually breached Australia’s international human rights obligations. For example, the right to liberty of movement is enshrined in the ICCPR, as is the right to freely consent to medical and scientific experimentation absent economic or social pressure.

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is a Federal body which was set up to promote and defend human rights in Australia. Many people don’t realise that the AHRC Act actually includes within it the various human rights covenants and treaties Australia is a signatory to (including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and, critically, that it bestows upon the Commission the duties and functions to ensure they are being complied with.

This is the closest we come in Australia to enshrining international human rights doctrine into domestic law. And, it’s much closer than most people realise.

Seven days ago we sent the below letter to the relatively new Australian Human Rights Commissioner, Ms Lorraine Finlay. As explained in our letter, the Australian Human Rights Commission has failed to perform their statutory function over the last two years. In particular, the following functions within the Act have seemingly been ignored by the Commission;

1. to “inquire into any act or practice that may be inconsistent with or contrary to any human right” (and in particular, with any covenant or declaration specifically included in the Act), and to “effect a settlement of the matters that gave rise to the inquiry”; and

2. to perform the functions conferred on the Commission by section 31 which have to do with equal opportunity in employment and occupation (including functions relating to any company that discriminate against employees on the basis of their medical record); and

3. to examine enactments (ie; laws) for the purpose of ascertaining whether those laws are, or would be, inconsistent with or contrary to any human right; and to report to the Minister the results of same.

We gave the Commissioner some time to consider the letter and to speak to us before our publishing it, but she hasn't. So, we're publicly sharing this letter and seeking to escalate the important questions within to a Parliamentary Inquiry.

The full letter, with annexures, can be downloaded here:

Репост из: The Peter Fam Telegram
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Смотреть в Telegram
Webinar Upload - Discrimination on the basis of medical status in Australia

Thank you to the nearly 100 community members who attended our webinar.

For those who missed it, you can now re-watch the webinar and access the associated resources via our website, here;

Feel free to share this with your contacts and networks who might find it useful. 🙏🏾☀️


Are you aware with what is happening in other parts of the world? We know too well how the U.S. decisions influence Australia

Last week, the FDA approved the Pfizer & Moderna CV vx for infants 6 months old to children 5 years of age. It passed through unanimous 21-0

Hours later the CDC director Rochelle Walensky signed off on the decision and the shots are now available

The decision expands their vaccination campaign to children as young as 6 months old

We have some questions? What are your questions?

Please write to your local MP, local council who provide these services and ask your doctor questions

repost @freedomkeepersunited


Staying Informed: Changes to the Victorian Vaccine Mandates

Earlier this week the Andrews Government announced an easing of Victoria’s COVID-19 restrictions. At 11.59pm on Friday 24th of June, a number of changes are due to take effect including;

• The end of vaccine mandates for workers in retail, hospitality, beauty services, construction and education (excluding special education services).
• The scrapping of masks at airports.
• The end of visitor caps to care facilities (residential aged care and disability) providing visitors test negative on a rapid-antigen test that day.
The remaining restrictions include;

• Masks are to be worn on public transport taxis, ride shares and planes.
• The three-dose mandates for employees working with vulnerable people will continue. These include hospitals, aged care, disability care, emergency services and police.
What does this mean?
The Victorian Government have stated that employers will still be able to set their own workplace conditions with regards to vaccination requirements.

However, businesses need to be very cautious when implementing an independent vaccine mandate as they no longer have the legalities to back their decisions. They will need to demonstrate that without the vaccine the business will not be able to ensure a safe workplace.
Any employee experiencing discrimination on this basis should seek legal advice and contact the Fair Work Ombudsman for further information.
What evidence has the Victorian Government relied upon for the ongoing implementation of these mandates over the past 6 months?

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