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Arrival at the site of a helicopter crash.

Helikopter kazasının olduğu yere varış.

Прибытие на место крушения вертолёта .

The exact location of the helicopter carrying the President has been determined

The crash site of the helicopter carrying the Iranian President and his companions is located in the area of ​​the village of Uzi, located in the Arsbaran forests; rescue teams were sent to the crash site.

Определено точное местонахождение вертолета с президентом

Место крушения вертолета, на борту которого были президент Ирана и его спутники, находится в районе села Узи, расположенного в Арсбаранских лесах, к месту крушения были направлены спасательные бригады.

Cumhurbaşkanını taşıyan helikopterin kesin yeri belli oldu

İran Cumhurbaşkanı ve beraberindekileri taşıyan helikopterin kaza yeri Arsbaran ormanları içerisinde yer alan Uzi köyü bölgesinde yer alırken, kaza yerine kurtarma ekipleri sevk edildi.

Israeli news channels were the first to publish news about the helicopter incident.

Израильские новостные каналы раньше всех опубликовали новость об инциденте с вертолётом.

Helikopter olayına ilişkin haberi ilk yayınlayan İsrail haber kanalları oldu.

وكانت القنوات الإخبارية الإسرائيلية أول من نشر أخبارًا عن حادثة المروحية.

According to local sources, the helicopter carrying the head of state and other government officials made a hard landing in the inaccessible forests of Pir Dawood.

Yerel kaynaklara göre, devlet başkanını ve diğer hükümet yetkililerini taşıyan helikopter, Pir Davud'un ulaşılması zor ormanlarına sert iniş yaptı.

ووفقا لمصادر محلية، قامت المروحية التي تقل رئيس الدولة ومسؤولين حكوميين آخرين بهبوط صعب في غابات بير داود التي يتعذر الوصول إليها.

По данным местных источников, вертолет, на борту которого находились глава государства и другие государственные чиновники, совершил жесткую посадку в труднодоступных лесах Пир-Давуда.

Iranian media are calling on Iranians to “pray” for President Raisi after his helicopter crashed.

The crash site has not yet been found.

Иранские СМИ призывают иранцев «молиться» за президента Раиси после крушения его вертолета.

Место крушения до сих пор не найдено.

دعت وسائل الإعلام الإيرانية الإيرانيين إلى “الصلاة” من أجل الرئيس رئيسي بعد تحطم مروحيته.

ولم يتم العثور على موقع الحادث بعد.

İran medyası, helikopterin düşmesinin ardından İranlıları Cumhurbaşkanı Raisi için "dua etmeye" çağırıyor.

Kaza yeri henüz bulunamadı.

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The first footage of Iranian rescuers trying to locate the crash site of Iranian President Raisi's helicopters.

Первые кадры иранских спасателей, пытающихся определить место крушения вертолетов президента Ирана Раиси.

اللقطات الأولى لرجال الإنقاذ الإيرانيين وهم يحاولون تحديد موقع تحطم مروحيات الرئيس الإيراني رئيسي.

The Israeli news channel Terror Alarm on the social network X (Twitter) was the first to report the crash of Raisi's helicopter.

Израильский новостной канал Terror Alarm в соц.сети Х (Twitter) был первым, сообщившим о крушении вертолета Раиси.

كانت القناة الإخبارية الإسرائيلية Terror Alarm على شبكة التواصل الاجتماعي X (Twitter) أول من أبلغ عن تحطم مروحية رئيسي.

The city of Varzakan, where the president’s plane crashed or landed, is located 106 kilometers from Tabriz.

The helicopter carrying the president has not yet been found, and there is no detailed information about the incident.

The last contact was with the Imam of Tabriz Al-Hashim, then contact was lost

A helicopter with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi on board made a hard landing in East Azerbaijan. Rescuers are trying to get to the scene, details are still unknown. Iranian state television reported this. Details of the incident have not yet been disclosed.

Raisi was heading from the city of Julfa on the border with Azerbaijan, about 600 km from Tehran. Previously, he attended the opening of the Khudaferin and Giz Galasy hydroelectric complexes on the Araz River with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

“Rescuers are trying to reach the helicopter where the incident occurred with the delegation, including President Raisi,” state media reported.

Raisi, 63, is an outspoken conservative, former head of the judiciary and a possible successor to 85-year-old Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Sanctions have made it difficult for Iran to obtain spare parts for its fleet, with many of the country's aircraft dating back to before the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

Вертолет с президентом Ирана Ибрагимом Раиси на борту совершил жесткую посадку в Восточном Азербайджане. Спасатели пытаются добраться к месту происшествия, детали пока неизвестны. Об этом сообщило государственное телевидение Ирана. Подробности инцидента пока не раскрываются.

Раиси направлялся из города Джульфа на границе с Азербайджаном, примерно в 600 км от Тегерана. Ранее он присутствовал на открытии гидроузлов «Худаферин» и «Гыз Галасы» на реке Араз с президентом Азербайджана Ильхамом Алиевым.

«Спасатели пытаются добраться до вертолета, на котором произошел инцидент с делегацией, включая президента Раиси», - передают государственные СМИ.

63-летний Раиси - ярый консерватор, бывший глава судебной системы и возможный преемник 85-летнего верховного лидера Али Хаменеи.

Из-за санкций Ирану сложно получать запчасти для своего авиапарка, многие воздушные суда страны датируются временем до Иранском революции 1979 года.

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The Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter of the domestic modernization ÖZGÜR successfully fired from 15 thousand feet (4.57 km).

The ÖZGÜR project involves equipping F-16 fighters with a domestic on-board computer with national avionics and OFP software.

What was added and changed as part of the F-16 upgrade to the ÖZGÜR version:

▪️AFAR radars
▪️Digital card
▪️Digital cockpit
▪️ASELPOD (optical sensor)
▪️Instrument approach
▪️Mod-S and “friend or foe” identification
▪️Digital terrain detection system
▪️Color multi-function display MFD
▪️Digital engine/fuel/hydraulic gauges
▪️Link-16 (a modern type of military tactical data exchange network)
▪️Internal/external NVIS (Non-Aircraft Radiation Antenna) compatibility
▪️Reconnaissance module (DB-110) (improves the reconnaissance capabilities of the fighter)

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Turkish defense company ROKETSAN will deliver the first batch of KARAOK man-portable anti-tank missile system (ATGM) to the Malaysian armed forces in early 2026. This was stated by Dzumhur Murat Boz, Roketsan regional manager for Central Asia and the Far East, at the Defense Services Asia (DSA) 2024 exhibition.

“Malaysia will be the first buyer of KARAOK,” Bose said, highlighting the global demand for man-portable anti-tank and air defense systems.
The KARAOK features an advanced fire-and-forget capability and can engage main battle tanks and armored vehicles up to 2.5 kilometers away using both direct and overhead attack modes (especially useful against tanks vulnerable from above).

This capability puts KARAOK on par with other serious ATGM systems, such as the American-made FGM-148 Javelin.

Night meteorite in the sky over Portugal

Ночной метеорит в небе над Португалией

Portekiz üzerinde gökyüzünde gece göktaşı

نيزك ليلي في سماء البرتغال

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Italian Air Force 🇮🇹


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NATO defense spending in 2023 is estimated at $1.3 trillion

Расходы НАТО на оборону в 2023 году оцениваются в $1,3 трлн

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В Иране показали видео со службой многоцелевого корабля Shahed Mahdavi в акватории Индийского океана

Iran showed a video of the service of the multi-purpose ship Shahed Mahdavi in ​​the Indian Ocean

Kenya acquires Spyder air defense system from Israel

The Kenya Defense Forces are acquiring advanced missile defense systems from Israel for Sh1 billion on credit, signaling deepening relations between the two countries.

The Spyder air defense system will be supplied by Israeli state-owned Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd, which recently boasted that its equipment is capable of countering ballistic missiles.

The Spyder is a low-altitude, rapid response surface-to-air missile system designed to counter attacks by aircraft, helicopters, UAVs and precision-guided munitions.

It provides protection at different ranges against a variety of threats: UAVs, aircraft, helicopters and short-range ballistic missiles. The system intercepts threats using two families of missiles manufactured by Rafael: Python and Derby.

Командование специальных операций ВС США развернуло первую постоянную базу на территории Польши

US Special Operations Command has established its first permanent base in Poland.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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