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Syrian Civil War [12/12/2024]: 🇸🇾🇮🇱
Situation south of Syria: IDF continue the occupation of the country & were deployed in the localities of Kawdenah, Ruwayhinah, Samadaniyah al-Sharqi, al-Ajraf & Umm Batnah.
Map: [ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1liqnO9iSvshTLwgPB3q9sJTgfUI&ll=33.14459284650584%2C35.93447040918636&z=11 ]
Situation south of Syria: IDF continue the occupation of the country & were deployed in the localities of Kawdenah, Ruwayhinah, Samadaniyah al-Sharqi, al-Ajraf & Umm Batnah.
Map: [ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1liqnO9iSvshTLwgPB3q9sJTgfUI&ll=33.14459284650584%2C35.93447040918636&z=11 ]