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Гео и язык канала
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Репост из: Spiritual visions and nature 💞
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“Whatsoever you can be you are. There is no goal. And we are not going anywhere. We are simply celebrating here. Existence is not a journey, it is a celebration. Think of it as a celebration, as a delight, as a joy! Don’t turn it into a suffering, don’t turn it into a duty, a work. Let it be play."

- Osho -

Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📌There is nothing more sacred than our blood. Our culture, religion, or basically any visible expression of humanity is a by-product of our race. If we keep our genetics White, no matter the struggle, we will be able to overcome it.

We can re-create our torn down architecture, monuments, and art. We can re-create safe and prosperous communities based on trust and integrity. We can have our home again.

By far, the most destructive weapon the anti-Whites have perpetuated upon us, has been the race-mixing propaganda. In the words of president biden himself "more than 75% of ads on tv feature interracial couples".

This is by far one the most important stickers you can spread around
. Act accordingly.


Репост из: Upside Down Clown World
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Masked lunatics. (which way western man edition)

White Lifes Matter....


✊🏻 @whitelivesmatter818

📢 @wlmforum

✊🏻 White Lives Matter! Our channel is all about the Beauty and Harmony of People's Faces, European Heritage, Culture, Traditions, about Animals and Nature.

⚔️«We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children».

📧 @alphaetomegaX

Репост из: 𝐙𝖔𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝐖𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖓
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Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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📌The first in-house WLM Podcast hosted by @WLM_USA_TEXAS and @WLM_USA_FLORIDA is available now on telegram too.

By watching this you will have the chance to hear more about WLM, explicit pro-White activism in general and the strategies for success for saving the race that you can employ right now.

You have to watch this one. Read the WLM activist manual
👉🏻 here.


Репост из: Wiserubyrazor

Репост из: 🌲Evergreen🌲
“The woman is the teacher of the youth, and therefore the builder of the foundation of the future. If the family is the nation’s source of strength, the woman is its core and center. The best place for the woman to serve her people is in her marriage, in the family, in motherhood. This is her highest mission. That does not mean that those women who are employed or who have no children have no role in the motherhood of the German people. They use their strength, their abilities, their sense of responsibility for the nation, in other ways. We are convinced, however, that the first task of a socially reformed nation must be to again give the woman the possibility to fulfill her real task, her mission in the family and as a mother.”

Joseph Goebbels, 1933

Репост из: 🌲Evergreen🌲
Several articles have been published recently bemoaning the fact that White nationalists have a network of businesses that espouse our values and provide some degree of self sufficiency. When they aren’t kvetching over memes and the fact that these businesses are legally allowed to operate, the true message is always the same: palpable fear over the fact that our movement is not restricted to politics and activism, but includes holistic efforts to build community and financial independence. In their attempts to delegitimize our collective efforts, they accidentally reveal that they are terrified of our ability to insulate ourselves and our children against the overwhelming litany of anti-white narratives that permeate everything from media to health. Their outrage, whether feigned or genuine, is predicated upon the unfulfilled expectation that White nationalists can only be uneducated, fat criminals with face tattoos. They are so angry that we are intelligent, well spoken, thoughtful, attractive and polite individuals with lovely, well adjusted children. This angers them because they know that we are cultivating a functional community of nationalists in which to raise our racially aware children among their own people; the very thing that will eventually lead to the downfall of the anti-White system. Ultimately we should take heart that these pearl clutching journalists are opposing nationalist business ventures with such fervor because that means that we are succeeding. By their own admission, our numbers are shockingly large and our idealogical dedication to our community is much stronger that the fear of mass retaliation, something that will allow us to pull our finances in such a way that fund our ultimate goals. The political sphere is the one domain in which they feel that can’t be challenged but a community of racially aware, proud Aryans raising their children and supporting one another financially is a nightmare that they can’t bear to imagine. We’re doing it right; freeing ourselves from the system that hates us and building our racial community will be our salvation. Idealogical conviction in the face of great adversity shows a fortitude of character that they can’t even fathom.

Репост из: 🌲Evergreen🌲
Beautiful photos to come out of the Palace honoring the Duchess of Cambridge for her 40th birthday. It’s refreshing to see such a timeless, lovely representation of royalty instead of the expected modernist garishness.

Репост из: 🌲Evergreen🌲
Women are the keepers of the blood; corrupt the women and you destroy the race. As nationalist women, we have a very powerful position within our race and also a very grave responsibility. We we always be the first to be targeted because our enemies see our emotion and compassion as weakness, but they don’t see that our devotion to our people and children make our resistance as formidable as any. We will not allow our blood to be poisoned and we will protect the future of our children with a ferocity that they could never anticipate.

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