⚡️ According to The Telegraph, Ukraine is preparing to strike Moscow with its missiles.
Three weeks before Donald Trump's inauguration, the Biden administration is ramping up military support to Ukraine amid concerns of possible cuts in aid from Trump. The Ukrainian government is also working on developing its own weapons to reduce dependence on the US.
"The new Ukrainian cruise missile 'Trembita' reflects Ukraine's desire for military autonomy as the country plans to start production of it and other long-range munitions due to possible depletion of American munitions," the article says.
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Three weeks before Donald Trump's inauguration, the Biden administration is ramping up military support to Ukraine amid concerns of possible cuts in aid from Trump. The Ukrainian government is also working on developing its own weapons to reduce dependence on the US.
"The new Ukrainian cruise missile 'Trembita' reflects Ukraine's desire for military autonomy as the country plans to start production of it and other long-range munitions due to possible depletion of American munitions," the article says.
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