ㅤ∩ ᴥ ∩ ㅤ
𝔑ouchives ㅤ ㅤ∩ ᴥ ∩
On a hot day, it seems better to eat ice cream, right?
Yes! Let's buy a i cream around the shops here! hm.. but where is a good and cheap shop here?
OH, YES! there it is, a pretty pink shop called
@nouchives, that has everything there!
Besides providing ice cream,
@nouchives also provides various roleplayer and editing needs! For example, materials, png, stickers, icons, templates, color palettes, tutorials, and others that will definitely be very useful for you! Don't hesitate anymore, let's hurry here and let's shop happily! ♡
ㅤㅤㅤ Not everything in this channel is 1OO% ours, some are from pinterest, and other source.
ㅤㅤㅤBut we will always try out best to make it our self
t.me/nouchivesɕ𐐫ɳȶɑɕȶ ɓσȶ ⦂
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@noumchiepfpbotreq ⦂
@noumchiereqbotask ⦂