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Репост из: Police frequency
NEW: Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., on Friday introduced a bill aimed at preventing President Donald Trump from dismissing criminal prosecutions against himself if he's reelected. 

Details: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/adam-schiff-president-bill/2024/09/27/id/1181991/

Репост из: Police frequency
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Six people, five women, and one man, were shot and wounded in South LA.

The victims, ranging in age from 36 to 62, were struck in the lower extremities. All victims are expected to be OK. The suspects, believed to be teenagers, fired at least 25 shots and fled. The suspects left behind dozens of shell casings and damaged vehicles. Police believe the victims were not the intended targets, and the motive for the shooting remains unknown.

Full story link: https://linktr.ee/protectiveleague

The media has insisted for years that migrants commit fewer crimes than US citizens. The new data show that these claims are almost certainly wrong.

There are ~20,000 homicides annually in the US and a homicide conviction rate of ~60%, which equals 12,000 homicide convictions per year.

We don't know the period over which the ~15,000 homicides (convicted 13,099 & charged 1,845) of the non-detained migrants occurred.

But if we assume that all of the ~15,000 homicide convictions occurred over the last 10 or 5 years, then that's 1,500 or 3,000 homicide convictions per year.

The annual US homicide conviction rate is 3.6 per 100,000 people.

The annual non-detained migrant homicide conviction rate is 43 per 100,000 (assuming homicides occurred over the last 5 years)

The annual non-detained migrant homicide conviction rate is 21 per 100,000 (assuming the homicides occurred over last 10 years)

Either rate is significantly higher than the US rate.

Moreover, based on these numbers, it is impossible to determine the homicide conviction rates in foreign nations.

But there is good reason to believe the homicide conviction rate is lower in many of the nations from where the migrants are coming.

As such, it's safe to say that non-detained migrants commit homicides at a significantly higher rate than the US population.

No matter your politics, these new numbers are shocking. Of the 7 million migrants that ICE released while their cases are being processed, 663,000 have criminal histories, 13,000 were convicted of homicide, 16,000 of sexual assault, and 1,845 face homicide charges.

Read more here >

Репост из: Disclose.tv
JUST IN - Grand jury secretly indicts "multiple Iranians" on charges related to hacking Trump’s campaign. Details about the defendants and specific charges are not yet known.



Репост из: Police frequency
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The new style smash and grabs are taking a stolen car or truck and driving it thru the front of a small business. 

Smoke shops and liquor stores seem to the favorite target of these thieves. Another one occurred last night in the valley.

🎥 @ostv405 IG

Репост из: Police frequency
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UPDATE: Flash mob robbers on bicycles have hit more than a dozen 7/11 stores in Los Angeles since mid-July, police said, and investigators are asking for help in identifying the suspects.

Read more: https://abc7.com/post/teen-flash-mob-robbers-bikes-have-hit-more-dozen-7-elevens-mid-july-lapd-asks-help-id-suspects/15360690/

Репост из: Police frequency
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NEW: A semi-truck carrying large lithium-ion batteries overturned Thursday in San Pedro, sparking a fire while also forcing a closure of the 47 Freeway and the Vincent Thomas Bridge.


Репост из: Police frequency
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Watch: Video from the Tampa General Hospital in Florida shows their AquaFence withstanding the storm surge from Hurricane Helene. 👀

Репост из: Mid West News & Discussion
An Indiana judge has ruled that a prison must provide a taxpayer-funded transgender surgery to a male inmate convicted of M*RD*ING A BABY because denying him the procedure could cause him "serious bodily and psychological harm."

How about using the taxpayer-funded electric chair on him instead?


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Репост из: East Coast News & Discussion
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Mother confronts her kid’s high school counselor in Pittsburgh who has been registering students to vote and telling them not to vote for Trump

Pennsylvania is a swing state.

Репост из: Mid West News & Discussion
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Supermarket cashier discusses her outrage over illegal aliens shopping with tens of thousands on their government-issued EBT cards... Meanwhile, American citizens are struggling.

Last week, the FCC adopted an order to approve his purchase of more than 200 radio stations in 40 markets just weeks before the presidential election.

The stations reach more than 165 million Americans, and staff at the FCC are concerned that the move is politically motivated. The commission's three democrats voted for the move, while the two republicans voted against it. Under existing FCC rules, foreign company ownership of U.S radio stations is not supposed to exceed 25%. Soros took foreign investment to make his bid and then filed a request for the commission to make an exception to the usual review process.

The decision to fast-track the approval process bypassed a national security review, which could have taken up to a year to complete.

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American food companies are making a fool out of us. They are knowingly poisoning us. It’s time for this to stop. ~Retardsoftiktok

Репост из: Disclose.tv
JUST IN - New York City mayor Eric Adams indicted in New York on federal criminal charges. Adams will surrender himself to authorities early next week.



Репост из: Police frequency
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A’s are playing their final home series in Oakland and fans are taking home pieces of the stadium 😅🤯

@bleacherreport IG

Репост из: Police frequency
DEVELOPING! Deputies are pursuing a suspect wanted for a carjacking in Los Angeles County.

The suspect, traveling at high speeds on the freeway, may be armed.

🔵 Live: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/live-authorities-pursue-carjacking-suspect/

Репост из: Police frequency
Donald J. Trump

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