White Socialism

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This channel is used to educate people about the true essence of National Socialism and alternative lifestyles outside the control of the system

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Ten commandments for the Hitler Youth:

1. Your body belongs to your nation, because you owe your existence to it, you are responsible for your body to it.

2. You must always keep yourself clean and maintain and exercise your body. Light, air and water will help you with this.

3. Take care of your teeth. You can be proud of strong, healthy teeth.

4. Eat plenty of raw fruits, raw salads, and vegetables after washing them thoroughly with clean water. Fruit contains valuable nutrients that are lost during cooking.

5. Drink Juice! Leave the coffee to the tattletales, you don't need it.

6. Avoid alcohol and nicotine, they are poisons and inhibit your growth and your workforce.

7. Do physical exercises! They make you healthy and resilient.

8. You must sleep at least nine hours each night.

9. Practice first aid in the event of an accident. You can become the lifesaver of your comrades.

10. Above all your actions is the word: You have a duty to be healthy!

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Hitler Youth - Unsere Fahne flattert uns voran

In allowing the Jews to control our news and entertainment media, we are doing more than just giving them decisive influence over our political system and literal control over our government; we also give them control over the thoughts and souls of our children, whose attitudes and ideas are shaped more by Jewish television and films than by parents, schools or any other influence [...].

To allow the Jews, with their 3000 year history of nation destruction from ancient Egypt to Russia, to have such power over us is tantamount to racial suicide. Indeed, the fact that so many white Americans today are so filled with a sense of racial guilt and self-hatred that they actively seek the death of their own race is an intended consequence of Jewish media control. "

William Luther Pierce

Discipline is the inner attitude that the National Socialist Party demanded from all party members and it is realized in obedience to the party, its leaders and subordinates of all levels.

Obedience is the great virtue of the National Socialist revolution! That is why according to the requirement of faith, that of obedience, is the second of the 10 Commandments of political soldierhood. All party members, but especially the political soldiers, obey the party and no one else. You do this without Restrictions and with all their might - regardless of whether they understand the meaning of an order or not, regardless of whether the party's order corresponds to one's own wishes or not. For the political soldier, the duty of obedience extends to the point of sacrificing his own own life.

The National Socialist obeys in order to be able to win. The obedience isn't forced but born of free will and insight, therefore it's the National Socialist way of life. The National Socialist can and should think for himself, he has his own personal understanding of National Socialism from which he can make suggestions and express ideas. The supervisor is obliged to respond to such suggestions and to take ideas and suggestions seriously, either to realize them or to explain them, why they are not applicable now or ever. The duty of obedience is still limitless and unrestricted.

But the National Socialist must never have the feeling that he is only "cannon fodder" and not a comrade among comrades, conspired for the victory that only belief in the party can bring about.

Only those who have learned to obey will one day be able to give orders!

I. The German soldier fights knightly for the victory of his people. Cruelty and useless destruction are unworthy of him.

2. The fighter must be in uniform or be provided with a specially introduced, widely visible badge. Fighting in civilian clothes without such a badge is prohibited.

3. No opponent may be killed who surrenders, not even the rioters and the spy. These receive their just punishment from the courts.

4. Prisoners of war must not be mistreated or insulted. Weapons, plans and records are to be removed, nothing else may be taken from their possessions.

5. Dum-dum bullets are prohibited. Storeys may not be converted into such.

6. The Red Cross is inviolable. Wounded opponents are to be treated humanely. Medical staff and chaplains may not be hindered in their medical or pastoral work.

7. The civilian population is inviolable. The soldier is not allowed to loot or deliberately destroy: Historical monuments and buildings used for worship, art, science or charity are to be given special attention. Natural goods and services from the population may only be used on the orders of superiors against compensation.

8. A neutral area may not be included in the act of war either by entering or flying over it or by shooting at it.

9. If a German soldier is taken prisoner, he must give his name and rank on request. Under no circumstances may he testify about belonging to his unit or about military, political and economic conditions on the German side. He must not be tempted to do so by either promises or threats.

10. Violations of the above orders in official matters are punishable. Violations of the enemy against the principles listed under 1 to 8 must be reported. Retaliation measures are only permitted on the orders of the higher command.

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The Unabomber was right !

Репост из: The Heroic Ideal
Ten Commandments for Each National Socialist - Joseph Goebbels, 1927.

The homeland is the mother of your life — never forget that!

1. Your fatherland is Germany. Love it more than anything else, and more in deed than in word.

2. Germany’s enemies are your enemies; hate them with your whole heart.

3. Each people’s comrade, even the poorest, is a part of Germany; love him as you love yourself.

4. Ask for yourself only duties. Then Germany will regain its rights.

5. Be proud of Germany; You may take pride in a fatherland for which millions gave their lives.

6. He who insults Germany insults you and your dead. Punch him.

7. Don’t cause mischief, but where someone denies you your rights, God gives you the right to use your fists.

8. Do not be a crackpot anti-Semite, but keep away from the Berliner Tageblatt.

9. Live your life such that you will not need to be ashamed in a New Germany.

10. Believe in the future, for that is the only way you will gain it.

I don't believe that one will ever see a people as happy and content as the vast majority of Germans under Hitler, especially in peacetime, again. Certainly some minorities have suffered: former parliamentarians - because they could no longer play their political games; the Jews - because they have lost their power over Germany; the gypsies - because they had to work during the war; and dishonest union bosses - for having lost their parasitic positions. To this day, I believe that the happiness of the majority of a people is more important than the well-being of some spoiled minorities.

Hans Schmidt, "Leben in Hitler-Deutschland" (1993)

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