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Marxism is at the core of the Anti-white narrative. Marxists have infiltrated every aspect of your White lives and that of your childrens' lives.

Tomorrow, WLM activists from Idaho, as well as across Our America and the world will peacefully march to raise the racial consciousness of fellow Whites. To awaken them to White Replacement at the hands of Marxist, anti-White overlords. In order to secure the existence of Our People and a future for White Children.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📣We mask up not because we are afraid or embarrassed with what we believe in.

We mask up because unlike pedos, antifa-terrorists and other controlled opposition efforts, we are specifically targetted by the anti-White System.

If you are an anti-Globalist, you should take precautions to hiding your identity even if you act legally. The system will try to crush anyone that stands in its way to install the New World Order and genocide the White Race.

For the pro-White events tomorrow, we highly recommend wearing full face balaclavas and sunglasses
as well as following the rest of our OPSEC guide.

Also be mindful of any sort of infighting and infiltration. Parasites feed off of us.

What they are scared most of, is us coming together in real life. Do not give the enemy any bit of information about yourself.



Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
❗️Daily reminder❗️

WLM will never ask you for personally identifiable information or social media. We do anonymous activism.

If someone does, they are a bad actor (probably impersonating a legit account). Report it as spam to telegram and to us so we can ban them across our platform.

Read our brief opsec guide 👉🏻 here.


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White Lives Matter activists put up stickers this past week in anticipation of our upcoming February 12th event.

Even in hostile territory, our stickers are staying up, mostly intact. Every so often, someone looking at these stickers might start to think that maybe their White guilt indoctrination is absurd, and that they have no reason to be ashamed of who they are. Even with all of the attempts to normalize our extinction, a number of us are waking up, and are proud of being White. We deserve a future. And we will ensure that we have a future.

White Lives Matter!


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📌WLM Tennessee responds to the news piece by Fox 13 regarding recent pro-White activism.

Join us locally: @WLM_USA_TENNESSEE2

The written, longer statement is here.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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🎬📕WLM Manual 2.0 read through is here!

One of our @WLM_USA_MONTANA activists took it upon himself to guide you through the newest version of the activist

We are looking forward to seeing other activists translate and relay the guidance in the manual in their own language. White Victory through ACTION!


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White Lives Matter activists across the PNW are busy printing stickers in preparation for our February 12th event.

The pro-White message is seldom heard and each sticker will be seen by anywhere from one, to hundreds of people. It's healthy, normal, and natural to feel proud of your race. It's great to be White.


We're having a White Lives Matter march in North Idaho this February 12th, along with many other WLM chapters across the United States (and other parts of the world). Not every date works for everyone and Idaho is a big state, so North Idaho might be too far to drive for some. But we all have to stand, as one race, and completely disown "White guilt." It's a stupid concept, made by anti-Whites who are jealous of our achievements. It's not just OK to be White, it's great to be White.

So however you can, whether marching with us in February, putting up stickers, giving an extra hand to your White neighbors, or telling others about Holodomor, be sure to stick up for your race. We don't need to die out and be mixed into every other race. We are a mighty and proud people. The LEAST we can do is say something about it.

So, do your part however you can. Get out and say that we will not be replaced. We will not be complacent.

And hopefully, for the next march, join us!


It is imperative that we remember from whom we came. We are a Race that is responsible for most modern innovation in the world. The Romans had a functioning sewer system and aquaducts. The Germans created modern sugar production during the 1700s and finally Americans of European-descent brought inventions such as the telephone, cars, and helped pave the way towards modern electronics.

Our Folk have been working hard to rise above from the very beginning, the issue isn't that we're 'bad' quite the opposite. We are a people with a history of conquering, building and creating while all Our enemies do is destroy. You don't have to look far to see the differences, in South Africa the Boer People came from Europe with help from noone and went on to build a Nation from nothing. Once apartheid ended the continent fell apart and hasnt recovered, we are not the issue, we are the solution.

Join the WLM NY Chat today, join YOUR Folk:


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
🚨Daily reminder that being part of this free speech, legal & anonymous world-wide initiative is contigent upon your dedication to actually getting activism done IRL.🚨

❌That being said, inactive local admins will not last long as leaders and the chats will close in those states.

👉🏻It falls upon YOU to actually put your money where your mouth is and get things off the ground.

📈This initiative gives you the freedom and opportunity to employ the pro-White vision you claim to hold online into real life action.

📢Therefore: if you want to get involved, message @wlmcontactbot. If you have been an admin before but was inactive and want to make up for it, message the same bot.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Talk is cheap, show your worth through action
! 14.


Even in beautiful North Idaho, Whites are bound to become a minority some day unless we act. It's Okay to be White. It's Great to be White. And it's okay to want your home to stay White.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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📌For our first event of 2022 hundreds of activists worldwide took to the streets to demonstrate that we will not go silently into the night.

As we've said countless times since the WLM initiative started in April 2021 - talk is cheap. To be taken seriously as a pro-White individual, you must act in real life.

Until you've proven to be pro-White through ACTION, you have no say in the pro-White community.

This weekend, notable activities were recorded in: TX, FL, CA, OH, MT, TN, AB, AR, NY, NJ, GA, NL, RO, PA, NC, MI, IT, UT, KY, NV, ID, IR and others.

2022 is the year that you cannot just get by with omegle trolls, fizeek posts, and crypto-merican nationalism. 2022 is the year when you demonstrate your explicit alliance to your tribe or you are written off.

Anonymous, legal, pro-White. Message @wlmcontactbot to get involved.


Idaho White Lives Matter activists printed and placed stickers today. Never be ashamed to be White.


Antifa has noticed some White Lives Matters stickers in Moscow, Idaho. Huge thank you to all of our activists in Idaho, and to Antifa for the picture.

Our opposition reminds us that we're on the right track.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📝The WLM checklist will help you take immediate steps to taking real life action for the betterment of White People and White Children.

Manual 👉🏻 here
Videos 👉🏻 here
Podcasts 👉🏻 here
Books 👉🏻 here and here
Local channels 👉🏻 here
Navigator 👉🏻 here

Stop lurking, start acting!


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
WLM Activist Manual 2.0.pdf
📕The WLM Manual 2.0 is OUT!

"All talk is mere noise. In order to accomplish, conquer and impose one's will, one has to ACT!"

This 26 page manual is essential to anyone holding pro-White sentiments and who wants to enact them. It contains information on WLM as an initiative, all-activism tips, how to avoid entrapment, and more. It should be able to take you from a complete beginner to an experienced activist within days.

Read, print, share, distribute and broadcast. You are not alone! Also availa
ble at link for those outside telegram.


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