Lumiére Garden's.

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bantu fw yaaa

HFW ya moots 🤍🤍

🗳 taehyung rp'ers sini absen

- arendre
- Cesco D'Vermont
- H1. Madiona D'Jeloune @kryzstal
- jetro @iamtaehyeung
- fanaaa
- Raveden.
- 181. Om Ragas intipvkth
- Lunar
- ✰†𝗢𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲
- kariza #ACILOPMEM
- Sāga D. rvgloanjingsirkth
- -
- pacar gogo @vpante
- limit tap
- Prince tørs¹ dwild
- j @rcxstrgsprd
- V, Taeggupie. @woitehyung
- Aksara. @KiimTaehyuung
- ⱱgx.Galeen.bjjk¹ @optimistickitty
- on resting.
- Arkesa on resting.
- egl. Raven @baskthv
- Jacylavintéa Moghweara
- ⱱgx. nervinzo '𝓖ꪩ᥉ @lKimTaeshyung
- Melody
- Ethan Garfield.
- 💳. sir e̅lios. @boyidaman
- 210134. kanaka carles vtgkrpkthtrg @iThVantae
- Vocásto @vttheyung
- Hälsker ⋆𝗢𝗣𝗜𝗖!𝗦𝗜𝗥𝗞𝗧𝗛 @ohTaehyugn
- jogas @prajogas
- Evāndér Zēus @qthvv
- arvhy vip @vtaezhung
- Victor V-Alárick @iamTaeHyungV
- Yumi @YooJiiminz #OJOEHIRMIN
- dika @whtdythnk
- ojan @boysthv
- raden @Drugsmny #OPMEMBMARKO
- rajep @taehyungpft ⋆𝗢𝗣𝗜𝗖!𝗦𝗜𝗥𝗞𝗧𝗛
- ga$$
- jov
- Mput awr
- Arsya Levi'wfg @Spearr_B
- Finch Artwight #TaehyungDay
- Travis. #HIRTEAM245 𖥔๋ ➪𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗥𝗞𝗧𝗛
- Adami
- King.
- dg². 𝐒haka 𝐀bian`tkh⁵
- Jogler sirkth.drkth @tahyungpride
- 🥛˖ ࣪‹ Zea @GurlfriendTaehyung
- ꀯꂠ꒒ njunn @nctinjunie
- Jo loanjing @iKimTeahyungg
- alea
- ts. repan vmk @leIakikardus
- Gedran C. Matthew
- Hitto
- Vixtond Dae- Fredérick.
- Jorvegaz C. only rep cf
- 𝐑ajendral D ༃M🇲🇪 @Leejnou
- Arash @Princte
- Vee d'Pearson @KimTaehyunpg
- Jourdan @thvGucciboy
- 189. 𝑽ranzbin @thvranz
- 𝐊enadict 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫
- 129 baila loanjingmarkovictoryking
- Jerandra allpdn. @iSedhun

👥 67 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

aduh aku belum bikin absen buat taehyung rp'ers

🗳 🙋🏻‍♀🙋🏻

- Malveric
- Ꮺ ࣪ ۰ 🐢🐇 zuuna ៹࣪ ଓ @tKimJichoo
- haico ya haico @miawszz
- Sāga D. rvgloanjingsirkth
- Aksara. @KiimTaehyuung
- Shabiru @rosieq
- Victor V-Alárick @iamTaeHyungV
- arashyy @iGofoyounjung
- 𔓭 D Rian. kvr
- rajep @taehyungpft ⋆𝗢𝗣𝗜𝗖!𝗦𝗜𝗥𝗞𝗧𝗛
- Mput awr
- zeze rest
- King.
- the Goddes, kale. @Mannurios
- 🥛˖ ࣪‹ Zea @GurlfriendTaehyung
- jieunni si power rangers @jyepang
- marko. vania #OPMEMBMARKO
- Arsya Levi Abinaya'wfg
- alea
- ⱱgxrvg³. The Hottest, Noza. @rockjeannie
- kim aja @iNingyhizou
- #tblsee 설.ほ.écs. Joxel @URDJ0X3L .tørs¹.sgarmy.dvs
- Bagas @bagasat
- 𝐑ajendral D ༃M🇲🇪 @Leejnou
- 𝐊enadict 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫
- rie #FYLMATH
- Corleone D-Murphy.
- raquᥱllᥱ?!?! ૮₍ ´𖦹 ˕ 𖦹´ ₎ა @cewnymarkeu #CALTEAMKJY
- Jerandra allpdn. @iSedhun
- raffa @iJmfn #OPMEMBMARKO
- ⸸ . ᴘᴏʟɪsɪʳᵖʷ archakla #mkru @Iisamanocban
- Maverick @Markcoy
- 𝕯rpw⁷🇰🇳Madam janne. rkla⁵
- j @prettyspaces
- Harrison Styles, @yoonohjv.
- Chᥱrrᥡ @iechaeyounq 🐰ꦽꦼ‌•ˑ˒
- Ayegiii @tozakifc
- kattchie Jk - chiĕ @roubyJenniee
- Kayèsha.
- Tim bubadibako, Abigaile
- Drigōder Swara.
- Airyn @goyounjunggy
- ⱱgx.Galeen.bjjk¹ @optimistickitty
- Changle Elijah.
- 𝐃'𝐋ogan
- arvhy vip @vtaezhung
- wyna pacar jaemin
- Athala @koushisunset
- Rajan. marko @jeshabeloved
- Guinèvie being kitten @JennieGyim
- Jaxgler @Taeghyungl
- raja @lljenoh
- 귀여운-Hevana! ♥
- Jacylavintéa Moghweara
- Jenara La'Vascouth.
- 247. 𝐧𝐧ã `allpun @soprettyyourgf
- Arjuna.
- embun benar benar gatal😡@sejeongpretty
- Ajidan @lAndyParkl
- Lunar
- 404. 𝐄lmeira @PRIMllELY
- glamora messié @irenebbaev
- Raveden being elephant 🐘🐘
- Jjàehrēy B. @sojungjaehyun
- revan @qLeeTaeyongg . pegacomp . ngtⁱᵈᵒˡ
- Richard Anderson @whochanyeol
- Atma Adibrata, Artharsa @Anindhieta
- 𝐋auran @urIauran
- Rabella.
- Jechilla Virenticia C. @iminjeonngi
- Jeka @iJunqkook
- R. Jihana Ethereal
- shakabim rkla⁷
- zhoé @niingyezhuo
- Yumi @YooJiiminz #OJOEHIRMIN
- Arsika P. @iArsika
- Daichan Nezakuro.
- 181. Om Ragas intipvkth
- Ranen
- Arasya.
- 𝐊anaya 𝐕. 𝐀moura
- #CALONINTEL The Heather's Britney rvg⁷
- mrv⁶. watashi wa Dave
- 291. Ajisaka L @ajisunglpark
- Namiesha. @JenncieBp
- Jasha Van'Hudston
- dyavìs @cuutiegurll
- Maero @robbers5
- Cyrò A. @iYeriemEi
- A. Nairey K. @NanaOuyzng
- Safēa L. @iroseparx
- Melody Cibinta K. @GlumiRene
- cerise @parkseannerose
- adheena @fruithertz #CALMINACF

👥 94 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

there's no end in sight would there be an exit at all my feet refuse to move, oh close your eyes for a moment hold my hand here let's run away to the future. like an echo in the forest another day will come as if nothing happened yeah life goes on. like an arrow in the blue sky another day will fly by on my pillow, on my table yeah life goes on like this again.

& looking within..jpg

"what is it that you want?" my mind asks. "a lot of things," my heart answers. "but what is it that you really want, really need?" "to be happy, fulfilled, powerfull!" my heart replies. "have control over me," my mind states, "and you will see that you want and need is within you already."

✦ 𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐘; beautiful soul, 𝐊eenansha 𝐕arasati. he has pink lips like cherries 🍒, white and clean skin like milk🥛, thick black hair, 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 and a nice voice. he is a very 𝕿alented person, and very persistent to achieve a goal that he really dreamed of. He brings a positive aura to the people closest to him, so he doesn't hesitate if he has many friends. he visited the book library in the park 📚, he wore a very pretty and cute shirt, and a light blue backpack with lots of cute stickers on it. And don't forget to use her favorite lipbalm and perfume, namely strawberry lipbalm and citrus scented perfume 🍒🍊. the lipbalm and perfume that she wears are very functional now, because the very hot weather will cause dry lips and heat on the body which will produce odor. i'm a prettiest boy born in ①⑨⑨⑦, named 𝓙eon 𝓙ungkook.

1 하나. The sweetest, [킨안샤]. when everyone spends all their free time in a very beautiful garden. The beautiful garden is filled with a very beautiful stretch of green grass, with many flowers around it, and don't forget the butterflies that land on the flowers to take the sweet nectar contained in the flowers. The beautiful garden is equipped with beautiful benches and a small book library and there is a pond filled with various fish and other cute aquatic animals. This beautiful garden is very good for unwinding in yourself.

on a very cool morning, there was a sweet man came to the beautiful garden. the man looks sweet with white and clean skin like milk, lips pink like cherry, and the smell of citrus that clings to his body. the man entered the park with a very funny behavior, he carried a light blue backpack with lots of stickers on it which made the backpack even more cute. Actually, this man always comes to the park on holidays, he will spend all his time off just to read books and breathe fresh air in the park.

what the man did was not wrong right? it's better to spend time off with useful things like reading a book in the park while releasing all the fatigue that is in him. a garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the cultivation, display, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. The single feature identifying even the wildest wild garden is control. The garden can incorporate both natural and artificial materials.

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