Репост из: estealyte
ㅤ ⌜121-870-029⌟ / ESTEALYTE
TICKING-TOCKING | @estealyte mandate as you see nowadays is to intentionally solicit correspondence by performing a major cultural act which is called communication through telegram.dog/summerbluebot. into the bargain, i doubtlessly stated the business channels acknowledge incorporate: profile-needs, wording and art commissions.
lots love,
eurina daphne
ㅤ ⌜121-870-029⌟ / ESTEALYTE
TICKING-TOCKING | @estealyte mandate as you see nowadays is to intentionally solicit correspondence by performing a major cultural act which is called communication through telegram.dog/summerbluebot. into the bargain, i doubtlessly stated the business channels acknowledge incorporate: profile-needs, wording and art commissions.
lots love,
eurina daphne