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The mainstream media, your government won't tell you the truth, someone must. World War 2 Two, National Socialist, Hitler, Holocaust, NSDAP

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Hitler on his peace offers and the internationalist warmongering rejections thereof. The politicians owned by the Zionist debt bankers wanted only one thing, the destruction of free Germany and to bring it back under the debt interest slavery system.

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The Horrors of Dresden and the Hopes of Dr Josef Goebbels

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The Holocaust of the illegal Dresden firebombing. Should Allies like Canada be ashamed and apologize? German Ernst Zuendel talks.

Ernst Zuendel Schindler's List interview👆

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Schindler's List Hollywood vs Real Camp Life

Real inmates of the so called eastern extermination Camps recount their daily lives in the German labour camps.

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What Hitler said about the outbreak of the 2nd World War

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How Roosevelt, USA forced Japan into War

Just as
National Socialist Germany was provoked into a war it could no longer avoid, Japan suffered the same fate.
No nation or population is allowed to franchise itself and develop a system of economic success outside of the fractional reserve usury system ( federal banking Rothschild system).
The Propagandizing of the people of the West is a critical component in using these peoples to protect the debt slavery model of world control.

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Eisenhower's Open Air Death Camps

 Part of the destruction that accompanied the USA's deliberate starvation of over 9 million Germans (Morgenthau Plan) , the Rhine Meadows Camps (Rheinwiesenlager) saw the incarceration and neglect of millions of German soldiers, resulting in the deaths of well in excess of one million.

"Any right minded person must surely pause here to reflect on the grotesque inconsistency by which a documented persecution and annihilation of millions of disarmed soldiers and innocent civilians is disregarded, whereas an undocumented alleged "holocaust" is endlessly promoted for emotional leverage and financial gain"
Jewish author Gerard Menuhin

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Who is pushing the Holocaust extortion? Ernst Zuendel chats.

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On Hitler's World View and Marxism

VertigoPolitix (Archive)
This is not VertigoPolitix, this is just a channel archiving the work of VertigoPolitix. No video has been tampered with or edited.

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Hitler's War? What western historians won't tell you. How the territorial dominoes fell towards war.

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David Irving Speech
Lies of the Nuremberg Trials

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Injustice of the Nuremberg Trials

Confessions extracted through torture, threats, expatriation offers.
Gas chambers not presented.
Eyewitness accounts hearsay or technical nonsense, not cross examined
Soviet, Allied Military men admit the 10 hanged did no more than what their own side did. Injustice of the show trials.

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Allied Military Men Against the Nuremberg Trials

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Adolf Hitler : A Last Appeal to Reason

Germany after making clear their offers on a plebiscite and settlement of the Danzig issue similar to the Saar solution, attacked in 21 day campaign to stop the slaughter of ethnic Germans by Poles and Communist ( eg Bromberg massacres) .

Two days later Britain, France declared war on Germany. Soviet union after the conquest of 9 sovereign states, then attacked Poland. The West never declared war on the Soviets, because it was never about saving Poland. It was about crushing Germany as it had created a new version of wealth by printing it's own money and leaving the Rothschild Gold Standard debt slavery banking system.

Hitler's speech 'A Last Appeal to Reason' ( letter dropped direct to British citizenry ) was just one of the numerous attempts by him to bring about a peaceful resolution, as he said " We never wanted this war"

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Adolf Hitler Declaration of War on the United States . Reichstag December 11 1941

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Rabbi states his Hitler Truth

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How Germany freed itself from Banking Slavery and created economic miracle

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