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Rosenbaum, Huber, & Grosskreutz sounds like the slimiest law firm imaginable.

Репост из: The Fascifist Archive
Hitler's War With Anglo-Americanism
A Podcast with Prof. Brendan Simms


See, even though Cantwell and TRS appear to have some beef/personal disagreements between them, both entities are still operating in good faith and are intelligent enough to realize that now is the time to stand together and have each other's backs. The goal of the Unite The Right rally was obvious: to unite the right. If the final result of it is that we all turned into Fuentes types, constantly bickering with each other and accusing one another of being race traitors for simply disagreeing with the particular political strategy we think will work best, then the Jews will have won not only the battle surrounding UTR, but would be in an unopposed position to win the entire war revolving around the genocide of the White race.

Thankfully, it seems like there is much more (and much better!) wisdom in our broader political movement than that which is being offered by the 23 year old catboy lover and his band of based blacks, "reformed" homosexuals, IRL assault streamers, and manlet professional video game players.



So Fuentes wants to disavow White Supremacism, and presumably White Nationalism too, but yet accuses you of being a race traitor and a fake "White Racial Patriot" if you don't support him? This guy is pure poison. It's the kind of takes you could only get from a catty woman or a homosexual.

Репост из: ༄ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒✈︎
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It is really gay to hear this Jared Howe dude start out his show by complaining about Spencer throwing other CVille defendants under the bus and then proceed to throw Mike Enoch under the bus and insinuate he’s a Fed or something like that because he had his motion to dismiss granted.

But one interesting thing stood out in this interview. According to Cantwell, Cantwell has more or less been formulating his arguments the day of court, often times going off the cuff. He has no access to his own documents and must quickly run through the plaintiffs’ exhibits (the only documents he is given) on a court laptop each morning before that day’s session begins.

Given the quality of his arguments, and if Cantwell isn’t over exaggerating his hardships, that is incredible and a testament to Cantwell’s intellect and wit. Love him or hate him (and personally, I’m pretty neutral) no one can deny the man lacks talent and a “gift for gab”.

Репост из: NazBol Party Club³ ☭ — Bloom Mandate EDITION
One day those responsible will pay with their lifes.

Needless to say, if you claim to be anti-liberal and pro-White, but your current political objectives/grifts are causing you to denigrate Whites and extol the virtues of diversity, then anyone following you needs to take a step back and reevaluate what they're doing.

This is why moderate bullying of AmNats is important. If their leader is not exposed as the grifting homosexual that he is, and if they are not pointedly asked why they would follow such a man, then they will remain in these terrible politics forever.

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Nick Fuentes: "Honestly, thank God for blacks...and Hispanics...I'm Hispanic. They call me a White supremacist, [but] White people are getting the vaccine. It is the patriotic blacks and Hispanics that are holding out, right!?"

Whites of the World, Unite!

Репост из: Roger Cheeto
He knew the truth

No surprise that ZeroHope, the alt-lite financial blog, is rolling out one of the most laughable grifts I've ever seen. $5000 a month to be told day after day, year after year, that the economy is about to collapse and you should sell everything? $5000 a month to have GOP foreign policy talking points regurgitated to you? $5000 a month for an increasingly censored comments section? Laughable!

Who would even pay the lowest amount ($300 billed annually!) for this trash?

Sadly, if no one was interested they never would have rolled it out, and that's the most depressing part of all of it.


Репост из: Eric Striker
People have called this facility and confirmed that your race is factored into decisions to offer you this antibody treatment.

COVID treatments are the first time Ive seen them openly turn people away from accessing for being white. If they dont encounter pushback, denying white people organ transplants and emergency surgeries is next. The right is letting it slide because theyd rather talk about bitchute conspiracy theories than race.


Репост из: Spectre Backup
Judge Moon Man

Репост из: Anglo Archives

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