8.b. Am I able to work/get income in Yemen?
That which is advised first and foremost is to make sure that the work doesn't busy you from your goal, seeking knowledge. One is able to work, although it's quite limited. If it's a live-job where you're required to sit at your desk with stable internet for x amount of hours, monitoring things live, this is very difficult and isn't likely to happen. However if it's a job that doesn't require you to be there live, such as answering emails and such, then this is doable. The internet here varies from place to place especially from city to city. For example, 4G Mobile Data is very strong in Mukalla. Recently we had stronger WiFi implemented, which now should make these kinds of things easier. Most brothers sell things online, sending things from Yemen to their home countries and then selling it there.
You can also set something "physical" up here, as some brothers did. By that, I mean selling things privately or outside the Marākiz; for example the Markaz of our Shaykh al-ʿAllāmah Yaḥyā al-Ḥajūrī حفظه الله ورعاه there's a few brothers who sell things outside after Isha daily, ranging from sweets, cakes, ice cream, perfume, etc. One of our brothers - may Allāh عزوجل preserve him upon goodness and reward him immensely - currently sells chicken burgers and wraps.
You could also opt for a taxi service, as it's known many students travel from Yemen to Saudi (Makkah). This can be done often, and ofcourse the most busiest and expensive of times is during Ramaḍān. As far as I can recall, a seat costs approximately between 250-350sar, depending on the time of year one travels. If you have an 8 seater mini-bus, well, that's 250-350sar × 7 and as mentioned before, these trips are done several times within a year - many brothers go back and forth. This will be mentioned further on when speaking about travelling.
That which is advised first and foremost is to make sure that the work doesn't busy you from your goal, seeking knowledge. One is able to work, although it's quite limited. If it's a live-job where you're required to sit at your desk with stable internet for x amount of hours, monitoring things live, this is very difficult and isn't likely to happen. However if it's a job that doesn't require you to be there live, such as answering emails and such, then this is doable. The internet here varies from place to place especially from city to city. For example, 4G Mobile Data is very strong in Mukalla. Recently we had stronger WiFi implemented, which now should make these kinds of things easier. Most brothers sell things online, sending things from Yemen to their home countries and then selling it there.
You can also set something "physical" up here, as some brothers did. By that, I mean selling things privately or outside the Marākiz; for example the Markaz of our Shaykh al-ʿAllāmah Yaḥyā al-Ḥajūrī حفظه الله ورعاه there's a few brothers who sell things outside after Isha daily, ranging from sweets, cakes, ice cream, perfume, etc. One of our brothers - may Allāh عزوجل preserve him upon goodness and reward him immensely - currently sells chicken burgers and wraps.
You could also opt for a taxi service, as it's known many students travel from Yemen to Saudi (Makkah). This can be done often, and ofcourse the most busiest and expensive of times is during Ramaḍān. As far as I can recall, a seat costs approximately between 250-350sar, depending on the time of year one travels. If you have an 8 seater mini-bus, well, that's 250-350sar × 7 and as mentioned before, these trips are done several times within a year - many brothers go back and forth. This will be mentioned further on when speaking about travelling.