Гео и язык канала: Таджикистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

The best way to improve your English is to learn phrasal verbs idioms and collocation inshaallah we will help you to do that
💬 For any kinda inquiries: @Sadi_Sheroziy
Second channel: @english_advise
Ads: @Rek_Info

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Таджикистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

10 kishi kirsin

Oʻchiryapman guys 👆

😇: O’rto, reading qanday qilib o’sib ketdi senda?

🥳:Men Reading kanaldagi free lessonlarga qatnashyapmanda

🥺:Mengayam link ber

🥰:Mana qoʻshilib ol

🇺🇸 Lose patience
🇺🇿 Sabr kosasi to'lmoq, sabri tugamoq

➪ I began to lose my patience after waiting two hours for my darling to get dressed

➪ Sevgilimning kiyinishini ikki soat kutganimdan keyin sabr-kosam to'lishni boshladi

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🗣🗣🗣Multi-levelchilar Diqqatiga

Siz Noyabr yoki Dekabr oyida topshirmoqchimisiz ? Sizga 6× C1 olgan ustozni Speaking va Writing darslarini taqdim etamiz ⛈⛈⛈

Speaking lessons👇👇👇

Speaking Part 1 (new format)
Speaking part 2 (new format)
Speaking part 3 (new format)
Speaking qilganda toʻxtab qolish
Vocabulary bilasiz speakingda ishlata olmaysiz

Writing lessons 👇👇👇
Task 1 Letter turlariga darslar 🔥
1. Letter of Reference
2. Letter of Application
3. Letter of Complaint
4. Informal letters
5. Semi-Formal Letters:
6. Formal Letters

Task 2 essaylarga darslar
1. Opinion Essays:
2. Discussion Essays:
3. Problem-Solution Essays:
4. Advantages and Disadvantages Essays:
5. Direct Question Essays:
6. Compare and Contrast Essays:

🇺🇸 Fussy
🇺🇿 Nimagadir ko'p etibor beradigan odam

➪ I'm very fussy about my darling's style of dressing

➪ Men jonkamni kiyinish uslubiga judayam ko'p etibor beraman

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5.1k 1 98 31 81

🇺🇸I ain't got cash
🇺🇿Naqd pulim yo'q edi

➪︎ I ain't got cash, but I can offer you a hug instead 😊🤗

➪︎ Menda naqd pulim yo'q edi, lekin o'rniga sizni quchoqlashim mumkin 😊🤗

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5.9k 0 105 17 80

🇺🇸 Speechless
🇺🇿 Qotib qolgan, nima deyishni bilmay qotib qolgan, tariflashga til ojiz

➪︎ I was speechless when I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time

➪︎ Men Grand Canyonni birinchi marta ko'rganimda nima deyishni bilmay qotib qolgandin

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6.4k 0 118 26 42

🇺🇸 To come clean
🇺🇿 Ochiq oydin aytmoqchi

➪︎ To come clean, all of my girlfriends are warm-hearted so I can not leave any of them
➪︎ Tog'risini aytsam, mening barcha jonkalarim samimiy, shuning uchun men ulardan hech birini tashlab ketolmayman😁

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5.8k 0 107 14 81

🇺🇸 Be wary of
🇺🇿 Ehtiyotkor

My darling, you have to be wary of strangers when you walk on the street

➪ Jonkam, kõchada yurganingda g'alati odamlardan ehtiyor bolishing kerak

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6.3k 0 112 6 69

🇺🇸 Burst into tears
🇺🇿 Yig’lab yubormoq

➪ If I shout at my darling, she will quickly
burst into tears

➪ Jonkamga qattiq gapirsam darrov yig'l
ashni boshledi

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7.9k 0 115 18 89

🇺🇸 Go back on something
🇺🇿 fikridan qaytmoq, so'zidan qaytmoq

➪︎ She's gone back on her word and decided not to give me the job after all

➪︎ U o‘z so‘zidan qaytdi va oxir-oqibat menga ish bermaslikka qaror qildi

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10k 0 99 9 45

🇺🇸 Pick someone's brains
🇺🇿 Maslahat so'ramoq
🇷🇺 Попросить совета

➪︎ I sometimes pick some of my girlfriend's brains when I'm trying to make new girlfriend 😀

➪︎ Men ba'zan yangi qiz topishga xarakat qilayotganimda, sevgililarimning bazilaridan maslahat so'rayman

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9.9k 0 119 13 96

🇺🇸 On the whole
🇺🇿 Umuman olganda

On the whole, the trip with my darling was just amazing and memorable

➪ Umuman o
lganda,jonkam bilan bo'lgan sayohat shunchaki ajoyib va ​​esda qolarli bo'ldi

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9.5k 0 159 33 75

Joke time

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8.2k 0 19 6 141

🇺🇸 Screw up
🇺🇿 Barbod qilmoq, yo’q qilmoq

Sweetie, you know that sometimes you screw up all my plans

➪ Jonkam , bilasanmi sen ba
'zan barcha rejalarimni barbod qilasan

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9.9k 0 139 13 78

Joke time

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🇺🇸 Other than
🇺🇿 Dan tashqari

➪︎ I don't have any allergies, other than to peanuts

➪︎ Menda yeryong‘oqdan boshqa hech qanday narsaga alergiyam yo‘q

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10.2k 0 119 19 46

🇺🇸 Homebody
🇺🇿 Vaqtini uyda o'tqazishni yoqtiradigan odam

➪ I am looking for a girl who is a
homebody because most of my ex-girlfriends really like to spend their time out and about
Men vaqtini uyda o'tqazishni yoqtiradigan jonka qidiryapman, chunki avalgi jonkalarimning ko'pchiligi vaqtlarini tashqarida o'tkazishni yaxshi ko'rardilar😃

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10.9k 0 160 18 119
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