
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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Old age is when the width of your mind and waist trade places .. Back in service .. Serving Patriots since 1948 ..

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Anyone who has friends or family who deny or shun you about our current state of affairs .. If they don't believe you … avoid you .. call you crazy…
Your day of reckoning is near
They won't be able to deny the information coming out

Forgive them .. They've been programed to deny the truth
We were all programed


Twitter files 8
Treason at a highest levels.

There is no escaping this anymore
The cat is out of the bag

This is UNCONFIRMED but info will come out soon if it is true
I'm not a doctor and not giving medical advise

The normal Flu shot THIS YEAR is a covid vax ..
Take a flu shot at your own risk


Just got this now ..
Bundle up folks
Get supplies while you can


Elon calling out Schiff in a HUGE way


In Government, when trust is lost .. everything is lost .. Trust is earned by many deeds and lost by only one ..
If Satan could fall from grace .. it shows that even the seemingly most trustworthy people can screw up too ..
They've lost our trust and it's unlikely they'll ever regain it
Accountability is the only way forward


This Winter Storm
So much talk of Tribunals
What are we witnessing?
Think rationally
Expend your mind
Is it time?

The World is watching

Just an odd question But there's logic to my madness .. Think before you answer .. Are there more grains of sand i all desserts or more drops of water in all oceans and lakes?
  •   More Sand
  •   More Water
  •   Exact amount of both
131 голосов

You have an opportunity now to stock up on essentials ..
Don't forget about your pets
Might want to consider it now ..


Sam Bankfraud signed extradition paperwork to the US
He must not approve of the filthy bug infested cell he's in now

Good Morning Friends ..
Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad ...
Poli is a Latin word meaning many .. tics are bloodsucking creatures
Making sense yet?


Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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