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Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
If you are reading this scheduled message, means we are now representing Telegram in paradise, but still here too. We will share a message we wrote almost 1 year ago, that we never changed in the last time. We released tons of updated messages to our family. It's their decision if they want to share worldwide such messages or not. Our new update are our channels!

No matter what, we will continue to fight for facts, human / animal and planet rights where we are now.

For us the most important thing you need to do is to treat the world in proper way @MeteoTelegram @ClimateChangeTelegram and act rationally @DieWelleTelegram with facts @FactsTelegramChannels

It's time that this planet get a revolution @LawsTelegram @HumanRightsChecklist @EthicalDilemmaHumanRights @MissionPlaneta because we ignored too many things for too much time and our planet is just full of missing rights and discrimination! But there is a good news! We can improve!

We already know that no one can replace what we did, in the same way, but at the end such decision was done by evaluating multiple factors.

Again, treat the planet in proper way, because we are @WinterFreaks and @AnimalFreaks and this is our planet!

Ciao ciao from WomenRightsTelegram and all our 100+ brands we launched in the last 10+ years in 10+ languages about tons of topics.

If such project will continue or not, it's a decision of our family. At least for 1 year they should work, where we are not posting things manually.

You can find such message on @GoodbyeMessage

It's time to love our planet. It's time for a worldwide revolution!

For your planet. For YOUR future!

Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
22 July - the most important day in our planet to change laws / human rights / discrimination once at all! Behind Breivik Facts

Obviously not for the massacre, but because we hope our investigation will finally make a change in our planet.

If you are reading this message, well, we are contrasting terrorism / criminals in paradise now

We hope our governments really start to learn from Norway disaster and other bad days, because we need to improve from errors
even if we need to talk about tabu topics or whatever!

instead of doing same exact errors, keeping eyes closed, fix problem with nothing = keeping problems ...

It's time to change laws, to improve human rights and much more related to so many things, not related to terrorism at all, but included in Brevik story.

Breivik story is in our opinion a story that can never be forget, not for the massacre he did, but because this story include all other stories / rights / etc.!

We really hope scientists and politicians will not ignore all what is behind that (and we don't mean the ☪️ discrimination, because we don't share that at all! @NoBreivikMania!!)

It's time to learn, to improve and to contrast terrorism / criminality!

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
It's time to be a better world!

Backup by @WomenRightsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups:

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Learn with Norway : what we need to learn for a bad day happened in Norge to live with more security / rights / equality

Backup by @WomenRightsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups:

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Mission 🌍 worldwide revolution is starting to reach 100% after months / years of hard work to archive such goal - Now is time to go to the next level.

You can be part of this mission too! by don't keep eyes closed!

Not just about climate change! but EVERYTHING!
🤜🤜 (2)

🙅‍♂️ 🙊 🙅‍♂️ 🙈 🙅‍♂️ 🙉 🙅‍♂️ 💴🤯 🙅‍♂️ 🤡
✅ 🤜 ✅ 🧬

For a better planet. For better laws. For better security. FOR A BETTER FUTURE! FOR YOU! FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS!

Because we cannot keep eyes closed and because we never forget the past! Because we want to learn from errors making things better than what they are now.

Backup by @WomenRightsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups:

Human Rights ToDo Checklist Telegram : most important things we need to fight with science facts dan repost
Let we go back to crimes we support and our laws / politicians or whatever need to have much more respect on that

Like said previously, we disagree at all with people doing correlations! using bullshit stats / manipulated / 10% of the informations or whatever!

Now, let we check which crimes we need to respect more!

First crime, you should already know ...

a) RAPE! Rape should get much more respect than what is happening now!

We talk about child or women rape, but we forget that animals and men get raped too! NO DIFFERENCE! Same sentence if you rape a women or an animal!

b) like said, all people bullying / discriminating / being the cause of suicide or whatever need to get sentenced properly!

0 deaths during a terror attack? Same sentence like if you kill 100!

c) Implement theriocide and ecocide properly!

and start to sentence all mafious people once at all!

We don't want MAFIA IN POLITICS AND GOVERNMENTS! and we don't want innocent in prison too!

d) it's time to sentence crimes on internet / social network or that are the source of terrorism / criminality / propaganda or whatever!

We want that police start to track internet once at all!

and it's time to make a difference between the privacy of criminals and privacy of innocents!

Again, social network need to respect laws! and if there are "bad trends" or "bad influencers" they should be banned and sentenced!

Euthanasia Telegram : It's time that government stop to decide about our lives / children - Assisted suicide is a human right! dan repost
Silvia and human rights in Italy!

Let we make a small refresh!

by excluding now the topic climate change / Islam discrimination and other bullshit ...

a) Italy laws are shit! and need to be improved

b) Italy law related to abortion, euthanasia and similar things is a disaster! but yes ... come to Switzerland when you need that! by remembering that even in Switzerland such laws are shit! and years aways from 🇳🇱!
and this doesn't mean 🇳🇱 has perfect laws too!

but yes, talk about "suicide of Europe" while you ignore what is happening in Italy related to suicide! even rape suicide

So again, start to implement indirect homicide for being the cause of deaths! Start to improve your laws related to crimes, no matter if terrorism, rape, animals or whatever! IMPROVE ONCE AT ALL!

c) she is talking a lot about 🧕 BUT SHE IS FORGETTING THAT RONDO IS THE FIRST CRIMINAL WEARING 🧕! and doing crimes!

So let we put all criminal rappers in prison ...

Remember, COVERING THE FACE IS A CRIME, no matter who is doing that, no matter the religion!

and Rondo is not just doing that!

Just some example of things she is ignoring ... and ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN 🧕 BULLSHIT!

So again, less bullshit and corrupted politicians in 🇪🇺

Climate Change Facts on Telegram : the reality behind how we are destroying our planet / oceans / nature dan repost
Good Silvia, l'Italia è eccellenza a livello mondiale per il reciclo! - Italy is world-class excellence for recycling!

a) this is bullshit! check previous post
and old posts!

So let we check this topic from MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVE! not just some stats saying something ... (stats that are generally SHIT!), when we ignore other things ... So what you mean with recycling???

b) what do you mean with Italy??! Italy IS HUGE BIG with HUGE DIFFERENT! You cannot talk as Italy in whole! You need to talk of each regions! Exactly there are huge difference for other things!

c) recycling IS NOT synonym of being green! because RECYCLING IS STILL POLLUTION! More you recycle, more you pollute! So the main goal is near improving recycling even REDUCING TO BUY THINGS! and waste things!

Otherwise even the green cruise is green 🤦‍♂️
and this means "let's go, let we do cruises!"

d) let we remember that related to climate change is not just important what you are doing today! but what you have done until now! means even in the past! and Italy was not one of the best countries for sure!

and still not the best country related to the topic energy etc.

e) ...

Now the goal is not saying "Italy is good or bad" but please don't use bullshit as excuses for doing nothing! like other!

Because every country / every person in the world need to change and improve!

So in few words! Every country is 💩 in something! NO ONE IS PERFECT! and everyone can still improve ...

What we can do to improve?

- Well, first like said trash less, buy less, and recycle more (separate things much better!)

- Eat less (= no overeating / obesity) and change eating pattern

- ...

Food Waste Telegram by GRT : How to buy food without polluting, even if you don't want to be vegan dan repost
Good Silvia, l'Italia è eccellenza a livello mondiale per il reciclo! - Italy is world-class excellence for recycling!

a) this is bullshit! check previous post
and old posts!

So let we check this topic from MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVE! not just some stats saying something ... (stats that are generally SHIT!), when we ignore other things ... So what you mean with recycling???

b) what do you mean with Italy??! Italy IS HUGE BIG with HUGE DIFFERENT! You cannot talk as Italy in whole! You need to talk of each regions! Exactly there are huge difference for other things!

c) recycling IS NOT synonym of being green! because RECYCLING IS STILL POLLUTION! More you recycle, more you pollute! So the main goal is near improving recycling even REDUCING TO BUY THINGS! and waste things!

Otherwise even the green cruise is green 🤦‍♂️
and this means "let's go, let we do cruises!"

d) let we remember that related to climate change is not just important what you are doing today! but what you have done until now! means even in the past! and Italy was not one of the best countries for sure!

and still not the best country related to the topic energy etc.

e) ...

Now the goal is not saying "Italy is good or bad" but please don't use bullshit as excuses for doing nothing! like other!

Because every country / every person in the world need to change and improve!

So in few words! Every country is 💩 in something! NO ONE IS PERFECT! and everyone can still improve ...

What we can do to improve?

- Well, first like said trash less, buy less, and recycle more (separate things much better!)

- Eat less (= no overeating / obesity) and change eating pattern

- ...

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
WomenRightsTelegram doesn't stand for ignorance / religion bullshit and bullshit activists Part 4

So like said in part 1
we don't support religion crimes! but with support religion freedom!

In part 2
we talked about bullshit activists and that laws need to be respected for serious crimes done by them. Like we stand for no discrimination.

In part 3
about vandalism, crimes done to activists, utopia and no sense activism

We don't support terrorist activists at all! and like said previously, if we get another Marco Camenisch, we would apply life sentence without parole / death penalty for killing people and committing serious crimes!

What we don't support too? IGNORANCE OF NOT ACTIVISTS = PEOPLE!
🤜🤜 (2)

No matter which topic!

We don't support corruption inside politicians or activists!

In summary? We need to collaborate much more, no matter which country or religion, to avoid ignorance / corruption / fix problems together! Because we are the nationality EARTH!

We really hope people will stop fight against themselve!

Because seriously so we cannot continue! IT'S TIME TO CHANGE!

Every person and country on this planet is not innocent in some ways! We should reflect about what we did and start to improve! Be always positive! because behind everyone there are positive points!

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
WomenRightsTelegram doesn't stand for ignorance / religion bullshit and bullshit activists Part 3

So like said in part 1
we don't support religion crimes! but with support religion freedom!

In Part 2
we talked about bullshit activists and that laws need to be respected for serious crimes done by them. Like we stand for no discrimination.

Like we don't support vandalism!

or crimes done to activists! You have no right to cause injuries to activists, even if you are 😡! This is a police problem, not yours! If you act without their permission, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL! and in this case you deserve prison! even if with your action people don't die or get a disability!

Again, it's time to put in prison people that are not the cause of deaths too!
this means even related to suicide crimes!

We for sure don't support no sense activism!

and we don't support this idea, all is black or white! we need to go from 100 to 0% in 3 seconds!

Because such things IS JUST UTOPIA! and the life is more complex! There is NOT just such factors, we need to consider all factors, this mean even the topic finance! Does it make sense to have CO2 0 or other similar things, but all countries in bankrupt or whatever? NOPE! So again, the topic finance it's complex! but still not an excuse to don't change at all!

We don't support terrorist activists at all! and like said previously, if we get another Marco Camenisch, we would apply life sentence without parole / death penalty for killing people and committing serious crimes!

See next post

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
WomenRightsTelegram doesn't stand for ignorance / religion bullshit and bullshit activists Part 2

So like said in part 1
we don't support religion crimes! but with support religion freedom!

We for sure don't support discrimination! and Breivik!

We don't support all bullshit activists too! We are not activism, we would never protest on the street, so we are scientists!

The problem is NOT being on the street! We find this ok, even if we would never do that, but the fact that many such activists (no matter what they believe) ARE NOT SCIENTISTS and don't promote true infos!

So please, if you are an activist, FIRST STUDY FACTS, THAN GO TO THE STREET!
🤜🤜 (2)

Instead of talking bullshit! Again we mean now in general! Not all activists are bad!

Second, remember that doing activism on the street STILL NEED TO RESPECT LAWS! because ok keeping eyes closed for "small crimes" if there is a reason behind such activism! BUT SERIOUS CRIMES ARE NOT OK AT ALL!

See next post

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT dan repost
WomenRightsTelegram doesn't stand for ignorance / religion bullshit and bullshit activists Part 1

We always said that freedom of religion is all ok, if this freedom is not source of crimes!

So everyone can follow any type of religion! what we for sure don't support are:

- that parents IMPOSE kids which religion they need to follow! This is definitely a crime! Since no one can be forced to follow what you follow! Yes, there is option to change later, but is this really so???! It's like changing husband once you get married ... there is a way, but not everyone is doing! and you get still influenced!

- we don't support the "i believe in your religion or i follow your religion principes, just because you visit a country!"
Sorry but NOPE! If 🇸🇦 come to 🇪🇺, they don't stop their religion and convert to a religion free or ⛪️! Same for other things! You need to have respect for their religion (if crimes are not done), but you DON'T need to follow their religion principes (but still follow their laws ...)

You don't agree with the laws? DON'T VISIT SUCH COUNTRIES! Pretty simply!

- crimes done by religion, no matter which religion, related to human / animal and planet rights! This mean even bombarding people WITH BULLSHIT not scientific informations related to such rights (right to live / die and other things!)

Such rights are MORE important than religion freedom! because it's about more people, not just one people!

We don't all bullshit activists too! We are not activism, we would never protest on the street, so we are scientists!

See next post for more details

DefenceTelegram GenRevolution Telegram & Nature Freaks DON'T support Amnesty bullshit propaganda to United Nations / governments dan repost
Amnesty, what is now your excuses to this fact about death penalty and homicides in America / USA that you are not showing at all!

Plus this show again your bullshit about Canada too!
No matter if done by Amnesty or

Carolyn Hoyle (University of Oxford / Death Penalty Project)

Like said, we cover all hidden facts that such mafious researchers ARE NOT SHARING AT ALL!

Which is just a shame for Europe! No only a mafia related to lethal dosis sell ban!
and obviously a full 💤 about related topics!

Again we don't stand with corrupted @DeathPenaltyMafia and bullshit facts by @AmnestyFacts

We are science. THE TRUE SCIENCE! and with neutrality!

Elon Musk / SpaceX / Tesla / ElonJet / Private Jets Yachts Facts about Pollution and Climate Change dan repost
Die Kreuzfahrtbranche boomt und verzeichnet so viele Passagiere wie nie zuvor. Allein in Deutschland buchten 2,23 Millionen Menschen einen Ozeantrip

The cruise industry is booming and has more passengers than ever before. In Germany alone, 2.23 million people booked an ocean trip, an increase of three percent compared to the previous year.

LNG Cruises are NOT polluting free cruises!

Most important, let we complain against Klimakleber or too less money, while we continue to increase money we waste for polluting trips ...

Again, in summary:
- buy an electric car IS NOT synonym of polluting less! If we ignore all other aspects!

- using cars because it takes 5 minutes less than using bus or trains IS NOT AN EXCUSE!

- buying Tesla because Tesla is green IS BULLSHIT! There is no brand that is green! and Tesla for sure is NOT green! even if still better than many others

and behind Tesla there is Elon = indirect pollution done to Tesla!

- taking a rocket trip to Mars by saying "yes, i'm the only one, look what is doing China" IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR YOUR POLLUTION!

- taking airplanes just to make a speech is NOT an excuse! Use Skype or whatever you want for doing your (bullshit) speech.

- "Yes, but poor people are polluting too" is NOT an excuse too!
because first, they pollute much less! and second, their brain works better than those of rich people who disagree all laws against their lifestyle!

Elon Musk / SpaceX / Tesla / ElonJet / Private Jets Yachts Facts about Pollution and Climate Change dan repost
In 2019 AIDA Cruises once again took a technological leap into cruises emissions neutral by commissioning AIDAnova, the world's first LNG-powered cruise ship, which received the Blue Angel seal from the German federal government in recognition of its design of environmentally friendly ship.

Thanks to the new design of the ship, the use of LNG and other measures to reduce energy consumption in the sectors of the hotel, catering and leisure industry, CO2 emissions per person per day on board AIDAnova could be reduced by around 55 percent to 27 kg in 2019 compared to average emissions of the fleet (59.8 kg) during 2018.

The industry called it a game changer because AidaNOVA runs on a different type of fuel than its predecessors: liquified natural (fossil) gas, aka LNG

This report analyses the possible impacts of decarbonising EU related shipping on the primary renewable energy production and concludes that a mix of alternative zero emission technologies including battery- electric, liquid hydrogen and ammonia would cause the least additional strain on the broader energy system.

Even though a technology mix of batteries, liquid hydrogen and ammonia appears to be an optimal solution, the impact on the future EU renewable electricity production should not be underestimated.

Furthermore, the theoretical climate neutrality of synthetic methane would not be achieved if, as with LNG, methane leakage and slip were to take place during the transportation, bunkering and on-board combustion of the fuel.

Almost 30% of these emissions arise from ships transporting passengers, while container ships, together with oil and chemical tankers were responsible for 46% of the total reported emissions.

Ships having average higher emissions per ship: e.g., passenger ships, ro-pax ships

No matter what, we CANNOT ignore that 🚢 or 🛥 is just pollution!

So yes Elon Musk, even your hobby during your holidays is pollution!

19 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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