Well, we need to update the list of people and organisations that stands for propaganda WITHOUT REAL SCIENCE AND FACTS!
https://t.me/DeathPenaltyIgnorance/211LINKEDIN STANDS FOR PROPAGANDA! and the EU mafia behind similar topics and they show that exactly today by banning without warning the channel about death penalty facts in Russia!
Even if we talk about pro and contras, this means even the mafia available in Russia!
But sure they read ANYTHING of what has been written and cited!
So Linkedin is going against human rights laws too!
https://perma.cc/VX6K-4LWRArt. 20 Academic freedom
Freedom of research and teaching is guaranteed.
You are not promoting research by banning research! remember that! and promoting bullshit research!
Art. 17 Freedom of the media
Art. 16 Freedom of expression and of information
Just another example how basic human rights of UN are NOT respected at all! like we said 1000x time before!
https://t.me/HumanRightsChecklist/255Such universal rights are just a JOKE! where politicians / governments etc. keep eyes closed continuously! Such definitions need to be rewritten completely and after that someone NEED to control that they get respected! because writing something and giving a shit doesn't help at all!
https://t.me/IgnorancePeople/7LinkedIN is going against Article 19 of United Nations too!
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression (
in this case is science!); this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
LinkedIN is going against article 26 of UN too!
Everyone has the right to education = means getting scientific informations too! https://perma.cc/8JC9-Q2HZ