Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

🔥 Gaza-Israel Conflict Videos: Hamas, Israel, Middle East Tensions 🇵🇸🇮🇱📺 #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #MiddleEast #Tensions #ConflictVideos
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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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⚡An attempt to trigger the KAZ Trophy of an Israeli Merkava Mk.4M tank against an Iranian Almas ATGM missile flying at it.

The system only managed to urgently discard the protective shields from the mortars of the KAZ launcher, but apparently did not have time to shoot the interceptors at the flying ammunition.

Also in the frame you can see the head of the tank commander sticking out directly under the rocket.

🔵 @LearnnArabic

15.1k 0 11 53 168

For those who want some context:

Zarif is the former foreign minister during Rouhani’s government. He’s disliked and hated by Iranians for lying, twisting narratives, disrespecting respectful figures loved by Iranians, his support for the JCPOA which brought Iran nothing. He’s also very pro-west basically.

🔵 @LearnnArabic

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🔵 @LearnnArabic

— 🇺🇸/🇮🇷 Apparently, Iran has been 'two weeks' away from obtaining nuclear weapons for the past 15 years.

Every time these retards say 'TWO MOAR WEEEKS', it's honestly embarassing at this point.

Iran has the capability to produce multiple nuclear warheads, and the ballistic missiles capable of launching those nuclear warheads. Iran has had this capability for years. It's a matter of will, not a matter of ability.

'If Iran wanted to produce nuclear weapons, we would have produced them, and neither America nor anyone else would have been able to stop us' – Imam Khamenei.


🔵 @LearnnArabic

🇮🇷⚡- "Iran is capable of producing fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon within one or two weeks," – US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

🔵 @LearnnArabic

— 🇵🇸 Dear subscribers, our newest mission for Gaza is complete 💚

This mission was completed in northern Gaza, specifically in areas where the bombing has been most severe.

Keep in mind the campaign is still ongoing, and we will continue to bundle all our efforts in order to help the oppressed Palestinian people.


🔵 @LearnnArabic

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🔵 @LearnnArabic

One of israel’s most prominent journalists:

“The collapse of deterrence is not an illustration”

🔵 @LearnnArabic

According to israeli media, the explosion sound in Tel Aviv was caused by an oxygen cylinder that exploded. 2 people were injured and were taken for treatment, there is no suspicion of a security incident, per israeli apparatus.

🔵 @LearnnArabic

🚨 BREAKING: Preliminary reports of a new explosion that was heard in Tel Aviv. Israeli rescue forces are on their way to the scene.

🔵 @LearnnArabic

What’s interesting is the speculation about the nature of the target that the Yemeni drone targeted in Tel Aviv, near the US embassy.

Israeli sources expectedly remain quiet regarding the target.

🔵 @LearnnArabic

“A drone just fell out of nowhere” 🤣


🔵 @LearnnArabic

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
— 🇾🇪/🇮🇷/🇮🇱 Footage of the Iranian-made Samad-3 drone striking Tel Aviv

The drone entered from an unexpected angle of attack, from the Mediterranean Sea, which is likely why it was not intercepted.

Also notice the Russian / Ukrainian language in the background. More than 20% of the 'Israeli' population speaks Russian or Ukrainian as their native language. Because they are illegal Jewish settlers who do not belong there.


🔵 @LearnnArabic

🇾🇪⚡Ansarullah also used Samad-3 in 2019 to target Saudi Aramco.

🚩 @ResistanceTrench

🔵 @LearnnArabic

The Yemeni “Yaffa” drone successfully impacted inside Tel Aviv and caused major destruction. It bypassed EVERY major defense layer and succesfully impacted its target.

This is a MAJOR slap in the face to israel.

🔵 @LearnnArabic

15 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.