Joshua Nunes

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I advocate for the preservation and advancement of the European race. Hail Victory! Hail Hitler!

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Our country is currently a raging dumpster fire, and for some reason neither the cuckservatives or the shit libs can work out mentally how a group of White Nationalist could possibly be a real thing in Florida. Truly amazing times we live in. The right is too busy building a false narrative that antifa is behind the "Nazis", while the mainstream left is busy trying to associate the "Nazis" with the cuckservatives. Neither side is willing to listen to the other. What an amazing display of idiocracy. News flash: Florida Nazis are real, liberals are disgenic faggots, and conservatives are complete pussies.

We must promote the love of the European race to all of our people, even to the ones that don't love their own race. The European race has created beauty, both culturally and physically, that has yet to be matched by any other race throughout the entirety of human history. For this reason we must advocate in the strongest possible way for successful marriages within our ranks and as many births as possible. This was the way of those that came before us, and this is the only way forward for us now. The restoration of the traditional Aryan family is paramount to our success.
     I'm going to end with a statement to all of you who consider yourselves National Socialist: If you chose to follow along this path I can assure you that it will not be an easy one. You will face hardships and you will face danger. Nothing worth doing comes without risk however. The staunch idealists and brave men that choose to fight for the survival of our race will become legends. God bless all of you that share my views.
Hail Victory, Hail Hitler!

     What does it mean to be a National Socialist in today's modern movement? I've spent a good deal of time lately trying to answer this question, both for myself and for the men around me. I believe that by answering this seemingly simple question we can begin to lay the groundwork for a successful movement. For the sake of keeping things relatively simple and straightforward I'm going purposely avoid speculating on what any future government may look like; and instead focus on the individual, community, and cultural aspects of what I believe it means to be a National Socialist.
     National Socialism on the individual level can be simplified as our core set of ethics and values. We are first and foremost White Nationalist who will always put the the advancement of our race before anything else. To be one of us every action you take should be done so with careful consideration. Ask yourself, is what I'm about to do going to help or hurt the reputation of those associated with this movement? If we as a collective used this metric for our day-to-day decision making it would do wonders for improving how we look in the eyes of the public. As National Socialists we should take pride in the way that we look and the way that we behave. We should all be working towards constant self improvement while also lifting up the people around us. Reject all forms of degeneracy. Degeneracy is a tool used by the jews to bring us down as a race. Any degenerate behavior within the ranks should be corrected or cut out like the cancer that it is. We must also be fearless. It is impossible to be one of us without first realizing that we are all part of something that much larger than our individual self. We serve the race. We must all be willing to lay down our lives for this cause if need be. Only when we have a sufficient number of men with this level of unwavering duty to our beloved race can we ever hope to save ourselves.
     Before I begin to explain the role of National Socialism within the community, I would like to start with the dictionary definition of it. Community- 1. A group of people living in the same place, or having particular characteristics in common. 2. A feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, or goals. National Socialism within the community is all about building a breakaway society of strong and independent White families within our decaying societies. We must do everything within our power to starve the system that oppresses us whenever we can. We can start by rejecting all corporate media and entertainment. This includes basically everything given to us via television or the radio. Every bit of it is either mental garbage or weaponized propaganda aimed at chipping away at what you're meant to be. We should instead be creating and supporting media, art, music, entertainment, etc of people within our community who share our beliefs. Grow as much food as you can with the space you have available. Get your friends and family to take part in this activity. What grows well on your property, may not at your friends. This opens the door for sharing crops. I would like to end this subject by talking a bit about comradery and unity among the European race. Our enemies have taken every possible measure to divide us as a people. As National Socialists we must divorce ourselves from the left-right paradigm regarding members of our own race, unless they are marxists. Marxists aren't human and should be treated as such. The rest of them however stand a good chance of seeing things our way as society continues to devolve around us. Take the high road and you will always maintain moral superiority.
     Culturally the main goal of National Socialism should be to regain what was lost to us through the subversive acts of the jews. What we view as an acceptable way of life for our people, has all but been destroyed, except for a few microcosms  dotted throughout our countries. It will be up to us to re-ignite the fire of European culture.

When I say that every communist will be held accountable, I mean that. I don't care if you're 97 years old when we catch up to you. After trial, if convicted of conspiracy to help communist, we will send you directly to the "retirement community," where you will spend the rest of your days. No statute of limitations will ever be granted for communist conspirators. No laws will be broken, as it will be the law of the land. We will hunt you to the ends of the earth the same way that you did the National Socialists. If you do manage to evade us, you will spend the rest of your days looking over your shoulder wondering when it will come. No peace for communist scum!

People are hesitant of becoming active within our movement due to their immense fear of what they stand to lose, despite the fact that inaction will result in our total loss as a racial collective. The quicker we can convey to our people a sense of purpose and duty, the better off we will be. Knowing the truth and doing nothing will be a crime worthy of capital punishment in our future society. It's imperative that the strongest amongst us charge fearlessly into battle. Leadership by example will inspire those around us to become the best version of themselves. If you've been on this path for a while you will hear the truth in my words, if you're just getting started take some time to think about what I just said. Only strong courageous men can create more strong and courageous men. We are Aryans! We are the noble ones that created every cultural wonder from which today's beast society rides its coat tails.
Hail Victory! Hail Hitler!

NSF will soon eclipse all other groups distributing flyers within our state by a factor of at least two by the end of this week. We aim to untangle the intricately woven web of jewish lies by spreading our truthful message to our people blinded by jewish propaganda. I previously stated that my goal was to distribute twenty thousand flyers per month within our state. Within the first month of distribution we're already crushing that goal. I set that number because I thought it was impossibly high for the crew that we have to achieve. Our activists have proven themselves to be a formidable force. Our unwavering work ethic and devotion to duty are what separates us from the rest.
Next month we will distribute 40k flyers. Our truthful message brings terror to our enemies and hope to our friends. We will expose the truth at all costs and bring our people back into the light. Every goal I set will be absolutely smashed by the dedicated members of Natsoc FL. Nothing will ever stop us. Every day we grow more efficient. A month from now we will be distributing 60 thousand flyers a month.
The adl is absolutely shitting their pants right now over our efforts, and rightfully so. It's a bad time to be a criminal in Florida. The search lights of Natsoc Florida are actively exposing (((corruption))) within our state. These cowards will be forced to constantly live life looking over their shoulder in our Great State.

-The corrupt system that aims to destroy us is extremely scared right now. These cowards are mobilizing congress as I type this out to write into law anything that will enable them to criminalize our propaganda efforts. For those of you that place high value on draining the system, this is it.

-Through our effort, organization, and diligence, we are forcing their top brass to divert resources to stop our efforts. What we are doing makes a difference. If it didn't, they would pay us no mind. We will continue to push this initiative until it is no longer safe for us to do so.

-We now control the battle space of this information war. We will no longer fight to publicly defend our position as National Socialists. We will instead force our enemies to defend their position as communists.

-They say that the measure of the left swing of the pendulum is equal to that of the right. This is mostly true, however the left has imparted so much extra force into the swing their way, that the ultimate outcome is going to be absolutely catastrophic for them. The elaborate network of dominos is beginning to fall.

-Our weapon is truth, and truth fears no investigation. I'm calling on each and every White Nationalist who reads this message to do their part within our movement. We serve truth above all else. We wish to restore natural order to our lands.

-I can't in good conscience guarantee that everyone who takes this path will do so unscathed. There will be casualties along the way. Anyone looking for a risk free path should turn back now.

-To those brave individuals willing to follow us into battle, you have my respect. What we are creating is in its infancy. We will continue to grow and develop this organization until we have real institutional power. We will do this at all costs. No amount of sacrifice will be too great for men that think the way I do. I will either succeed, or get ground into dust.

Should the idea of being considered an extremist by today's standards even bother anyone that has the slightest grasp on the jewish plot against White Europeans? I think not. Our mere existence, is unacceptable to our eternal enemy. To promote the preservation of the White race in today's society is heresy of the highest order. Our survival is forbidden by these demons. For this reason alone we have a duty, as White Europeans, to revolt against this system that aims to destroy us both physically and spiritually. Become the best possible version of yourself, and devote your life energy to the preservation of the White race. Your ancestors will smile on you, this I promise you. I pray every day that our people will finally wake up. This day will come soon. Hail Victory, Hail Hitler!

As a National Socialist you should do your best to blend in and create a good name for yourself within your local community. Become the guy that your neighbors know they can count on. You should also exist as a virus within the system. At any point you should be able to strike at the enemy when it's built in immune system falters even slightly. The rat is cunning and stealthy. However, it's no match for the ever watching eyes of the Aryan.
Hail Victory Hail Hitler!

As a community of White Europeans we need to wholeheartedly embrace the idea of the eternal struggle. Through many years of cultural subversion we have forgotten who we are. Our ancestors from many ages ago faced insurmountable odds to get us to the point we're at today. We must once again embrace the burden of struggle our ancestors chose to bare to get us here. Just a few generations of weak minded men got us into the mess we're in today. These cowards chose the easy path, so as to not ruffle any feathers along the way. Anything to make it retirement. Anytime a corporation moved the equality goal post, they capitulated no questions asked. The American consumer is equally as guilty. If you're of European descent and awakened to the plot against our people, it is your absolute duty to do everything you can to starve the parasitic system that oppresses us. This will be a difficult and slow process, but the (((juice))) is definitely worth the squeeze. Anytime we can give money directly to one of our own people instead of a jew owned globo homo Corp we are winning. Stockpiling food is also an absolute necessity at this point. Make a garden and produce what you can with the space you have available, and share crops with your neighbors.

As things begin to get difficult, never forget about the incredible sacrifices our ancestors made to get us here. We owe them everything.
Survival has become easier with every passing generation. There is absolutely no reason to think that the minor inconveniences you may experience in life are equal to your ancestors.
There is no excuse for failing to secure a future for your people. Zero, nada, none, zip, no excuses.
Blackpilled/failure mindset is a cancer within our movement. I have a zero tolerance policy for this type of behavior.
Raise your right arm high in the sky 10 times a day and say: White Power, Blood and Honor, Hail Victory, and Hail Hitler!
White Power should be at the forefront of all your thoughts.
Surround yourself with honorable men who share similar blood.
Only allow those with a victory mindset in your circle.
Honor Hitler publicly.

Things are currently happening across the globe that will inevitably bring about mass turmoil in almost every White nation. I cannot stress enough, how critical a time we are living in. It is your absolute duty to try and wake up every good White man and woman that you can. I don't want to hear any of the, "it's too late to wake up the normies", nonsense. It's never too late. Waking our people up, to the plot to end the European bloodline, is paramount to our survival.
We're living in the age of the, (((communist endgame strategy))), and there's a fork in the road ahead of us. One path is easy, and the other is going to be extremely difficult. I don't think I have to tell any of you how the easy path will turn out for us. That leaves us with the difficult path, and difficult it shall be.
Absolute determination, and steadfast devotion to duty will be what's required for our success. As Aryans these qualities come natural to us. Once united, our people are unstoppable! For that reason alone, the jews want to destroy us.
We're not too late, we're right on time. Natsoc Florida, and other Natsoc movements are an immune response to the cancer that plagues us. We will not be lead sheepishly to slaughter. If you aren't active now, get moving while we still have the upper hand.
God bless all of you that are fighting the good fight. Seeing all of the activity and networking taking place within our state is a huge White pill. Keep up the good work.
Hail Victory, Hail Hitler!

I wonder, how many more people would be protesting the faggot tranny agenda had the jew owned media rats not pushed the arrest of Patriot Front and the hate crime investigation on the proud boys so hard to the public? I would be willing to bet that we would be seeing weekly protest and counter protest right now. We don't see them because these news ops make people scared to get active.
We are at an absolute tipping point. If we do nothing, we will lose everything. It is up to us, and us alone, to begin to tip the scales back in our favor. Things are getting bad enough that the normies are beginning to wake up. We have to be the ones with the courage to go out and show them that we've had enough!
Our people were meant to be strong, noble, and brave. Instead our people have largely succumbed to jewish subversion. Become the strong, noble, and brave Aryan man you were meant to be so that your ancestors may once again smile on your bloodline. This is your absolute duty if you are on this path. Be the example for the man to come.
White Power, Hail Hitler!

I ask of every European man and woman who shares our National Socialist world view to pledge an oath to to our people, so that we may see our goals through to the end.

- I pledge to stand tall, even in the face of danger, to defend the European race. I will strive to become the best version of myself; so that I can properly honor my ancestors, my family, and those to come. I will serve my race with unshakable devotion to duty and unwavering honor. Nothing can stop me from completing my goal. No amount of personal loss or sacrifice will ever be enough to break my strength.

Say those words silently in your head for days to come. Begin to reprogram yourself from being a self centered (((zogbot))), to a functional member of European society. Btw, I know this doesn't apply to all of you so don't give me shit. In order to succeed, each of us must carry within ourselves the desire to see the White man rise up once again.

- White Power Hail Hitler!

The only people making any progress for the White race are those willing to walk a knife edge in order to see their goals through. One mistep in either direction leads to annihilation.
Hail NSC 131! Your crew is a shining example of what we should all strive to achieve. Great work gentlemen. White Americans up North owe you a million thanks for your efforts and diligence.
Hail @Vaderland01! One day all our people will stand shoulder to shoulder united. White solidarity world wide will be achieved.
Hail Nationalist homestead and @Inquisitor_Rex! White Nationalist everywhere should look to you as an example of what we can achieve. Family is everything, and you clearly have things perfectly dialed in. God bless you brother.
I have to offer special thanks to @TomSewell. This man is an absolute treasure to the White race. I've probably annoyed this Aussie more than anyone in this movement with constant questions and advice. Never once has he looked down his nose at me despite being so well established. Natsoc Florida will not soon forget the help of the Great White Aussie. Hail Tom Sewell!
The time for Natsoc Florida to repay the favor has come. We will never forget the solidarity and wisdom all the aforementioned parties have given us. I've allocated all my energy to making our dream of a Natsoc future a reality. I expect this same energy and dedication from all White Nationalist who choose to operate under our banner. No amount of personal sacrifice will ever be too much to see our goals through to the end if you truly believe in our cause. God bless every White: man, woman, and child alive. More than ever, our people need heros. We offer that opportunity to every man willing to stand beside us.

We owe absolutely nothing to the jews that subvert us. We owe absolutely nothing to these subhuman monkeys that bleed our countries dry. We owe them absolutely nothing! Our people were beautiful and prosperous long before these parasites came along. Contribute nothing to this system of destruction. Let it choke to death on its own hollow words and false ideology. Natural hierarchy will be restored. The jew, is a lowly creature at best. Europeans united easily smash these weak faggots. White unity is the only path forward.
Seig Heil! Seig Heil! Seig Heil!

-Weird world we live in where the European man living in a majority White nation on his own land is the outlier.

-Cowardice is a plague. Destroy it at all costs.

-Many of our people know how critical our situation is, yet they do nothing, because they are used to people picking up after them.

-Let these cowards face the hell they helped to create alone.

-True Aryans will always stand tall for their race no matter what.

-No amount of personal sacrifice will ever be too much.

-We will build the future for our children that the absolute cowards that came before us could couldn't be bothered with.

-I pledge my life to this cause, and I hope many of you are willing to do so as well.

-Total devotion to duty is what I ask of anyone who believes in this cause.

Hail Victory, Hail Hitler!

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