Things are currently happening across the globe that will inevitably bring about mass turmoil in almost every White nation. I cannot stress enough, how critical a time we are living in. It is your absolute duty to try and wake up every good White man and woman that you can. I don't want to hear any of the, "it's too late to wake up the normies", nonsense. It's never too late. Waking our people up, to the plot to end the European bloodline, is paramount to our survival.
We're living in the age of the, (((communist endgame strategy))), and there's a fork in the road ahead of us. One path is easy, and the other is going to be extremely difficult. I don't think I have to tell any of you how the easy path will turn out for us. That leaves us with the difficult path, and difficult it shall be.
Absolute determination, and steadfast devotion to duty will be what's required for our success. As Aryans these qualities come natural to us. Once united, our people are unstoppable! For that reason alone, the jews want to destroy us.
We're not too late, we're right on time. Natsoc Florida, and other Natsoc movements are an immune response to the cancer that plagues us. We will not be lead sheepishly to slaughter. If you aren't active now, get moving while we still have the upper hand.
God bless all of you that are fighting the good fight. Seeing all of the activity and networking taking place within our state is a huge White pill. Keep up the good work.
Hail Victory, Hail Hitler!
We're living in the age of the, (((communist endgame strategy))), and there's a fork in the road ahead of us. One path is easy, and the other is going to be extremely difficult. I don't think I have to tell any of you how the easy path will turn out for us. That leaves us with the difficult path, and difficult it shall be.
Absolute determination, and steadfast devotion to duty will be what's required for our success. As Aryans these qualities come natural to us. Once united, our people are unstoppable! For that reason alone, the jews want to destroy us.
We're not too late, we're right on time. Natsoc Florida, and other Natsoc movements are an immune response to the cancer that plagues us. We will not be lead sheepishly to slaughter. If you aren't active now, get moving while we still have the upper hand.
God bless all of you that are fighting the good fight. Seeing all of the activity and networking taking place within our state is a huge White pill. Keep up the good work.
Hail Victory, Hail Hitler!