OWLM Network

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

Network of channels who believe Our White Lives Matter.
Acts as both a network and backup for device banned member channels.

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Welcome to the OWLM Network, it appears many of you have been redirected here by fraudulent claims made by a Jew.

That would appear to mean "we're bad enough goys" to be considered targets for this smear campaign. 😎

You won't find a more racist corner of Telegram, so I'm glad to have you here, please check out the channel list! Lots of great stuff here.

For the liars, slanders, jews and nons, you have naught but God to fear.

Blacklist - Archive dan repost
dox hoax.png
Sloppiest Jewish Hoax Since The Holocaust.

So a hoax dox, is posted by @DarkFleet1488 on his channel @papersplease1488, which only forwards Alt Skull's channels, and cloned the posts to @altskullofficial and shared among only Alt Skull channels.
Then a known Alt Skull supporter @BowlTards posts cropped screenshots of the hoax dox and claimed this was done by "Hans Henry Reinhart" without any evidence to link him.

Just a baseless claim.

A further hole is that @papersplease1488 has never once shared a single post by any channel @bowltards linked as Henry's, but has shared hundreds by Alt Skull....?

Cohencidence right?
Take notes, this is what a Jewish smear campaign looks like.

Australian Renaissance dan repost
We're joining back with @FaithAndFolk2! Ambitions as a standalone channel didn't take off but that's okay.

Dw if you just want to see Australian Renaissance posts, stay subbed here and we'll forward back :) otherwise follow the new channel and search for #Au to filter the posts.

This Is Europa dan repost
We're joining up with @FaithAndFolk2!

Dw if you just want to see This Is Europa posts, stay subbed here and we'll forward back :) otherwise follow the new channel and search for #ThisIsEuropa to filter the posts.

Planning the reboot if Faith And Folk. Some further consolidation may occur as our friends at @ThisIsEuropa and @AustralianRenaissance are asking to rejoin the main channel as a segment!

If that occurs, we'll keep the old channels up and have their posts auto-forward back to the respective channels.

Some other friends have also approached us to start a White American segment akin to the White Australian segment.

Very exciting!

Banned, Goto: @FaithAndFolk2 dan repost
Forwarded this and several hours later we get device banned on Telegram.

Stand by for channel reboot.

Restored Puritanism — Fides et Gens, Inseperable. dan repost
You should not believe the lies that jews are currently spreading about us, they make baseless claims with no evidence against us, because we love God and love our race, in that order; and wish to discredit us.
Those who support their blantant lies, join them as liars.

We shouldn't expect anything less from jews however, as their father Satan is the father of lies. John 8:44

When these evil people attack me, they will stumble and fall; even if an army of these Jews surround me, I will trust in God. Psalm 27:2-3

You shall not lie. Exodus 20:26; Leviticus 19:11; Deuteronomy 5:20

A false witness will not go unpunished, those who breathe lies will perish. Proverbs 19:9

Liars will find their portion in the lake of fire. Revelation 21:8

I will take no part in their unfruitful works of darkness, they will expose themselves. Ephesians 5:11

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Galatians 6:7-8

They hate God.
They hate the White race.

God will deal with these liars, jews and nons, Himself.
You have God to fear.

Banned, Goto: @FaithAndFolk2 dan repost
Announcement: the aus-posting is spliting off back to it's own dedicated channel again.

Don't worry, all the usual scheduled aus-posting will be forwarded back here at the usual times 😎 but you'll be able to check out extra posts and keep up with current events as well.

Standards of network membership (Contact).

—General/ Memes:

—Theology/ Archæology:


@EatItGoys (Health) ⊛
Christian Identity Library

∆ super-channel: covering every category, created by merging 10 former channels together.
⊛ linked discussion group

@TGNewsU rebranded as @White_West14 but has been since banned.

New channel @IOWAx started.

Many channels since abandoned or deleted, new list coming.

We'd like to welcome the newest member of the network:

Technically a pre-existing member @BTik_Tok who has repurposed their channel and combined with other members here:
- @BTik_Tok
- @FidesEtGens2
- @AryanAnthropology
- @Only_WLM
- @AustralianNation2

Aryan Anthropology was already a combination of several former channel as well:
- Ahnenerbe Aryan Anthropology
- Cæsaris Lvpanar Lingvisticæ Autismiqve
- Aryan Anthropology
- Codex Amiatinus
- Ancient Aryans (Atlantean Gardens)

The new @FaithAndFolk is a combined effort of 10 different former channels, which will provide their own unique content to the new FAF!

Fides et Gens dan repost
We've merged with @BTik_Tok to make @FaithAndFolk! You'll see our new posts there, or if you prefer things to stay the same, just remain subbed here and we'll forward JUST our posts back!

Our group chat was also repurposed for the new channel!

This channel will be going private soon.

Australian Nation dan repost
We've merged with @BTik_Tok to make @FaithAndFolk! You'll see our new Australian posts there, or if you prefer things to stay the same, just remain subbed here and we'll forward JUST our posts back!

This channel will be going private soon.

Sōlum White Lives Matter dan repost
We've merged with @BTik_Tok to make @FaithAndFolk! You'll see our new posts there, or if you prefer things to stay the same, just remain subbed here and we'll forward JUST our posts back!

This channel will be going private soon.

Aryan Archæology, Linguistics & Anthropology dan repost
We've merged with @BTik_Tok to make @FaithAndFolk! You'll see our new anthropology posts there, or if you prefer things to stay the same, just remain subbed here and we'll forward JUST our posts back!

This channel will be going private soon.

Banned, Goto: @FaithAndFolk2 dan repost
I've grown tired of just posting tiktoks, so I'm coming together with some friends to merge our channels, so that I've putting out more than just tiktoks, and that together we build a large strong community.

Don't be worried though, I'll still be posting tiktoks! We'll just be posting much more other content. If you're only interested in the tiktoks, I'll use the hashtag #tiktok so you can filter through them 😎

The channels merging are:
- @BTik_Tok #TikTok
- @FidesEtGens2
- @AryanAnthropology #AA
- @Only_WLM
- @AustralianNation2 #AU
Old channels are going private, so links will be dead.

This channel will also be rebranded as @FaithAndFolk and we'll be opening up a group chat 😎.

@BTik_Tok is dead, long live @FaithAndFolk.

We'd like to welcome our two newest members of the network!


Be sure to sub to each 👌🏻 great channels!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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