Bowl Tards

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

The Bowl Patrol: the mestizos, feds, and faggots of Telegram

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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This channel should just start naming them. We should just start calling out all these channels that support this kind of degeneracy. One by one.

I wonder how many channels who promote Bowl channels know they are infested with brown mestizos who regularly spam chats with gay porn.

Even more interesting is how many know they are non White degenerates but turn a blind eye to milk their brown masters for the upcummies.

>"Yeah, sure we know they spam gay porn in chats with young children in it, but dude, look I gained 20 subs today."


I don't think Vic was ever going to commit acts of violence. He did worse things like spamming gay porn in discussion groups he suspected young children to be members of.

Nehlen explaining how "woke" it is to fill up White chats with gay porn.

Your jewish handlers must be proud of your work destroying the White community.

Fuck you Nehlen you faggot

Nehlen, and the Bowl Patrol knew full well Mackey was compromised. Did they warn anyone? Did they say anything to anyone? To protect Whites on Telegram? Of course not. It's all one giant secret. Got to keep their Honey trap nice and sticky for the next poor moron who walks into their chats.

Think about it.

The Shoah (Apocalypseberg Edition) dan repost
I put a target on myself trying to expose these LARPing faggots. I only hope enough of you listened.
Word is Drengr changed his SN to Lucas and hid his @ right after this came out.
Their boyfriend Dark Traveler just got exposed for platforming another sand nigger.
How long before it comes out that I was right about the rest of their crowd? I won't tell you where to find the Bowl Patrol doxes, but I will say those drug addicts are not /ourguys/ at all.
Bowl Patrol, Uncle Paul, Hate Lab, and Coronachan News Network should be avoided like the plague and shunned entirely from anything that resembles "pro-white".
On the positive side, seeing how much is invested into the subversion of this community tells me that we must be on the right track.

1-Vic Mackey's device is in the hands of the police.

2-The Bowl Patrol is compromised.

3-Nehlen & his orbiters are compromised.

4- People have been saying this for years.

How many idiots need to be arrested for you to understand this?

Get away from these people. Many of their members aren't even white but are mestizo mongrels. They attack everyone advocating peaceful activism while promoting mass murderers and posting bomb schematics. Anyone hanging around these people or are in their chats have been likely flagged by feds for a closer look.

Wake up morons

Bowl Tards dan repost

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