࿕ 🇮🇷 White Tree 🇮🇷 ࿕

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

Run by a couple of fashy goys who love animals, nature, and history.
White Tree is also the name of the first Ecofascist Animal Sanctuary which is located in North Carolina.

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Zionists mad. Now this is what I call team work. Good job friends.

And this is the last response I’m giving. I’m sure these folks will continue using photoshop and messaging each other to manufacture bizarre things about us. Antifa has been doing this shit for years. If you want the truth, most folks know how to contact us. We don’t hide a thing and we will be happy to clear anything up. Thank you all and have a great evening

To give you an idea of the type of people spreading false info... here you go. I have never sent anyone requests for “bobs and vagene”. This conversation never took place. This picture was from my doxxing which is available online. If you have to create manufactured conversations, perhaps you aren’t the best source of truthful information.

We do not respond to personal attacks. There are friends of ours that are defending us and we appreciate you all, but we do not feel like responding to sick people. So understand why we aren’t saying anything. Also, we’re busy. We had a spay/neuter cat clinic today😽

Our purpose for being on this platform is to expose Jewish supremacy and control, promote kindness to animals, respect for the environment, historical investigations and revisionism , and promote anti globalist stances.

We are both long time IRL activists that were doxxed and deplatformed on other social media channels for our views. We’ve dealt with Antifa attempting to have us SWATTED and numerous death threats. So when bored people on social media say goofy things, we don’t care.

Personal attacks are irrelevant. The world does not revolve around you or me. However, spreading false information about racial science, history, and demographics is problematic and should be refuted.

The assertion that Race Facts channel is run by a bunch of pissed off Arabs is false. I know the man who runs it and he’s of European descent living in the US. No Middle Eastern heritage. We disagree on religion. He’s Christian, we are pagan but he is a good person and debunking a lot of false information being spread.

Bottom line, we refuse to engage in any vitriolic banter and we suggest others avoid such behavior. During the Iran crisis I certainly made some unsavory comments about war mongering Neocons like Ben Shapiro, but I think I get a pass there 😹

Have a wonderful night friends, ignore the low brow, stay focused, and we shall continue with the Lindbergh baby investigation tomorrow.

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
So basically, MEK itself Admitted:
— Almost ALL Protests happening NOW in Iran are linked to MEK, a Iranian Communist Terror Cult, which is backed by America directly.

Iran makes a grave mistake and shoots down a passenger plane. They do the most honest and noble thing possible afterwards by admitting and apologizing which I doubt Israel or the US would do.

Out of millions of Iranians, a few hundred protest.

Trump praises this fringe group that is Marxist and were the same people who opposed Shah Pahlavi.

And look who they are being funded by.

Do not believe the media. These are liars.


Christians who mock Pagan reconstructionists as "LARPing", I wonder: If Christianity was an extinct religion, and you came across the Bible, would you accept Jewsus as your lord and savior? Or would you deny him, because that's a dead religion and you too grown to LARP?

Green Dragon 🐉 dan repost
Samson Option

Truman & Solzhenitsyn observed Jews are a cruel and ignoble people. Unlike chivalrous Doc Holiday, their hypocrisy knows no bounds. As such they unironically focus upon whining & shrieking about "hate!" from others. Generally people simply try to forget these obnoxious unpleasant people are there at all, however. The "hate" comes after they persist in insulting us, subverting our countries, disenfranchising & preying upon our people. These are basically paranoid schizophrenic gypsies critiquing us day and night; telling us how wicked we are. Somehow they believe that should work out well for them. Oh, & if they don't get their way, they've promised to blow up the
world. What's not to like?

ZOG War Crimes (WWII) dan repost
January 1933: Hitler becomes Chancellor and begins to remove Communists from positions of power (Note: Jews have been occupying Germany since 1919 when the Weimar Constitution was drafted by a Jew, Hugo Preuss).

Race facts is a great channel run by a guy who is European. If you want accurate research presented that is well sourced, check this channel out.

The average score of the country is 97. But when they tested Southern Iranians it was 108.9.

Eat shit.

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
Thank you, Kushner.

Very cool.

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
President Donald Trump in Persian:

"To the brave and suffering Iranian people:
— I have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my government will continue to stand with you.

We are following your protests closely. Your courage is inspiring."

Wotan Nation⚡⚡ dan repost
Comparative immortality.

In India we find the story of the substance Amrita.
Amrita is a word that literally means "immortality" and is often referred to in ancient Indian texts as nectar. "Amṛta" is etymologically related to the Greek ambrosia. Its first occurrence is in the Rigveda, where it is considered one of several synonyms for soma, the drink of the devas.
The photo is of the goddess Mohini, the female form of Vishnu, holding the pot of amrita which she distributes amongst all the devas.

In Norse mythology there is the goddess Iduna who guards the golden apples of imortality.
"Iduna, the Goddess, tended the tree on which the shining apples grew. None would grow on the tree unless she was there to tend it. No one but Iduna might pluck the shining apples. Each morning she plucked them and left them in her basket and every day the Gods and Goddesses came to her garden that they might eat the shining apples and so stay for ever young."

In Greek Mythology we have the Hesperides, the daughters of Night, who guarded the golden apples beyond Ocean in the far west of the world.
One of the twelve labors of Hercules is to go to the Garden of the Hesperides and pick the golden apples off the Tree of Life growing at its center.

In China there is the legend of Queen of the west. A goddess who guards the peach tree that grows the peaches of immortality that grows on mount kunlun. Mount kunlun considered to be a central world pillar or axis mundi.

Some common elements of these and other similar stories is that the substance of immortality is guarded by a goddess, has an association to a tree and is located at some central world pillar.
There is also some crossing over event or entering a beyond the mundane realm before this mythical destination can be reached.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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