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Tupi Report 🇧🇷 dan repost
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🇧🇷⚖️✔️🍃 — The Supreme Federal Court (STF) of Brazil has reached a majority to decriminalize the possession of marijuana for personal use; the vote of Minister Dias Toffoli was decisive in the ruling.

💬 Toffoli declared that he is against penal punishment for any drug user, not just marijuana. "No user of any drug can be criminalized. That was the intent of the 2006 law, to decriminalize all drug users."

❌ Ministers Cristiano Zanin, Nunes Marques, André Mendonça, and Luiz Fux defended maintaining drug possession as a crime, as decided by Congress in 2006.

🌹 In all votes for decriminalization, the main argument was the inconsistency with which people caught with drugs are classified as traffickers or users.

According to the ministers, this lack of criteria ends up favoring discrimination against poor and black people from the favelas. Even with small amounts, most of them end up being imprisoned as traffickers, while white and middle- and upper-class people almost always avoid harsh punishments, being classified as users.

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301Military dan repost
The Supreme Court of Israel has mandated that the government draft ultra-Orthodox Jews for military service on general grounds.

301Military dan repost
The radiation monitoring post of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Velyka Znamenka was completely destroyed after a strike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Assyrian News Network dan repost
🇮🇷 — Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: A senior officer in the Islamic Guard Corps, along with armed factions loyal to Tehran, attended the secret meeting in Baghdad. Their principal topic was “each faction’s ideas about the method it proposes to support Hezbollah.”

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence dan repost
Military Situation On Ukrainian Frontlines On June 25, 2024 (Maps Update)

❌❌🇵🇱🇸🇪 — Visegrad24, a Main Pro-Intermarium, Pro-West National-Conservative Page on Twitter/, based in Poland and Sweden & spiritual successor of the "Based Poland" virtual movement, was suspended on the platform

The page was routinely included as one of the largest vectors of support for 🇵🇱 Intermarium virtually, and served as a bridge between supporters of the Likud 🇮🇱 Right-Wing Government of Israel, 🇺🇦supporters of Ukraine, 👑👑 Iranian Monarchists, 🇺🇸 moderate Trumpists, and influencers linked to the 🇪🇺 ECR European Union bloc

DD Geopolitics dan repost
🇦🇺🇺🇸 The hearing on Assange's case on the island of Saipan has begun, reports the Australian TV channel ABC.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

DD Geopolitics dan repost
🇦🇺🇺🇸 Assange arrived at the court where a decision on his case will be made as part of a deal with American justice.

About 25 journalists were admitted to the hearing on Assange's case, but filming the court proceedings will be prohibited, writes the Washington Post.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

Sahelian Backup dan repost
🔦🏴❌🇩🇪 — The attacker died a while after being flown to the hospital, 4 other people were injured on various degrees.

The background is still unclear but I doubt it is a terrorist motivated attack.


World Affairs Blog dan repost
🇩🇪 - IED explosion in Solingen, Germany causes 1 fatality and 4 injuries.

Venezuela News Network | Intel, Urgently News and Archives dan repost
Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

Venezuela’s state oil company PDVSA has begun using tankers that navigate off radar to supply its closest political ally, Cuba, as a fleet of state-owned vessels that have historically covered the route dwindles, according to documents and ship monitoring services.

🇰🇵🚀❗️ — 🇯🇵 Japan Coast Guard: North Korean Regime has reportedly launched a suspected ballistic missile

Tupi Report 🇧🇷 dan repost
🇧🇷🇵🇸⁉️🇵🇸 — 🚓 Brazil has deported a Palestinian man and his family after Brazilian federal police were alerted by the United States that a "Hamas operative" was traveling to the South American country

✈️ Muslim Abuumar along with his pregnant wife, son and mother-in-law, were detained on Friday entering the country at Sao Paulo's Guarulhos airport and put on a Qatar Airways flight back to Doha two days later, police sources told Reuters.

❌ According to an injunction filed by Abuumar's lawyer, Bruno Henrique de Moura, the Palestinian family was detained by police on entry at Guarulhos airport without a warrant. It said they were coming to visit his brother who lives in Brazil.

👮 Brazilian police sources, however, said Abuumar was not coming for a visit but to stay in Brazil and become a spokesman for Hamas. Once source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the large amount of luggage he brought with his family showed he was planning to stay longer.

💬 Palestinian ambassador in Brasilia, Ibrahim Al Zeben, said nobody officially contacted the embassy about Abuumar. "We trust Brazilian policy," he said. One of the justifications used by the American department was a photo posted in 2019 showing Abuumar in a delegation organized by Hamas at the time.

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War Surveyor | Breaking News From The Middle East dan repost
⚡️#BREAKING Kann News correspondent: The UN has informed Israel that it will stop aid operations throughout Gaza without urgent measures to improve safety.

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
🔥 🇰🇪 Governor's office in Embu, Kenya Set ablaze.

📸 Photos by Muriithi Mugo

📎 Standard Kenya

DD Geopolitics dan repost
🇮🇷💬🇮🇱 US State Department: Gallant informed Blinken that Israel wants to reach a political settlement with Hezbollah.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
🇰🇪 Malik Obama’s reaction to his sister being tear gassed during the riots in Nairobi, Kenya:

She's fake as Fake Ass A Snake President Barack Obama.

📎 Malik Obama

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇰🇪 🇺🇸 President Obama’s sister Auma was tear-gassed in Kenya riots.


DD Geopolitics dan repost
🇺🇸🇷🇺 The White House stated that there is "absolutely no consensus" within the G7 on what to do with the principal amount of Russia's frozen assets.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

Rybar in English dan repost
🇰🇪 On the mass unrest in Kenya

Since June 20th, there have been daily protests in Kenya with thousands of people participating.

The reason for the protests was the government's proposal to introduce additional fees on basic goods such as bread, vegetable oil and sugar in order to overcome the budget deficit. These measures caused understandable unrest across the country, as the population is already struggling to make ends meet, and additional taxes will only exacerbate the situation.

▪️On June 20th, protests in the Kenyan capital Nairobi and other major cities gathered thousands of people, against whom the police used tear gas and, as reported, live ammunition. During the suppression of the rallies, 1 protester was killed and another 200 were injured.

Soon after, the parliament decided to revise the budget amendments on June 25th. For this same day, the opposition planned large-scale protests, which are now unfolding and have already resulted in the storming of government buildings.

▪️Meanwhile, government spokesman Isaac Mwaura suspected foreign powers of sponsoring the protests. In the same speech, he mentioned that the current president Ruto could have made statements that displeased other people.

In particular, he reminded of the Kenyan leader's participation in the Ukrainian peace summit in Switzerland. Thus, he indirectly accused the Russian leadership of instigating the protests.

▪️Also, some Western observers note the appearance of the Russian flag at the protests, which does not indicate the presence of instigators from Russia. Recently, the tricolor has become a symbol of protest against the West on the African continent, and in the logic of rallies directed against the government, its appearance is quite appropriate.

🔻The reaction of the Kenyan officials shows how the Western press has influenced the local government. Now all the problems within the country can be conveniently attributed to the cursed Russians, instead of seeing the beam in their own eye. And it's understandable: just the other day, Kenya became the main non-NATO ally of the USA, and the new status obliges a certain politeness on a whole range of foreign policy issues.

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